She'd just lost her number one priority.


Mark and Tiara sat beside eachother. Knowing and understanding eachother's pain and loss.

"Are you okay, Mark?" Tiara asked him. Mark looked so down. He looked so tired. He'd stayed up all night for Gwen. For the moment when she would give birth to their daughter. But everything just crumbled down like a piece of paper.

"How am I going to live now?" Mark asked. "how am I going to raise my baby girl?"

Tiara's heart stung, "what have you thought about it?"

Mark shook his head, "I don't have anything to think about. Of course I'll have to take card of her. She's my only priority now now," Tiara for once smiled reassuringly. "But what about you?" Mark asked, "who would you be living with?"

Tiara never thought of that.. untill now.

"With me," Aiden said coming into the view out if nowhere. "with us," he said looking at Anthony who was behind him.

Tiara didn't say anything. She didn't have anything to say. Did she even have an option?

"You're going to take her custody?" Mark asked and Aiden. "that's good"

"Mark," Aiden called, "Benjamin had just called me. The funeral is arranged and it'll be in two days at the church near the Sahara complex."

Mark nodded, "thanks alot. I don't know how I would have done all of this without you,"

"There's nothing to be thankful for. It's our pleasure to help you out. This is the least we can do. " Aiden said, his posture stiff.

Aiden and mark continued with their conversation. Anthony glanced down at Tiara who was just sitting on the bench and thinking.

She does like to zone out alot...

He slowly sat beside her. She looked at him and again looked away. Her expressions were so tired. She looked broken, fragile and vulnerable. This wasn't the Tiara he always messed with. This wasn't her. Whenever Anthony looked at Tiara, there would always be a glist of mischief or just life in her eyes. But now when he looked into her eyes, he saw numbness.


Benjamin engulfed Tiara into his embrace. She hid herself into his arms. She made a squealing noise and then started sobbing. She didn't realise until now how much she needed this affection. Her hands were clung onto his side and head against his chest.

Benjamin knew she needed to let it out. So he let her bawl her eyes out against his chest. His maroon shirt already forming a tear stain. He caressed her hairs down and planted several kisses on her head.

"Hmm.." Anthony hummed grabbing their attention. Benjamin looked at his brother Anthony who'd bought a glass of water for their sister. Ben nodded and indicated him to wait. He rubbed Tiara's back, "Tia, have some water please," she slowly pulled away but kept her head down, sniffing softly.

Benjamin put both his hands on her shoulders and made her sit on the metal bench. He took the glass from Anthony and sat on his knees infront of her and handed her the glass. Her shaky hand reached the cold glass. She held the glass against her lips and took a few sips before giving it back to Benjamin. Ben put the glass on the floor and put his hands on her knees "better?" He asked.

Tiara nodded still not meeting anyone's eye. Ben grabbed her face in his hands and rubbed all the tears in one go. She really was broken. She'd lost her legal guardian. Her best friend. Her everything. It was sure going to take time for her to get over the fact that her mom was gone. Dead. And that she would never be able to talk to her let alone see her.


It was the Evening and everything seamed to be quietened down. No cries, no sobs anymore. Just sadness in the air.

Did Gwen even knew the importance of her in people's life? She sure didn't.
Mark was so quite. Tiara was zoning out so much. The baby, she needed her mother so much. Yet, here she laid.

The baby was discharged. Mark was going to take her at his place. Tiara wanted to go at Mark's place to help him out with the baby but Aiden didn't let her. She was up from almost 5am and it was 5:30pm now. She needed sleep even though she didn't realise it.

Tiara had barely eaten anything. She only had a sandwich in the name of lunch which was also force fed my Aiden. Benjamin and Anthony were sent home in the afternoon. Steven was throwing a fit at home. He wanted to go to the hospital to meet the baby and to support his sister. But Maria didn't let him go.

Mark bought the baby close to his chest and kissed her nose. She looked up into his eyes. Her eyes were green. Forest green. The eyes her Mom had.

Aiden was finally going to go home and get some sleep after staying up for so long.

"Have you come up with a name?" Aiden asked.

"Susan," Mark and Tiara chorued. They smiled at eachother. Gwen wanted to name her daughter Susan. So she was named Susan. A small, soft and sweet name. Something that suited her innocence.


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