"Let's go Panthers! Let's go." The cheerleaders cheered loudly as they pumped up the crowd. "T-O-U-C-H-D-O-W-N! Touchdown! Touchdown! Let's make a touchdown!"

Chloe smiled as she watched Jaxon's cousin, Kyle, and a few cheer mates performing flips and cartwheels.

"I swear as much as I wanted to be a cheerleader I couldn't keep up with the practices." Jessica bit into her hotdog as Chloe giggled. "I love food too much."

"You and me both." Chloe giggled as she looked back on the field seeing Jaxon catch the ball running down the field. "Go Jaxon! Go!"

The crowd roared with excitement as Jaxon gutted down the field with two opposing teams player just on his tail. With just a bit more of push, Jaxon made a touchdown throwing the ball into the moist grass as he celebrated with glee. He quickly spotted his best friend, Brandon, as he ran to jump in the air bumping his shoulder along his.

"Touchdown, my man!" Brandon grinned as he looked over at the rival team seeing as they were pissed off. "...that makes us eleven games won and their asses with their first loss."

Jaxon shook his head as he watched more of the team players celebrated along with him. The roar of the crowd enticed his ears knowing just how much he got a rise of making the people of his hometown proud.

Chloe smiled as she and Jessica scampered down the metal stairs of the bleachers to meet up with her grandparents.

"I wondered where ma' and pa' at." Chloe searched the area for her grandparents but no prevailed. "...probably collecting their winnings." She mumbled.

Jess rolled her eyes, "Stop worrying about that and let's find Jaxon along with my baby."

Chloe smiled as she thought about her cousin's boyfriend, Brandon, "I'm sure he would be glad to see you too."

Her cousin blushed as both of the ladies searched high and low for the teammates. She caught the action as the two of the team players poured the ice-cold Gatorade onto their coach.

"He's so going to get their asses." Jessica laughed as they squeezed through the tight circle. "...'scuse me people."

The excitement began to build inside of her body as she remembered two weeks earlier telling Jaxon she couldn't make it to the game. Only if he knew that she was surprising him tonight and giving him his birthday present tomorrow morning.

As Jaxon continued to celebrate he turned his head to see Chloe standing beside her cousin with a smile on her face. The instant emotion of glee spread throughout him as he went to embrace his friend but was caught up in the crowd.

"Jaxon, that was a good game." Heather, the cheer captain placed a kiss on his cheek as he looked to see Chloe was gone.

"Am I'm hallucinating?" Jaxon thought as the crowd around him continue to cheer in victory.


Chloe watched as Heather kissed Jaxon's cheek knowing just how much the cheer captain wanted her best friend. For some reason, it didn't bother her since she knew Jaxon didn't take interest in Heather. In the meantime, Chloe sat on the hood of her cousin's car while she waited patiently for Jaxon.

"One thing I hate about games...the aftermath of waiting," Jessica spoke as she was busy texting on her phone.

Chloe smirked at her flustered cousin, "It seems the arrival of Bradon is becoming a thin line." She giggled as her cousin mugged her.

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