EP. 13 - Perfect

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Niya looked over the Lookout once more. 

Kusuke frowned. "Sis, don't tell me you're thinking about what I think you are." His sister didn't reply, making him sigh. "If Vegeta and your boyfriend can't handle Cell, then it might be an option."

Niya turned to him with a blush, looking uncomfortable. "Trunks is not my boyfriend..."

Kusuke smirked. "Yeah, sure. For now."

Piccolo and Tien turned away but glanced at each other, as if they were thinking the same thing about Niya's transformation. Her form was more than strong enough to handle Cell, but her body was not. If worse came to shove, she had to--

Suddenly, all the fighters snapped their heads to the edge of the Lookout. They all sensed Vegeta powering up. 

"It's started," Piccolo spoke up. "His ki is increasing... and increasing!"

Tien stared in shock, "It's inconceivable!"

Niya and Kusuke glanced at each other, speechless before returning their gaze over the Lookout. "It's nothing like I've ever sensed before!" she cried in shock. Kusuke, however, remained silent with narrow eyes. 

"Show me what you can do, Vegeta," the Namekian said to himself. "Show me what lies beyond a Super Saiyan!" 

Anxious for the battle, they all waited in anticipation. Could Vegeta really beat Cell? 

× × ×

Once the battle between Cell and Vegeta began, it was obvious that the Saiyan Prince had the upper hand. Every one of Cell's efforts proved futile. He was taking an epic beating from the same Vegeta that had been taken down by the blonde Android 18. Even she, watching from afar on the same island with Android 16, was shocked at Vegeta's suddenly enormous strength and skill. Unbeknownst to them, the Saiyan Prince and his son were prepared with a whole year's worth of training.

× × ×
"Wow, Vegeta's doing great against Cell!" Niya exclaimed with a hopeful look. Her Red Jewel was lightly glowing as she was sensing the battle. "He can definitely defeat him!" 

Kusuke stared in silence over the Lookout, his jewel also glowing. With a quiet sigh, he grumbled, "Then why doesn't he do it? Why doesn't he put an end to Cell already?"

"Because he's a saiyan," Piccolo simply replied beside him. "He's been hungry for this fight ever since his pride was hurt when he fought against Android 18. He needs to prove himself to be the strongest to regain his pride and show he's the strongest."

Kusuke frowned. "Are you serious? He's just toying with Cell to make himself feel better?" he questioned in a tight tone. "I feel insulted by how he's tarnished the saiyan name."

"Kusuke," Niya warned.

"What?" Kusuke turned to her and then Piccolo. "The proper course of action would be to defeat your enemy as quickly as possible. Toying with your enemy is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Piccolo crossed his arms as he stared out over the Lookout. "Vegeta is a warrior who lives for the fight. That's just how he is."

Tien nodded. "That's how he's always been. And since he's trained so hard, he's not going to hesitate to show off."

Kusuke just shook his head. "As long as he, or even Trunks, defeat Cell." 

"They will," Niya told him, clenching her fists. Then, quieter, she said, "They have to. He promised." She flinched and looked down at her feet as Niko grabbed onto her leg, also looking over the Lookout, but he wore a curious expression. 

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