"Captain, is everything alright?" Stella's voice called out, startling Jordan.

"What was that?!"

"That's just Stella, my A.I." Jason answered. He pointed at the glowing light on his choker. "And are you sure this isn't a joke? I didn't really sleep for two years... right?"

Jordan stared at the choker confused but didn't really press. "Uh, I mean, I'm not sure if you were sleeping the whole time... I mean, we came looking for you but you weren't home. We couldn't find you or contact you for like... two months before we just kind of... gave up, I guess. Logdotzip was one of the few who refused to give up on you for a long time... That was two years ago..."

"I wasn't home..?" Jason ran a hand through his hair before motioning to Jordan to come inside. "I- I need to sit down..." He walked over to the couch and sat down. "You guys really couldn't find me..? Even Tyler couldn't?"

Jordan came over and sat down across from him. "Yeah. He searched for you for pretty much the whole first year you were gone." He replied as he glanced down at his phone again and texted once more.

[CaptainSparklez: Yo, Logdotzip, you need to get over here ASAP at Jason's old house.]

Jason looked down at his lap. "A whole year...? And he didn't give up?"

[Logdotzip: Jordan? You want me to go to Jason's house? Are you sure you've got that right?]

[CaptainSparklez: Yes. I am fairly sure. Now get over here!]

Jordan looked up at him. "Yeah. He and a couple others but they eventually had to stop looking. They were worn down and everyone thought you... you permanently died...."

[Logdotzip: Ok ok! Just got out of a meeting with the team, I'll be there A.S.A.P!]

"Permanently die?!" Jason exclaimed. "How could that even happen?!"

Jordan shrugged slightly. "We don't know really but... We didn't know what else could have possibly happened to you..."

"I guess so..." Jason continued to look at the ground. "I just... I don't know how this could happen..."

Jordan sighed. "Me either. This is all so strange... A couple of people have gone missing recently too. One of the strangest ones being Stampy. He was supposed to be getting married last month but vanished into thin air..." He explained.

"Stampy also disappeared? That's weird..." Jason thought to himself. "I never really knew him, so I'm not sure if wherever we ended up was the same place."

Jordan nodded. "Yeah. We aren't really sure. But Sqaishey was heartbroken about it... No one's really seen her out and about since then... Heck, I haven't seen Stampy since... Never mind, that's a long story..."

Jason wanted to press Jordan more but didn't when he saw his face. He fell silent, still not making eye contact with Jordan.

There was a knock at the door.

[Logdotzip] Yo, I'm outside.

Jordan stood up. "Just a second." He told Jason and quickly moved to the door, opening it. "Hey," He greeted still looking a bit shaken.

"Hey..." Tyler had a look of confusion on his face when he saw that it was Jordan was the one who answered. "What are you doing in-"

Jordan pulled him inside and shut the door behind them, pushing him towards the living room where Jason was sitting on the couch. "Hey, hope you don't mind that I brought someone else over," Jordan told him, knowing that he wouldn't.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now