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Osmunds plan had worked perfectly. A small group of our forces had snuck into the city and fought in the palace hopefully this would leave them afraid. Having to come up with answers to questions like can our walls protect us? Are we safe? And most importantly, would it be better to attack? I had wanted to be there fighting alongside my people it had taken osmund and amaya half a day and three bouts of projectile throwing to finally convince me it was a bad idea to have the leader in such a dangerous situation. Guilt took root in my stomach when I heard of the murdered prince the image of tawny falling forever on repeat in my brain. "No." I bellowed at Tawny. "You will not come with us." Word came yesterday that the Messians were planning a full frontal assault and after last time there was no way in hell Tawny was coming with us.


"My word is final... Even to my sister." Tawny huffed giving me what she considered a death stare but honestly just made her look like a pissed of kitten. I matched her glare with a death stare of my own. "You two can protect the camp." Osmund said kindly, Tawny still wasn't a fan of Osmund but I suspected it had more to do with jealousy over me spending so much time with him than her actually having a problem with him. She muttered something unintelligible Whilst giving me a dirty look. "Lets go tarrigen." Tarrigen gave me an equally filthy look puffing smoke out of his nose as he followed tawny. "Well." I said smiling at Osmund. "I take back my many comments about how your as bright as a boulder that plan of yours was great." He Smirked back." Thank you... I don't take back my comments about the empty space between your ears." I laughed shoving him playfully, "Seriously when this is all over if you would like to help me fill that admittedly empty space i'd be really grateful."

"If this is your way of trying to get me alone all you had to do was ask."

"Shut up." I huffed shuffling from foot to foot as a faint pink tinge coloured my features. His contagious grin spread wider at my obvious discomfort. "Oh I know why your so crabby, your worried you'll be too distracted by me in the battle to be any help." He tutted wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "A Quandary old as time itself." I rolled my eyes.

"I think I'll manage."

We were waiting for the messians at the edge of a field the river and forest we were camping in behind us. I could see the messians riding towards us in the distance and at the head of the army was the porcelain doll, her eyes locked on mine and a sneer curled her delicate red lips. I Lifted my hand and war horns blared signaling it was time to attack.

We careered towards them in a blur of adrenaline taking out messians to my left and right with the curve of my axe. I could barely see what was going on osmund who had been at my right side when the battle had started was now leagues away taking on three of their knights all on his own. I started to make my way towards him disposing of the messians whos path I crossed when i saw a mounted knight headed straight for me. I held my ground daring him to attack, then I waited until the last second to sidestep out of his path grabbed him by the shoulder yanked him off his horse and stab him in the gut. The battle raged on in a blur of blood and steel. The messians were losing fast only a quarter of their original numbers remained. The princess sat on her horse, away from the battle.

"Princess! Come down here and fight me." I shouted up at her. She remained stoic. "What's wrong? Scared that pretty dress of yours will get dirty?" She raised a delicate eyebrow her face contorted with cold fury and for a second the rest of the battlefield fell away. until her hands became coated with ice as more and more icey soldiers materialised in front of me.

I stood my ground avoiding hits and waiting for an opportunity. Finally I saw an opening ducking down to avoid a stab to the heart and slashing three of the ice soldiers lower legs clean from the rest of their bodies but the ice simply reformed as if nothing had happened. I shuffled back, I couldn't keep this up. I may have had a chance if they would do me the courtesy of staying dead but like this? I needed a backup plan. I didn't know much about magic but tawny had told me that you need perfect concentration to perform even the most basic of magic. A foolish plan took shape in my head and I couldn't help a smirk. I pulled back my hand took aim and threw my axe through the air hitting the princesses horse. It bucked and the soldiers in front of me disappeared as she hit the ground.

I breathed a sigh of relief but my joy was short lived as I saw one of the messians stand out among the rest he was the mirror image of the princess the same golden hair and crystal blue eyes what's more his armour was embossed with a crown he must be the princess's brother and he was headed directly for me.

Without a moment of hesitation the man lunged with blow after blow. "Your the prince?" I said as I dodged his attacks rejecting my reckless loss of my only weapon. He nodded. "I may be unarmed but if you continue this fight your kingdom will lose two princes in a matter of days." I said just as he lunged forward, stepping out of his path i used the opportunity to hit him with my elbow in the wrist forcing him to drop his sword. He stared at me for a second and i thought he might back down but instead he pulled a dagger from its sheath and got into a fighting position.

"Death it is then." He slashed forward in sweeping motions forcing me to step backwards until my feet were at the edge of the river. He smiled triumphantly and striked with his dagger but Before it could reach its mark i grabbed his arm turned around and chucked him over my shoulder into the river. I jumped in after him keeping his head submerged suddenly an ear splitting scream sent me hurtling back.

"Retreat!" The princess shouted her voice hoarse from the scream. at her command the messians turned tail and ran. One tried to grab the prince but osmund stopped him before he got close. "Issac!" The princess roared and she started to move towards us but a soldier grabbed her around the middle pulling her up onto his horse and galloped away. Osmund grabbed the prince in a choke hold and signaled to another warrier to help him. "Take him back to the camp." I instructed. Feeling the full pain of my wounds now that the adrenaline was dying down. "Eerika." A soldier said urgently. "We have a problem."

As i ran through the burned recage of our camp i thought about how stupid i had been. Of course it had been a trap! Whilst we were distracted with the brunt of the army the rest of the messians had snuck inside our camp and burnt it to the ground. "Tawny!" I yelled searching fruitlessly my breathing became ragged. No. No. No. This was not happening. "If you're looking for your sister you won't find her." The prince yelled behind me. I turned striding towards him, "if your people do anything to her!" I Yelled but before I could continue my threat amaya grabbed me. "Eerika don't do something you regret he's your leverage to get to Tawny!" I tried to struggle out of her grasp as suddenly among the ashes the flickering form of the princess appeared. I grabbed amaya's axe but before i could strike she said. "Dont bother im not really here this is a projection."

I lowered my axe. "I swear to any and every god that if my sister is hurt-"

"Your sister will come to no arm at my hands... If you give me my brother and leave immediately."

"Or maybe ill just go take her back myself."

Her features contorted into a sneer. " You do not want to aggravate me. I already lost one brother you don't want to know what i would do to get the other one back."

"No your mistaken. It is you that doesn't want to upset me, I would take on your whole army to get my sister back."

"Your arrogance will be the death of you."

I laughed. "That's a bit hypocritical don't you think?"

"Maybe but your still the one standing in the ashes."

"I still don't know your name princess."

"Rosalyn Whitwood."

"Eerika Ravenbourne."

"Take my deal Eerika. I have burnt your food supply you can only stay a couple days longer."

" That's enough time to break into your city, get my sister back and take all your gold. Then we'll go home."

"We will be ready for you."

" I would expect no less from you, Princess rosalyn."

"Nor i you Eerika ravenbourne."

And with those final words her image flickered a final time and disappeared.

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