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"You have three seconds to march your little butt down these stairs and clean up your toys before I do it myself.. and if I have to, you won't see them for a while!" Rebecca hollered up the stairs

Bexley's bedroom door swung open and she began to walk.. no scratch that.. stomp down the stairs and into the living room.

Rebecca and Bexley had been living with Colby for all of 2 weeks at this point. It was an adjustment for sure but they were managing.

Bexley gathered the toys that were strung out across the living room floor and began to take them back upstairs to her room.

"And wipe that look off your face" Rebecca said and Bexley gave a fake smile and proceeded on

Colby walked in the front door to see his girlfriend standing at the bottom of the stair case shaking her head.

"Any reason for that?" He asked and she glared at him

"Oh just our daughter is in a mood and has decided to not listen" Rebecca said "I've already taken her iPad and put her in time out twice"

"She hasn't ever acted like this before, has she?" Colby asked and Rebecca shook her head

"No.. I've never had to be the bad guy, and quite frankly.. I don't like it" she said "I don't know what's gotten into her" she shook her head

Colby walked over and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

"I'll go talk to her" he kissed the top of her head "maybe I can find out what's going on"

Colby went upstairs and into what used to be the guest bedroom that was now turned into Bexley's room. She was sitting on her bed, looking at the ground.

"Hey kiddo" he said as he sat next to her, when she scooted away, it broke his heart a little "what's going on?"

"I don't wanna talk about it" she stated plainly "why do you care anyway?" She questioned and it was obvious to Colby that something was going on

"I care because I love you, your mom does too. You can't just shut us out like this" Colby said "so will you please talk to me?"

"Nobody cares!" Bexley yelled and ran out of the room

Rebecca was at the end of the stairs and caught her daughter before she got any further.

"Hey calm down" she said and Bexley tried to fight out of her grasp

"Let me go!" She yelled but that just caused Rebecca to hold on tighter "let me.." she tried to say again but started crying

"Shh.. mommy's here" Rebecca said and pulled Bexley into her chest

Rebecca looked up at Colby helplessly. Neither of them knew what was happening to their little girl. Maybe it was something they said or did... or maybe it wasn't.

"Will you talk to me?" Rebecca asked and started to wipe the tears off her daughters face "tell me what's going on"

"Colby doesn't want to be my dad" Bexley said

Hearing those words come out of her mouth broke his heart. Where was all this coming from? Who was putting this in her head?

"And you don't want to be my mom" she added "you guys don't love me"

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now