Misery Loves Company (1)

Start from the beginning

"I'll be your chauffeur today for free."

My eyes widened.

Free... Free... Free. "...You're going to do that?"

Why... He should have said that from the beginning! It would be really convenient to use a car to go around the city-No, I mean- A mafia boss is doing charity work! Of course I should encourage him to do something good! 

He nodded. 

"Okay..?" I uttered, trying to gauge his sincerity. When he didn't retract his words, I nodded in affirmation. "Okay! Let's go!" I nodded, and immediately turned around to leave. When I didn't hear his footsteps behind me,  I turned around and raised a brow at him. 

"What are you waiting for..? Hurry, or we won't be able to go anywhere at this rate!" I seized his hand and dragged him along without waiting for a response. 


"Your car is in the basement, right?" Where else would he park it? 

"Ah, I heard there's a really famous sculpture in Mines Look. Let's go there first while I check a few more places. Since it's early, the traffic should be light, right?" I lied about my plans, so I have to act like I'm deciding on the spot.

"Sure." He agreed, making me smile while nodding in approval. That's right. He should just agree. He's the one tagging along with a sinister motive anyway. 

As soon as we found his car, I immediately hopped in the backseat and was about to shut the door when he suddenly pulled it back with a tug of his hand.

"...Even though I told you I'd give you a ride but you aren't going to make me look like a driver, are you?"

It was said in a calm and solemn manner, but I felt goosebumps crawling on my skin so I made up a dumb lie, "I...- I just wanna test the cushion back here... Ahahaha..."

He arched a brow. "I'll let you test it but not now..." He had looked at me pointedly before going to the driver's seat.

Hmmmm? I wrinkled my nose, dumbfounded by his misleading words. How suspicious...

If a normal man had said it, my mind would have interpreted it differently, but Axton and normal don't go well together side by side  even if the world were to turn upside down. I gingerly made my way into the passenger's seat and made myself comfortable, choosing to disregard his weird statement. However, a minute had passed, and he was yet to start the engine.

"What's wrong? Let's go. I'm ready." I turned my neck to the left and saw him staring at me. From when, I don't know exactly... But what is it about this time?? That stare is really starting to get on my nerves. Mostly because it seemed to have become an ominous  foreshadowing of my worst embarrassments.

Without warning, he started drawing near, making me retreat in reflex. "Wh-what is it?" My eyes widened when his hands came up.

What the hell! Is he going to strangle me?!

I turned around and tried to open the door but found it locked. Damned child safety locks! I'm not a child! Raw fear held me hostage as I sensed the presence behind me closing the small gap that was left between us.

"Y-you can't do this to me!" I cowered as I moved away from him as far as I can. I was practically glued to the window when I felt one of his cold hands reach for my neck. He's definitely going for the instant kill! I shrieked and scampered away from it, effectively landing myself on his chest.

Drats..! I'll really die here. Maybe it's my punishment for being too gullible. At the mention of free, I have turned my back on my plan and practically dragged him to accompany me. Maybe I actually deserve this...-

A light snort in mock amusement reached my ear making me frown. There was a click coming from below and when I looked at it, I discovered that he had fastened the seat-belt for me. I was mortified after realizing his (slightly suspicious) actions were not to strangle me as I had so easily made myself believe.

With stiff movements, I turned away from him and silently faced the car window, wanting to slap my face hard. Why?? What sins did I commit in the past to make me deserve this humiliation?!

"What do you think am I doing?" His voice was cool as usual but I could hear a faint teasing tone clipped along his words.

Damn him. Couldn't he let me suffer in peace?

"Nothing..." I answered almost inaudibly, feeling my cheeks burn from shame. How could I tell him I thought he was going to strangle me to death?

"Next time, don't forget to put your seat-belt on." He said before finally starting the car.

I pulled the window down and let the wind hit my face. Maybe it would also take some of my embarrassment away.

I vow it on my dying dignity. I will never accept a free ride from him ever again. Even if it's an emergency and I need to go to the hospital, I'd rather spit blood than enter his car!


A/N: If it's an emergency regarding life, it's okay to swallow your pride... okay?? lol

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