Chapter Forty // Period.

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40 chapters, holy shit tards. That's a lot.
So in celebration🎉🎊 there's a sexy pic of some tacos.

I continued folding more and more clothes. This is seriously how I was spending one of my last free days in California. Shawn, Cameron, Taylor, and Nash were all hanging out in the living room.

So the day before, I discovered I had to buy even more luggage because I had so much stuff to pack it's crazy. I was thinking about just mailing myself my penny board. Could I do that?

I sat on my suit case and zipped it shut. That was my last bag. I let out a long breath of relief. That was a hard two hours.

I changed into some sport shorts and a white polo of Cameron's and strolled into the living room.

"Hey boys" I said and laid down in all of their laps. They were all sitting close side by side, I figured why not.

"Well hey" Taylor laughed.

"Where have you been Taylor" I asked him. I hadn't seen him in two days. But it felt like forever.

"Out, and about. What about yourself?"

"Packing, lazyness. The usual." I shrugged and laughed.

"Sounds, fun?"

I decided to watch Netflix for the last time in my bed.

"Knock knock" someone yelled from behind the door.

"Who's there?"


"Laur who?"

"Yo main nigga, Laur."

I laughed and jumped off the bed to let her in. She rolled in and parked her wheel chair beside my bed.

"Watcha doin'"


She laughed, and then suddenly she grunted.

"Ugh" she groaned and bent over.

"Are you on your period?" I asked.

"Yea, and I've been having cramps all day off and on." She said. Her eyebrows furrowed and she leaned her head back.

"I haven't seen you on yours" she said. Fun fact, I don't get cramps and mine only last like four days. I've been given a gift from god.

"I don't get cramps or anything."

"I know, but best friends are supposed to know whenever it's that time of the month" she laughed.

I laughed too and sat on my bed.

"Okay, it's like the second week of the month usually. They're kind of random."

She rolled her eyes at me in pain and rubbed her abdomen.

"Do you have any, lady products?"

I nodded and opened my bathroom, and dug under the sink. I grabbed a box of tampons and a plastic thing of pads.

"Here you go" I said and she opened the door to the toilet. I've mentioned the toilet and the actual bathroom are in two different rooms right?

I got bored and laid in the bathtub and fiddled around on my phone.

"OH GOD" Laur yelled and gagged. I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself.

"When were you on yours last?" She asked twenty minutes later.

"Um, it's been a couple months" I said.

"Did Cameron get you pregnant?"

"I didn't tell you? We're expecting" I said and fought back fits of laughter.


"No, I'm joking" I laughed really hard.


She finally came out relieved, and we talked for hours. Strangely I was in the bathtub laying there while we talked back and fourth.

"Girls, what are you guys craving food wise" Nash asked all cool. He leaned his elbow again the door frame and starred deep into Laur's eyes dramatically. He always tried to act hot.

"Rice Krispies Treats" Laur moaned and licked her lips. Nash looked at me strangely and nodded.

"Well, that's not really dinner. Does pizza sound good?"

"Sure" I laughed.

He nodded and walked out.

We went back into my bedroom and I helped Laur into my bed. We argued a lot on what movie to watch on Netflix but we ended up settling on some old Miley Cyrus romance movie.

We laughed, we cried, and at the end, wanted more.

"That just broke my heart and stitched back together and repeat" I said and sniffled.

Suddenly a bunch of guys barged in with pizza and plates.

"Why are you guys bringing that in here?" I asked.

"We're gonna watch movies in bed and eat pizza" Shawn replied. I nodded and questioned them but whatever.

Nash was to the right of Laur, also the very right of the bed. I was beside Laur, Cameron was to my left, Shawn was to the left of Cameron, and Taylor was to the left of Shawn. We all snuggled in the bed, all.

I leaned on my side and laid my head on Cameron's chest. I rubbed his stomach while he played with my hair and gave me a head massage. I could feel his perfectly defined abs and his Vline. Like why must he be so muscular, it makes me melt even more.

Of course we all fell asleep but I mean I was with the people I loved the most in my life so it couldn't have been any more perfect.

Cameron's POV
I was having a nightmare. I hadn't even been in my dream for too long but I knew it was going to be bad.

I opened two double glass doors and saw the back of Dana in a white room filled with rushing people with luggage. The airport.

"Dana" I yelled.

She turned around and looked at me. Black tears fell from her eyes and dropped constantly on the ground.

The pounding of the black thick tears blending with white flour made me jump in fear.

I ran after her but she got farther and farther back from me.

"I have to leave Cameron." She said so plainly.

"No, please I love you" I cried and fell on my knees.

"I have to go. I'll never see you again. This is our goodbye" she said.

I shook my head and sprinted after her before she could get away. This time I made it to her and went in to hug her but her body faded away and turned into ash right in my arms. Her remains slowly fell to the floor, as did my heart and I felt dead.

"Come back. I, love, you."

Dana's POV
I heard Shawn's extreme snores from the other side of the bed and snickered to myself. Cameron shuffled around a lot and that's when I realized he was awake.

"Hey" he said in a groggy tone and cleared his nose.

"Hi" I said softly.

He kissed my head and rubbed my cheek. He pulled me closer into his body.

"I don't want you to leave me" he said. I wondered where that came from, but it hurt my heart a little.

"I won't, Cameron. I'm never leaving you."

This is a super duper short chapter but you got two updates in one day so happy early birthday to you🎉🎊

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