It was easier than I thought it would be to get used to the idea of sharing my girl with Steve and Clint, I thought as I hung up the phone after my angel had fallen asleep. However I was not going to share her with anyone else. She could be friends with whoever she wanted, but that would be as far as it would go. I trusted her, and I trusted Bruce. But for my peace of mind he was going to get a little talking to.

    I turned around and re-entered Bruce and I's research and development lab. It was different from my personal lab in the fact that it had everything Bruce would need as well as all of my tech. So it was larger in size as well as having more hazardous materials than I usually stayed around. That and the color scheme was all chrome. Plus I didn't have any of my cars on display in here, for their safety. I had learned my lesson with that when I was first learning to use my flight stabilizers.

        Bruce was back at his station mixing some chemicals and listening to his classical music. I didn't want to accidentally cause a CODE GREEN, so I slowly walked over to my station and took a seat on my bar stool. My computers were still running a specialized decryption program I had created on a few files that Director Fury had sent me on the DL, and my other computers were running diagnostics on a piece of jewelry that I was making for Stella. Once it was complete, it would be like the sensors on my Iron Man wristlet, sending J.A.R.V.I.S. her vitals, as well as her immediate location down to the millimeter. 

        I sounded like a possessive asshole, and I knew it. To be fair though, I wouldn't be monitoring her all the time. The only time that her location would be looked at, would be in case of an emergency. Same with her vitals. Even then, it would be her choice if she wanted those features turned on or not, I planned on doing everything in my power to persuade her in the yes direction. I still planned on giving her the bracelet no matter what she ended up deciding anyway, but having those features handy might end up being useful.

         I've never felt like this with anyone in my life, but I wanted to give Stella everything, the wristlet was just the first of the many things I planned on designing and creating for her. She deserved to be showered with gifts and I planned on pampering her while doing just that. After all, I had the money. So far I planned on designing a whole set of floors with her in mind along with her input. She would have everything she could ever possibly want in this tower, and I planned on funding many shopping trips. Anything my angel wanted, she would get. Period. 

        Bruce was finally coming to a point in his experiment where I could interrupt him, so I grabbed a phillips head screwdriver to keep my hands busy, and walked over towards his work space.

        "Tony you've been staring at me with that conniving look in your eye that either means your going to do something stupid or I'm going to help you do something stupid and I don't like it." Bruce said as I moved closer to him and picked up a beaker of murky fluid.

         "What even is this?" I asked as I swirled it around with one hand, but it was snatched from my hand before I could figure it out.

        "That is iodine and I would prefer it if you wouldn't spill it all over my research." Bruce said as he looked at me with wide eyes. 

     "Whatever." I paused and moved to stand behind him and looked over his shoulder. People kept telling me that I had problems with personal space, but I didn't see it. "So now to the important part of this nights regularly scheduled programing. You and Stella have been getting along pretty well huh?"

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