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The batle went by in a blur adrenaline, although there are moments that will be engrained in my memory forever: holding my breath as the first archer notched their bow, summoning all my power into a feroshus dragon, the moment the fire red nkarion appeared with eyes that held more scorching fury than the dragon itself, the strain on my magic at every blow from her axe and finaly the feeling of letting go and drfting of into blisfull sleep when the dragon dissintergrated. I was then condemmed to bed rest for two whole weeks although the time was well spent i learnt more of the silent language with iona and finshed 6 books regetfully it hadnt all been as charmed claude came to 'check up on me' and then spent twenty minutes making veiled remarkes about how dreadful I looked. I finaly got her to leave by saying that if she stayed she might catch my affliction and then were would she be?

Now one had told my father of my involvment at the river battle to his knowllage i had just fallen ill but i still felt unease like at any second i could be outed. Iona and i were playing cards when she suddenly put her cards down and started gestureing,

forgive me princess but were i come from we dont have magic like yours so im not clear on how it works, why did you faint at the river?

"Well everybody of lorathian blood has magic withen them through rigiours training this can manifest in the four elements earth, air, fire and water. You can manipulate it to look like anything if you have enough focus. But magics draining, you can only do so much without needing to recharge i put far to much energy into that dragon and so could only keep it stable for a short while and the strain knocked me out."

why dont your brothers use magic?

"They never had the pacience for it." Iona rolled her eyes. "Were are you from?" I asked, she slowly put her hands together starting to form a symbol when, "Ros!" issac said barreling into my room. Iona turned towards him jesturing quickly,

shouldnt a prince know how to knock?

Issac blushed "sorry iona, Can i speak to ros alone please." He emphasised the please as if he had, had a simalar conversation with iona about his please and thank yous. Iona smiled triumphantly before she left the room."Branden got your message hes a days ride away but we need a way to get him into the castle."

"Well theirs the passage that leads from the stables to the east corrider." I said remembering playing hide and seek with my siblings and stumbling across it, Issac nodded, "someone would have to make sure father stays in his room whilst the other gets branden."

"Ill get branden, say you need to speak about the defence of the city you could ramble alnight about that."

I sat in my room waiting for the city bells to ring for 11 then the plan would begin, suddenly i heard a knock at the door as grandmother swept in the room, "Issac told me of your little escapade and as happy as i am that your'e putting your magic to good use i must say its a dangerous game your playing." I wasn't sure how to respond she was right of course the more I deviated from my fathers image of a docile princess the more trouble i could be in. And yet. This is me. A schemer, an intellectual, a warrier. They wrung more true in my ears than anything my father told me and was I willing to give up the first thing ive ever done that im truly proud of?

"I appreciate your concern grandmother but i know what im doing." She staired into my eyes looking for something. eventualy she nodded seeming satisfied with what she found gracfully she rose and left. Then the bells rung.

I staired in to the cold night looking for any signs of movement. Fear grasped my heart as i noticed an sileohiette in the distance i unsheathed thorn ready for an attack but as they got closer their outline became more firmiliar clossly cropped straw like hair, ocean blue eyes and a scar from were issac poked him with a fork just above his chin. My brother Branden. Once he saw me a he rushed forward and wrapped me in a hug lifting me off my feet. But the proper reuniun would have to wait first we needed to get him inside. We crept down the passage way finaly stumbling out of the enternce concealed behind a painting only to hear, "Who goes their?" A guard rounded the corner pointing his spear Directly at us.

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