Chapter Four // Rolling Egging And Spray Painting

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  • Dedicated to Cameron Dallas being a boss ass bitch

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I was hanging out with Justin and Jaydon at Justin's house. We had spent the entire day watching movies, they swam, and we ended the long night baking cookies.

I planned that day to tell them something I had been dreading to tell them. That I wasn't going to be with them all summer.

"These look so good" Justin moaned, sniffing the cookies he had just pulled out of the oven. He seemed to be in love with them.

"Don't eat them all fatty" Jeydon. "I'm pretty sure I'm good for a few dozen" he said lifting up his shirt and smiled at her. I looked at Jaydon who eyed his abs like he eyes the cookies, she laughed then walked over to get some paper plates.

My cheeks were burning and I felt a little empty on the inside. It was jealousy.

I shook it off as I was pulled into a tight hug, and kissed on the forehead. "I love you" he whispered. I smiled and kissed his cheek, saying "I love you too" back.

Jaydon shoved us to the side to grab a cookie and put it on the plate.

"Get me one, I have to use the bathroom" Justin said running to the bathroom.

Jaydon beat me to it and scooped one onto a plate.

"There's something I need to tell ya'll when he gets back" I said, her head rose up to look at me. "What?" "I said, when he gets back" I laughed and walked into the living room.

I plopped onto the couch and turned on Disney Channel.

Some show I didn't know played for about ten minutes until Justin and Jeydon walked into the room side by side and sat around me.

"So what do you need to tell us" Justin asked. They both settled their eyes on me. How did he know I need to tell them something?

I wasn't going to hesitate. I was going to say it like ripping off a bandage. "I'm leaving to go to California June first and spending my entire summer there." Their heads leaned down and looked at me kind of shocked.

"But what am I supposed to do all summer" Jaydon asked, she didn't seem to understand why I was going for so long. "Maybe hang out with one of your hundreds of friends" I laughed. She gave me a hostile look then tilted her head down.

"So how many days do you have left" Justin asked. "Four" "well why don't we make the best of those four days" he asked standing up and puffed out his chest.

"What are you doing" Jaydon asked. "We're going to make the most of these last four days" he said pulling us both up.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"To do something I've always wanted to do. Get cheese, permanent glue, eggs, and toilet paper" he said. "I'll get the eggs and cheese" I said. "Toilet paper" Jaydon said and ran off. "The glue is in the junk drawer under the microwave."

We all went out separate ways and came back with the said items. "What now" Jaydon asked. "Who do you guys hate most?" Justin asked. Me and Jeydon quickly glanced at eachother and answered "Maddie Bram."

Justin nodded and we followed him outside and into his car. "Jaydon, can you find where she lives" Justin asked. "Yeah one sec" she mumbled from the backseat and whipped out her phone.

A minute later she found it. "513 Circle Avenue" Justin sped out of the driveway and pressed floored the gas pedal, sending us flying down the road. I quickly grabbed his arm in fear we'd go off the road.

"Ok, Dana get the east end, Jeydon, west, I'll get the middle" he said. I took some cheese and toilet paper and went to the east end of the house.

I unraveled the toilet paper a little and grabbed hold of the loose end, then threw it over tall trees. "Why am I doing this" I laughed. I rolled all of their tree's and bushes, it looked terrible. Which is what I wanted it to look like.

And in some spare time, I quietly covered a few windows with cheese.

"Guys, over here" Jeydon whispered. I ran to her by the driveway where there was a yellow Ferrari. "Put some glue on the cheese and stick it on this Ferrari, it's Maddies" she said. I nodded and pulled out about twenty slices of cheese. I unwrapped them all and glued them to the yellow luxurious car.

"We should go" I whispered. "We haven't used the eggs yet" Justin whispered back. I nodded and took a bunch of eggs then threw them at the huge house.

Those people were going to wake up to a grouse surprise.

"You guys finish those off, I'm going to go get something from the car" he said. We nodded and he ran to his car.

"Try to avoid windows, it could cause lots of noise" Jaydon said. I nodded and threw one at their roof and even broke a flower pot on accident.

Justin suddenly came back shaking a spray paint can.

He bent down and drew a big circle, then went far away and made another circle. Then, he made a huge curve to each circles. He made a big blue smiley face on their neatly cut lawn. "Ok, lets go, hurry I hear a car coming" Justin said.

I freaked out and sprinted to the car. Jaydon jumped on my lap as we flew away, the opposite way the car was coming.

"They pulled into the driveway" Jaydon laughed, and we all burst into laughter.

"THEY ARE COMING, GO" Jaydon yelled right in my ear from the back seat.

Justin stepped onto the gas paddle. Sending Jaydon flying against the seat, and we were out of that area in a matter of minutes.

"We lost them" Jaydon said. I let out a sigh of relief.

"We should just go home, and watch a movie" I said. "Yeah, I'm tired" Jaydon said.

As we drove home, something happened that put us on the edge of life and death.

"STOP" Jaydon screamed and Justin slammed onto his brakes and we swerved sideways, she almost flew out the window if I hadn't of pulled her back. . "WHAT" he yelled. "You almost ran over a turtle, I have to see if it's okay" she said jumping out of my lap which she some how fell in.

Justin straightened out the car then we ran to Jaydon. "Oh, it was just a rock" she laughed. As much as she scared me to death, I laughed too.

"Ok, lets get back to the house" Justin chuckled, holding his stomach.

We ate cookies and drank root beer as we finished the third season of Pretty Little Liars. "Oh my gosh" Jaydon whispered, astonished at what just happened. "I know" I whispered. "This is lame" Justin said, mocking our tone.

"Don't worry, a couple more seasons to go" I said. He rolled his eyes and laid his head back down on his pillow.

"What a season finale".

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