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A week after the whole situation with Bexley.. the little girl was back to her normal bubbly self.. like nothing ever happened.

Rebecca asked for a week off, just so she could stay home with Bexley while they tried putting the scare behind them. Colby tried to get off but they wouldn't let him.. to no surprise.

"Hi Nana" Bexley said answering her mothers phone when Annette called

"Well hi sweetheart" Annette replied surprised to hear her granddaughters voice "how are you feeling?"

"Good" Bexley said annoyed by the question she'd been asked at least 100 times "wanna talk to mommy?"

"That would be great" Annette answered "i love and miss you"

"I love and miss you too Nana" Bexley said before handing the phone to Rebecca

"Hi ma" Rebecca said the minute she had the phone.. she knew exactly why her mother was calling

"Hello dear" Annette said "I see you've had quite the scare recently"

"Everything's fine.. Bexley is doing great, nothings flared up again, I've got it all under control" she explained and she could feel the feel of judgement from her mother through the phone

Annette had a certain way she raised her kids. She wanted her kids to raise their kids the same way. Rebecca thought that was outrageous and said that she was going to raise her daughter the way she saw best fit. 6 years later.. Annette was still bitter at times with the fact her granddaughter wasn't being raised the way she wanted.

"And I assume Colby isn't there" Annette said "seeing as he wasn't there the 6 previous years.."

"Mom!" Rebecca scolded "he couldn't get off work for the week. He was there when it happened and knew what to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things I need to do.. we'll see you next week" and she hung up the phone

They had planned and trip to Ireland a few weeks prior. It was supposed to happen last week but seeing as everything with Bexley happened it was obviously postponed.

Annette was not fond of Colby either. She knew from the minute Rebecca told her she was pregnant that it was his doing, of course Rebecca denied it at the time. She thought it was outrageous that a man that didn't even know it was his daughter step in and be there for his best friend through this whole journey and not know the truth. Then she found it even more outrageous when Colby found out and all of a sudden wanted to be Daddy.

"Nana is not happy" Rebecca said as she placed a sandwich in front of Bexley who was sitting at the bar

"She doesn't like daddy.. or anything you do with me" Bexley said

"But it's fine.. we're going to Ireland next week and we're gonna have a good time" Rebecca smiled

"As long as you guys don't fight we'll have a good time" Bexley said "and if daddy can keep his mouth shut"

"What do you mean by that?" Rebecca asked with a laugh

"The less he talks.. the less mad Nana gets... I say we tape his mouth shut" Bexley said "and besides, if we're all quiet, Nana has nothing to get mad about"

"You are way too smart for your age" Rebecca shook her head "your 6 and know too much for your own good"

"I'm 6 and 1/2 thank you very much" Bexley corrected "but I learned everything I know from the best" she said sweetly

"And that is?" Rebecca questioned

"My mommy" she stated "the best mommy in the whole wide world"

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now