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The next few days were complete hell. Rebecca was sick, Colby had work, Bexley didn't want to go with Colby and leave Rebecca alone but at the same time didn't want to bother Rebecca and wanted her to rest.

"Bexley I have to leave in 10 minutes if I want to make the flight" Colby said "are you coming with me or are you staying here with mommy?"

"What if something happens and nobody's here with her? But what if I make her even sicker by being her and she has to watch me instead of sleep?" She asked numerous questions

"Listen... mommy will be fine, either way she'll be fine. Now do you want to stay here or go with me?" Colby asked again

"I guess I'll go with you.. but grandma will be here right?" Bexley asked "she'll make sure mommy's alright?"

"Yes, grandma will come over and check on mommy everyday we're gone, you can call her every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed as well" Colby explained "now come on we gotta get to the airport"

They said their goodbyes to Rebecca, gathered all their belongings, and quickly made the almost 30 minute drive to the airport.

Due to bad weather, their flight was delayed, which gave them about 2 hours to kill.

Bexley had been complaining she was hungry for the past hour, so they stopped at the little food court in the airport to get a bite to eat.

"I miss mommy already" Bexley said through a mouthful of her sandwich

"Get used to it kiddo, mommy isn't going to be able to come with us much anymore" Colby said "even when the baby is born, it's going to take a while before they can come with us"

"I think next week I'll stay with mommy, then the next week I'll come with you... I'll switch" Bexley said "so I can be with you and mommy"

"Sounds like a good plan" Colby smiled "but you have to promise me something"

"What?" She questioned

"Every time your not with me, I want you to watch out for mommy. Make sure she isn't doing anything she isn't supposed to... can you do that?" He asked

"So basically I'm the mom?" Bexley asked "I get to tell her what to do?"

"Sorta.." Colby laughed "just watch her, then you tell me"

"So I'm just the watcher and teller?" She questioned and Colby nodded

"Exactly" He said "you know mommy, she'll do anything she wants, even if she's not supposed to"

"Just like she went and worked out the other day.." Bexley slipped "oh wait! I wasn't supposed to say that!"

"She what?" Colby asked "she did a full workout?"

"No, she just walked on the treadmill and lifted some weights" Bexley clarified "just 5 pounds though"

"Looks like me and mommy are going to have a long talk tonight" he said

"Mommy said it doesn't hurt the baby" she said "she said as long as she doesn't do anything to rough the baby's fine" she explained, quoting Rebecca

"I know it doesn't hurt the baby, but it hurts mommy.. or it could. If mommy keeps working out and if she lets herself get dehydrated, it could be bad for mommy and the baby" Colby explained

"She drinks lots of water though" Bexley said "she takes her vitamins and drinks lots of water.. she even started eating foods that help the baby grow and be strong" she explained

"I'm just trying to lookout for mommy Bexley, I'm not trying to control her" Colby explained

"I know that but she knows what she's doing... how do you think I turned out so perfect?" She asked and Colby laughed

"Come on, we got a flight to catch" he shook his head

"But I am perfect right?" Bexley questioned as Colby stood up

"Yes... you are perfect, in your own special, unique way" he kissed her head

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now