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Im sure that the fact that I didn't kill rosalyn was going to haunt me for years to come, nobody would understand my reasoning I wasn't doing it because of some cunning strategy i had or the inborn brutality of my kind no when i looked into her eyes blood streaming down her face I no longer saw a fierce adversary i saw a scared child thrust into leadership by my hand. I couldn't kill her, because if I did how could I live with myself? I stood on the prow of the boat tawny came to stand beside me she was still pale but otherwise unscathed by her time with the messians. "Home," she said wistfully.

"it's been so long that I almost forgot what Tarrakonian air smelt like," I wrinkled my nose. "smells like fish to me." She shoved me playfully, "That's rich coming from you." I smiled at her, she hadn't asked me why we had retreated unlike Inkeri and Thumond who scoffed, saying that they had known that my weakness would betray me.

"I can't wait to see mother, do you think she'll recognise me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course she'll recognise you although maybe you shouldn't tell her about your fall of of the city walls I do rather like my head attached to my shoulders.".

tawny smiled at me sweetly. "so do you like osmund?"

"Wow tawny you sure are a master of subtlety."

"I've been trying to ask you subtly for weeks now but it wasn't working. With you directness is key."

"I think that's none of your business."

Tawny rolled her eyes, "how am I supposed to not get curious when you flirt all the time."

"Sorry to break up the fun but can i steal eerika?" Osmund asked coming closer. Tawny was more than happy to oblige sprinting below deal with a speed only challenged by her swimming.

"So you heard all that ?" I asked trying to mask my blush with my hair. He nodded,

"I get the feeling that tawny was right about the whole directness thing so im just going to ask you." He took a deep breath and said,

"do you like me?" I felt nervous overtake me, what do I say? What do i do? I'm prepared for 25 different styles of combat but this stumps me? Then i look at him. Sweet funny Osmund who never fails to make me smile and laugh who always has the best advice and never judges me."Yeah i think i do." his smile widens (If thats even possible)."Well that's good," He puts his arm around my shoulders, "because I'm pretty fond of you too." We stare ahead and i can't help wondering what adventures await us on our home shores.

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