In reality, I would have won this contest hands down but not wanting to be immature adults in the eyes of her parents, Arissa had won the prize Lisa had previously bought. She had planned to give her a gift before returning to Korea, it was a kind of tradition between them and I found it kinda cute. 

I was lying in the couch with the television on, where Thai dramas were being broadcast that I couldn't understand a single word. While waiting for Lisa to tie the belt around her luggage, I was admiring my drawing which I was finally proud of. 

It was New Year's Day. Lisa had taken me downtown. It was fantastic. I don't think I've ever seen so many people on an avenue before. It was warm and people were smiling from ear to ear. Everyone was undeniably happy and I was too. Because it was the first time I celebrated New Year's Eve outside of Korea and with someone other than my parents or my group of friends.

There were a few minutes left before the fireworks were set off. People had moved to the area where it was supposed to take place. Lisa and I had robbed the whole food alley, it was crazy. And I felt bloated, all I wanted to do was go home and curl up and digest everything I'd eaten.

But Lisa wouldn't have agreed, especially since she'd already warned me to slow down. But since I wasn't the kind of person to listen, I ate rice, noodles, desserts, and drank a thousand variety of bubble tea. I had enough for my hibernation.

And what about the fireworks? Lisa and I had managed to find a good place to watch it. But with the crowd, we had to make ourselves small. Once again, it was very cliché, Lisa had to backhug me and ended being a romantic scene. We kissed not because we were a couple, we just felt like doing it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything. It was just special and I kinda liked it. 

Our relationship had improved in a positive way. We undoubtedly enjoyed each other's company. Especially when it came to being in the same bed. I'd never been able to experience that guest room by the way. 

But none of us had also talked about what had happened during that stay. We had only enjoyed and put aside our concerns and doubts. Now that I think about it, it's very very very cliché. I mean, I used to criticize romance movies. But that didn't mean the consequences were going to be negative, right?

"Are you ready?" 

Yes, I was ready to go home, but not ready for what happened after we got back.


The coolness of Seoul was one of the things I missed. I wasn't really into the warm seasons, and Thailand wasn't the best place to refresh yourself. But this short stay in a tropical country changed my ideas and opened me to new horizons. The activities I have experienced, I have never tried them. To tell you the truth, I never wanted to do it, but each person has his resolutions. I was always on the right track with my routines but by deciding to get out of my comfort zone, I became even more confident.

As a professor, I needed to keep that confidence. I always had to go further than others because I was a role model, a public figure. You can't imagine how frustrating it was when a single incident threw you off balance for days. At the beginning of my career, I worked tirelessly because I was afraid of making a fool of myself. I had this image in my head of a teacher who could not make any mistakes and I kept saying the same thing over and over again, until now.

My colleagues were saying that I needed to ease up because I was going to end up getting my pension sooner than I expected. That is why I have always got on better with pre-pensioners than with young graduates. At least they were experienced and knew what I was going through.

Even my mother couldn't stand me anymore, I was a workaholic. Today, I'm less of a pain in the ass and my mother still manages to complain. Now you understand why she wants to find me a girlfriend. 

She was convinced that by finding me someone, I would be cured of this disease. She was honestly dramatic as a woman. Returning to Seoul, I prayed for a few days of rest before seeing my mother unexpectedly arrive at my place since she had learned that I was in Thailand to celebrate Christmas and New Year. I'll spare you from reading her messages.

I was back in my car that I had left in the airport parking lot. The landscape and the typical buildings of the city were causing that rather unpleasant knot in my stomach that we knew as 'stress'. But ironically with Jennie Kim sitting in the passenger seat, my muscles relaxed. I was in the same state of mind when we were at the elephant camp, when we had devoured the food alley, when we had climbed the mountain, when we were watching Thai dramas and I had to translate for her because she wouldn't shut her mouth. 

I admit, I do enjoy her company. No, hell, it's more than enjoying. These few days abroad made me discover a new side of her. I was happy to meet this other person because I realized how distorted my judgments were and that in the future, I had better watch out for what was being said.

On the other hand, I was scared. Creating a link other than teacher-student was illegal but above all against the values of society. The situation was worse than having created a bond because I had just returned from a trip with one of my students with whom I had had sexual relations. 

Do you see me in the future?

Yeah, in the jail. 

Jennie and I may have been the same age, but we were in two different positions. A fence was supposed to separate us. 

To protect us. 

Shit, I couldn't even be friends with her.

Picture for a second if you were parents and one day your daughter or son comes home and tells you that he or she had a certain relationship with his or her teacher. You would think that we were no longer safe because even teachers were predators. 

That's exactly what I was. The situation seemed less serious because we were both young, but it was still illegal. It was stipulated that a teacher was not allowed to have a relationship with a student outside of class unless the student was a graduate. It was written all over the place.

"Lisa? Can we stop by your place first? I have to go to the toilet, I'll never make it home," she pounced on the seat, squeezing her legs. 

"Of course," 

"Hurry up! I'm this close to pissing in my pants!" Jennie didn't even have time to close the car door, so she ran to the apartment. I walked slowly on purpose, spinning the keys around my finger, "Lisa!"

"All right, woman. Jeez, why didn't you go when we were at the airport?"

"Because there was a long queue, they're not clean and comfortable? Have I answered all your questions? Then open the fucking door!"she was damn pissed and I was enjoying the scene. 

I shook my head while I was laughing at her pissing state. I put the key in but stopped turning it when I heard a noise in the living room. I had good enough ears to recognize my mother's voice talking to someone I didn't know. But for sure, it was a woman. 

I pushed the door and cut them short so they had to look at me. 

"What the hell is that mom?"

"Oh my dear daughter is back! Come here, I want you to meet Suzy," 

Shit, that Suzy. 

Bad lust - JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now