"Twice in one day. Do you live around here?" I shook my head and pointed at dahyun. "I was just bringing her home."

"Oh cool. Wanna go eat something with me?" I looked at dahyun who just shrugged. I was just out with Jihyo eating. "I was actually just out eating.."

"That's fine! Here we can just go and talk. I haven't seen you in ages."


I didn't want to work the whole thing today. My past was on my mind and all I wanted was Sana. I left the building and headed to Momos building so I could pick up Sana.

To my surprise she wasn't there. "She went to my house with dahyun" I nodded and headed out.

Sana where are you? ——

Nothing. The only person to pick up was dahyun, no sana. "She went with a guy out to talk." I looked up and rolled my eyes. My hands turned to fists. "Thanks dahyun."

"He seemed nice don't worry"

"I have every right to worry about her don't you think?"

"I think you need to let her have friends"

"What! You don't think I don't. She's been with you all day hasn't she been. Ugh. That kid is a bad part of her past."

"Did she tell you that?" I shook my head. "Jihyo let her live a little. I'm sure she'll be home soon."

"Yeah right" I felt I already knew where she was but if I really trusted her I would go home and not worry. All I do is worry about her. It kills me. The way I wanted to go straight over to her and take her away from him. I didn't like to share.

She promised me she wouldn't cheat again but the thought still lingered in my mind. That's how it happened. I wasn't there and boom the other person was able to take advantage of the situation. It angered me so much.

But I headed home anyways. Unable to control my emotions I bought some whisky and drowned myself in it.


"So how's life been?" Jackson said while smiling wide.

"Crazy. My life is crazy"

"Tell me about it."

"Well I met my wife Jihyo. That was an insane journey, so much happened. It was a struggle but I think we are at a good spot right now. I really couldn't live without her."

"That's nice. Sadly I don't have a partner right now. It's been kinda depressing lately and I can't find a good enough paying job so I thought I could just become a trainee and be able to have a place to stay and a job to focus on in life." The idea was good. It was exactly what I thought I could do. "Just don't addition not knowing how to do nothing but that could also be good because that's how I became Jihyos servant and how are relationship grew."

"Servant?" He tilted his head. "Well Jihyo was just looking for someone to look after her but then we grew really close and we started dating."

"Ah. I was about to say. Servant sounds a little bit...strange."

"Strange isn't even close. I choose confusing because that was my whole mind set and kinda still is. She struggles to open up so it's confusing when something is going on in her head and I can't find out." Jackson nodded. "I would struggle with that. I just like to move fast."

"I can see." He smiled at me. "It's been so long since I've seen you it's crazy. I remember the last day of school."

Like always Jackson was punching my back trying to get my attention. I turned and flicked him on the head. "Brat. I should punch your face this time. It's the last day open up"

"I didn't have a very good night" my night was full of anxiety and studying. I wanted to be successful and show my mother I could end school well but I was struggling. Bad. All my grades were down. No way was I going to do good unless I got the highest grades on all of my finals.

"Well. The night is over. We still have like two hours before finals start. Go out with me" this was the first time he actually invited me out somewhere. "Sorry. I really need to study."

"Ugh. Come on" he pulled on my hair as I started to walk. "Sana. Turn around or I'll rip all of your notes up" I stopped in my tracks.
"You can't do that"

"Oh yes I can cutie. Look" he grabbed my bag. I tried to pull it away but he was to strong. He pulled out one of my most important papers.

"Go out with me. You can still study. Hows that sound?"

"Ugh Fine. Give me that!"

"That was a fun day. Right?"

"If you call distracting me while I was studying a fun thing then sure."

"Come on. You did good right?" I shook my head. By the time of the test I was so stressed I cried in the bathroom until Momo had to come save me. I basically failed all of them. The beating I got from my mother was bad.

"Really. I thought you had all good grades!?"

"No I just barely passed all of my classes."

"Oh shoot. That sucks."


Jeongyeon. She was ordering a coffee. The man from the wedding was next to her watching her every move. "Hello. Earth to brat?" I turned. Jackson was waving his hand at me.

"Oh sorry. Just saw my friend over there"

"The short haired one? She's hot" he smirked and got up. "Jackson!" what was he thinking.

"Shh" he slowly walked over to jeongyeon until she noticed him. I got up after him and made eye contact with jeongyeon until I was in between Jackson and her. "Hey Sana?"

"Hi. Sorry, Jackson is being stupid right now" I took the heel of my foot into his toes. "What was that for brat! I was just looking to see if this beautiful girl wanted to go out and get drinks with us"

"Who said we were going for drinks"

"He did apparently. Sorry I'm kinda trying to not drink my life away but thanks..Jackson" jeongyeon grabbed her coffee and leaned close to me. "Get home babe"

The sudden command made me blush. I watched her as she rolled her eyes at Jackson and walked away with that guy. "Damn. I thought she was a drinker. She'd be so much fun"

"Yeah...I'm going to go home soon Jackson." Jeongyeon saw out the whole situation right away.

"What. I thought we were getting drinks!"

"No I'm good"

"Come on brat!" I shook my head at him but he ignored me and took my hand. "Let's go. I know an awesome bar not to far from here"

"Jackson no"

"Yes. Come on have fun for once. Your wife isn't going to care if you have a couple drinks with me because I know that's what your thinking about"

"She will care. Stop I have to go."

"Nope. I'm not letting go"

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