I tried to forget about it, nodded, and headed upstairs.  For some reason everyone either called me Kaitlyn, Kate, Kat, or Katie.  At least I never got tired of my name.  Look at me!  The optimistic girl who usually likes to whack something when the alarm goes off in the morning.  Or when someone brings up something that's her business.

Creeping up in his room, I saw Jake's hand hanging off of his bed.  "Awesome," I whispered.  I avoided all of his dirty clothes lying in random places and went downstairs again to heat up a bowl of warm water.  I've always wanted to try this, but never had the chance until then.

"What are you doing honey?" Shirley asked curiously.  Her brown hair was covering her face as she looked at the newspaper.

"Nothing," I responded.  "Just making Jake pay."  She set the paper down on the granite dining table with her eyebrows raised.  I laughed at her expression.  Shirley shrugged and took another ad from on of the many stacks of paper.  Their table was always filled with piles of ads and papers advertising houses or land.  I assumed that they had to keep up with their competition in business.

Dave looked up from his coffee and smirked.  "You know, the warm water trick only works on wussies."

"That's the whole point, Sir!" I sang.  Then I bounded up the stairs without waiting for a response.

"Please work," I prayed as I dipped Jake's hand into the bowl.  How long did this take?  My arm was getting tired.  Just when I was about to call it quits, Jake jumped from the bed and shouted.

"What the---!  Oh crap!  What happened?" he whined.  He stood up from his sheets and we both saw the wet spot on the bed.  I was laughing so hard no sound came out.  Pouting, Jake went downstairs angrily.  I followed him with a triumphant grin.

Dave gave me a disappointed look.  "Wuss," I gloated.  He nodded his head sadly.

Jake looked at us confused.  "What?" he asked. I just laughed. Nobody messed with me. While I waited for him to clean up, I decided to make some cereal. After rummaging through the cabinets, I combined the ultimate combination: sugary cereal and cold milk. 

"I drive today!  Payback's a bitch!" Jake shouted from upstairs.

"Sure!  What's the problem?"  My voice wasn't very convincing at all.

I almost choked on my big bowl of Lucky Charms afterwards. Maybe I couldn't win.  Jake drove like a wasted teenager who just got his driver's permit.

Remembering the time when we went to the movies, I winced.  Two jumbo sized popcorn bags (with refills) don't sit well especially when the person driving you home has the most outrageous turns anyone has ever seen in their life.

It wasn't until another ten minutes until we hopped into Jake's beat up Honda Civic.  The heater still wasn't working even though he had a whole two years to try to fix it.

"You sure that today's the actual first day of school, Jake?"  I finger combed my honey-brown hair when I heard him scoff.  "I'll take that as a yes then!"  We both laughed like idiots even though it wasn't that funny.

As we entered Westridge High School, I noticed the familiar green lockers, the same 'J gets all the girls!' written on the hall wall. Jake wrote that in Sophomore year. It was completely true though. He could get a lot of girls, but he always let them know that he just wanted a no-strings-attached relationship.

Me and Jake walked further and saw our other friends Anna, Jasmine, and Justin. "Hey!" we greeted. These girls and guy were my other best friends. Anna and Jasmine were both really energetic, while Justin was funny and had great ideas. Me and Anna said goodbye to everyone since her first class P.E, was on the way to journalism.

"So what's your schedule?" Anna asked as we were walking down the hallway.

"I got Mr. Woodfield for Journalism again," I complained just as the bell rang. I quickly got my books from my ratty locker that I could barely get open, and slammed the dented door shut.

"Ooh, that sucks! Well I'll see you guys at lunch!" Anna said chirpily. Sometimes I couldn't believe how energetic Anna was.

"Okay. See you then! Have fun in P.E.," I replied. I think I heard a groan as she walked away. Anna wasn't the most athletic. "Now, Purgatory, here I come." As I walked towards an empty seat in Journalism, I tripped over a pencil and landed on my butt. "Ow, really?" I groaned. I look up and see Mr. Woodfield glaring at me.

"Go find a seat, right now, and watch where you're going next time," he warned. I flinched. His wrinkly reptile-like eyes were watching my every move and I hated it.  I muttered a few nasty things as I walked towards my seat.

What did I ever do to him? He even had a posters on his wall that said "Try your best, but that doesn't mean you'll go far . . ." and, " Do whatever it takes to get to the top, even if it means you have to push others to the bottom." What kind of person was he? He should've been fired by now.

My butt still a little bruised, I got out my books. But then I hear a guy clear his throat next to me. Oh God. I thought. It was Ace, one of the biggest players in the whole school. It was a fitting name since he could land almost all of the girls in the school if he wanted to. He was like Jake, but didn't care if he broke girls' hearts or not. With his dirty blond hair and eyes a mixture of blues and greens, he was hot enough to be an Abercrombie model. But a dick.

"What's up. Your ass still a little sore? I'll give it a massage if you want." he said giving his signature smirk. I almost threw up in my mouth.

"I know what you can do to make me feel better, Ace.  Find a better pick up line and shove it up your ass," I spat back. I didn't mind the harsh words, but he dated Anna just to use her, so there's no way I was going to hold back.

"Wow" he said with a confused look on his face, "No need to be so rude.  That pick up line was amazing."

I just scoffed. "You obviously haven't had a girl who isn't throwing themselves at you." I honestly didn't know why he was even talking to me. I looked an average good looking girl with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Plus, I wasn't someone who had the body features that usually catch the guys' attention.  I knew I was skinny, but not much of anything else.  I felt so sorry for Anna though. She felt so special, and Ace didn't care at all about her feelings.

"You're right. Who can resist these chiseled features? What's that I hear?" he asked as he jokingly cupped his hand around his ear. "Nobody? Oh, that's what I thought." I hate to admit it, I almost laughed at the ridiculousness. I was about to reply, but Mr. Woodfield gave us the death glare.

"If looks could kill . . ." we said together. My head whipped around to see him raising his eyebrows very suggestively. Disgusted, I turned away. Just ignore him I thought. It's the only way.

I sighed. It was a long period.


OK!  Before you readers give up on this book, I just want to say thank you for at least getting through the first chapter.  If you actually like what I've written, then that's great for me, and thanks again!

From this book's author, CandieRocks  :D

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