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As Rebecca sat and watched Colby play with Bexley in the backyard... she thought about how much her life had changed. Almost 5 months ago, Colby was her best friend who occasionally helped out with Bexley. Now he was her boyfriend and Bexley's dad. Many people call it weird or unusual that their relationship started this way but she called it a process, yes it was unusual, but it was their own little unusual learning process.

"Bet you can't catch me!" Bexley yelled and started running circles around Colby who easily caught up to the little girl and threw her over his shoulder

"I think I've caught you" He said as he held her tightly with one hand and tickled her with the other

"Daddy no!" She yelled in between giggles "mommy save me!"

Rebecca laughed and ran over to her daughter then took her into her own arms.

"Oh no, do I have to get mommy too?" Colby asked and Rebecca stepped back

"So help me you do and I will hurt you" she said sternly

"Put him in the Dis-arm-her" Bexley said "then he won't have an arm to tickle us"

"What about his other arm?" Rebecca questioned "he has two ya know"

"I'll put that one in the dis-arm-her, we can do a double one" she shrugged

Colby threw his arms up in the air and hung his mouth open "I'm right here!"

Rebecca laughed and walked over and placed her lips on his "You know we love you"

"I question it some days" he said and Bexley smacked him "ow! What was that for?"
"Just because" she shrugged and he took her from Rebecca and began to tickle her again
"Ok ok!" She giggled "truce!"
"I love you sweet girl" Colby smiled and kissed her head
"I love you too daddy" Bexley replied

They spent the entire day together just resting. Rebecca wasn't feeling well later in the day so she went to bed fairly early. Colby wanted to talk to Bexley one on one about something super important and he wanted to get her input before officially doing anything.

"I've already asked Pop and Nana but there's one more special person I need to ask before I can do anything" he said

"Is it me?" Bexley asked

"Yes it is" Colby answered "so can I ask you?" he asked and her little head nodded "and you promise you won't tell mommy?" he questioned and he little head nodded again

"Just ask me!" She exclaimed

"I want to marry mommy... is it alright if I ask her if she'll marry me?" He asked and waited for an answer

Bexley didn't even hesitate "yes" she answered "you didn't have to ask me, I was the one who wanted you guys to get married for like..." she counted on her fingers "6 years" she said and held up 6 fingers

Colby laughed and took her into his lap "You are one special kid, I hope you know that" he said and kissed her head

"You and mommy made me special... so that means your special too" she said "and that means baby brother or sister is going to be special too"

"You both are special, in your own ways" Colby said

Bexley's mouth hung open and her eyes widened as she realized something "Wait if you and mommy get married her last name will be Lopez and then mine will be Lopez too!" She exclaimed "and then the baby's last name will be Lopez!"

"Yes" Colby laughed "We'll all be Lopez"

"The Lopez family" she smiled

Learning process- Becky Lynch+Seth Rollins Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя