Chapter Thirteen // Song Writing On A Lazy Day?

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California, being the huge state it is, had nothing to do when it came to two lazy ass teenagers.

"Shawn, you're dumb" I suddenly said poking his cheek with my toe.

"Ew" he hissed swatting my toe away then chuckled.

"Your toe's are nasty" he chuckled and scrolled up his phone. I let out a deep breath and crawled beside him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"What'cha doing" I asked, acting like that annoying little kid who asks a bunch of question and everyone hates.

"Looking at movies to see."

I looked at the movies on the screen and realized I had seen almost all of them. Sadly, I saw most of them by myself in the theatres because everyone else was "busy".

"We could go see The Fault In Our Stars!"

"It gets boring after the tenth time you see it ya know" he said, sounding more like a statement than a question. I had only seen it three times so whatever.

"How about tomorrow we have a lazy day" I suggested, I've had a lot of those strangely.

"A lazy day?"

"Yeah we sit on the couch all day, eat popcorn and pizza, and watch TV."

He thought for a moment then smirked. "Wow, I haven't done that in a long time!"

He was a busy, busy boy.

"So it's settled. Tomorrow we will be lazy asses" I said then crawled to the middle of the bed. I always had to sleep in the middle of the bed or I couldn't go to sleep.

He laid in the bed beside me and let out a breath then it was silent.

"Scoot over."


He groaned then pushed me over then got comfortable again, but I ended up laying on his side. Literally.

I had dreams of unicorns and Adventure Time on American Idol, sometimes I worry about myself and the thing that goes on in my head.

I woke up and looked out the window, great, it was pouring. I then looked to my right to see Shawn in my floor snuggling with the blankets. I told him I always got the middle of the bed.

I couldn't help but laugh and steal the covers from him.

He woke up quickly and popped his back. "Um, how did I end up in the floor" he asked rubbing his head, I laughed and slightly shrugged.

We slowly made our way into the kitchen and fixed ourself's two bowls of cereal. He spilled most of the milk on his shirt and on his chin.

The rain and storming was a plus for lazy day. It made our moods even, lazier.

All the other guys were out, Nash and Cameron were at their place, Taylor was at his friend Sam's house, so Shawn and I were finally alone.

We plopped down onto the couch and started Friends re runs.

On the fourth episode I finally got the strength to get up and get my phone. Whoa, I suddenly realized I hadn't checked it in over a week. I probably only picked it up like three or four times.

Whoa, a lot of hate messeges. I laughed and told myself not to scroll through any of them but I had to, it was an instinct.

They were all different.

No boobs.

No ass.

Yellow teeth, which wasn't even true I had super white teeth.

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