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"Avery Hansen," I tell the lady at the front desk. "Here's your schedule," she hands me a piece of paper. "Your first class is just down the 800 hall, second door on the right." She said followed by a warm smile. I thanked her and set off for first class.

Chatter filled the classroom that I had walked into. I felt a wave of relief after I was able to walk to an empty seat with very few eyes on me. Maybe they didn't notice me? I reached into my bag to pull out a notebook when my eyes fell on a gorgeous blonde girl. She was no taller than me, maybe around 5'5. She had beautiful curly hair, blue eyes, and freckles that scattered under her eyes like stars. She wore a light pink, flower patterned, shin length skirt that flowed as she walked with a white t-shirt tied to crop it. "Lena," her soft voice snapped me out of my trance. "Huh?" Was all I managed to get out. "My name is Lena. Are you new?" She was now sitting in the seat to my left. "Oh um yeah. I'm Avery," I answered. "Wow way to make a great first impression," I started thinking. From the expression on her face, I could tell she noticed my disappointment with myself. "If you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch," she said as she pointed to a guy and girl having a heated conversation in the corner of the classroom. "I promise they don't bite," she laughed. Considering if it weren't for the offer I'd be by myself at lunch and she seemed nice, I replied, "yeah, that would be great." "Right then. Give me your phone so I can put my number in and I'll text you later."

Throughout class, Lena and I chatted about who I am, where I'm from and all that stuff. I also got to know her a little bit better. She's very upfront and honest, which I appreciate. I had great friends back in Stettler, and I was sad to leave them, but something about being able to meet completely different people, and being a completely different version of myself intrigued me.

After two more classes-without Lena unfortunately-it was lunch. With my earbuds in I walk to the outdoor courtyard which has tables set up everywhere. As I scan the area I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

Unknown Number

Look to your left
This is Lena

I do as the text tells me to do, and I spotted Lena turned towards me at a table. As I walk closer I get a glimpse of the guy and girl that Lena had mentioned earlier. I tug at the chord of my earbuds and tuck them away while I sit down. "Hey," I say to Lena, and then glance at the two sitting across from us. "Oh yes Hi. I'm Jaden!" The guy says joyfully. "I'm Charlotte. But you can call me Char," says the girl. She's got strawberry blonde hair that flows to her mid back, and light blue eyes. "Hey guys. Nice to meet you," I say smiling. Much more smoothly than I was with Lena. "How's class been?" Char asks me. "Not too bad actually," I reply while chewing on my sandwich. "Avery is taking four AP classes!" Lena says in disbelief. "Girl, that's going to bite you in the ass," Jaden says. Char slaps his arm and I laugh. After everyone settles down Jaden says, "Lena, Ian's been talking about having a party this weekend." "Who's Ian?" I ask. "He's my boyfriend," he says and he points to a guy with dreads sitting at a table with at least six other boys laughing. As I look around the table I notice someone, in particular, caught my eye. "Who's that?" I ask Lena pointing to the boy across the room. "Uh. That's Matt."

🐉Part 2 Playlist🐉


Trust Fall-Wallows

435-Tyler, The Creator

Song For Me-Greer

NO HALO| Matt ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now