Chapter XVIII

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Nya woke up the next day determined that she was going to get all the answers she needed. She had no events today and decided to go in to the office late.  She got up before David, grabbed her keys and headed straight to Scarlett’s house.  She had only been there once before when Scarlett had that small house warming party. She knocked on the door and waited impatiently. As soon as Scarlett opened the door, she stepped inside not waiting for a response or to be invited in. Scarlett closed the door behind her, folded her arms and both women stood looking at each other.
“Good morning Nya” said Scarlett finally breaking the silence
“I need some answers”
Scarlett calmly walked in the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She was calm, her thoughts collected and she was ready for whatever Nya had planned.. She knew she had to be honest and she was ready to do so but she also knew she owed Nya an apology, a big one. She poured a cup of coffee for Nya even though she doubted she was going to take it. Nya walked into the kitchen, and unknowingly sat in the same chair that David sat the last time he was there. Scarlett came and sat across from her placing the coffee before Nya. Nya pushed it away.
“I’m not here to drink coffee, chat and catch up, no”
“Nya I know you’re upset and I was meaning to call you but I guess I just wasn’t brave enough. I’m sorry, I truly am. I…it…things just escalated so quickly and I just…I’m sorry”
“You fucked my husband multiple times. You think I’m ever going to forgive you for that.”
“I know I won’t gain your forgiveness but I just want you to know that I am remorseful.”
“Do you love him?”
Scarlett knew that she had to be honest but she also knew that giving an honest answer to this particular question would just hurt Nya even more.
“No” she lied
“You’re lying. How many times did you guys meet here?  Just an estimate”
“I don’t feel like the details are really healthy for you to know.”
“Well I’m sorry doctor but I want to know.” Nya who had been upset from the time she woke up this morning was now boiling with anger.
“Nya I’m not going to do this with you” she said firmly.
Nya got up, folded her arms and started pacing. “Do you think you’re in any position to play hard with me? You ruined my marriage, destroyed our friendship and now you want to act like I don’t need to know anything and I should just take your little dry ass apology and move on.”
“I think you should be honest with yourself and admit that you also have a hand in the destruction of your marriage.”
“You’ve always been like this. selfish. Ever since we were kids you would just take and take.
“Nya sit. Calm down and let’s talk about this.”
“Talk. No bitch. I came here for answers.”
“You’re not going to come in here and think you’re going to run this and then disrespect me. I’m sorry but no. “
“God! I hate you!!”  Nya’s words hit Scarlett like a brick. She quickly considered if her confidence may have been perceived to Nya as not caring.  In an attempt to soften her approach  she walked over to Nya and said ,“I’m sorry. I don’t want you to think I don’t care. I do.  Let’s just sit and talk.”
Nya stepped back from her and said, “Why would you do this to me?”  Tears started flowing, “It’s not his cheating that hurts me. It’s the fact that it was you.  We’ve been best friends since forever. How could you do this to me of all persons?” Nya was now sobbing uncontrollably. Scarlett who was now also in tears, wrapped her arms around her best friend, hoping to console her.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Said Scarlett repeatedly. Nya quickly composed herself and gathered her thoughts as she pushed Scarlett away from her. Her mood swings were definitely running high today as that bout of sadness quickly retransformed into anger. She slapped Scarlett across the face and stormed out of the kitchen and out the front door. Scarlett stayed planted in the same position, still in shock. 
Nya went straight home. David was putting some files in his briefcase when she walked in. The emotion must have been evident on her face because he stopped what he was doing, turned to face her and said, “Are you okay?”
“No. No I’m not fucking okay. I just went to see your girlfriend.”
David looked at her, sharply matching the intensity in her eyes. “I hate her for what she did to us. She can’t just walk away from this untouched.”
David resumed his packing, picked up his briefcase and said.” You’re really going to stand there and act like you didn’t have a hand in this. Just stay away from her. She’s staying away from you, so just avoid each other for now until whatever.” He started making his way over to the elevator when Nya ran over trying to block him form leaving.
“What do you mean she’s avoiding me? Did you talk to her? Did you go and see her?” She looked up at him curiously.
“I went to see her to see how she was doing.”
“Oh my God” she placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head. “So I was right, you do love her. The both of you are just...”
“Just what?” he interjected. “Cut your self-righteous act and stop acting like you didn’t screw up this relationship too. I know your drinking started from that loser guy you picked up.”
“What?”  She asked, surprised.
“Yeah I did a background check on him.  He has a few DUIs under his belt.”
“That doesn’t prove anything.”
“Really Nya. So I guess it’s just a coincidence that shortly after he starts working for you, you moved from one maybe two glasses to a bottle a night?”
Nya who was well aware that he was telling the truth found herself speechless, unable to think of a quick response. David then continued and said, “you messed up, so did I and so did Scarlett. Stop acting like you’re innocent in all this.” He pushed past her and left for work.  Nya couldn’t do anything except stand there dumbfounded; it felt as if no one understood exactly why she was so upset with Scarlett.  Determined to fight through this she made her way upstairs and her phone started ringing shortly after. Without looking at the number she answered it.
“Tick tock. Your time is up.” Said Nick before hanging up. Before she could process what that was, a message came in on her phone. It was a video. Quickly everything started making sense and  her heart sunk. She slowly sat on the staircase and with a huge lump in her throat she pressed play. The video started with her dancing drunkenly around to some faint rock music in the background. Nick came in shortly after and they started kissing sloppily. It was too much for her to handle as she turned it off  as he started undressing her, knowing very well what was about to come next.  She ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom. Crying frantically, she climbed into the bathtub, turned the shower on and sat in there allowing the cold water to wash over her fully clothed body. After some time she got out and got dressed for work. On her way to work, her phone chimed repeatedly but too afraid to check the messages she just ignored it. She convinced herself that the only way to get through this was by facing it head on. She parked in her reserved parking spot and as she reached for her bag, her phone chimed again. Unable to resist the urge, she checked the messages. They were all from clients cancelling their events and demanding their 50% deposit back.  Not only did Nick fulfil his promise and send the video to all her clients. He also uploaded the video online. It was at this point that she realised the severity of her actions. She could feel the tears coming but tried her best to hold it in. She made her way out of her car and into her office. Her receptionist Melissa greeted her with a smile yet surprised look on her face.  Still determined to fight through this, Nya asked, “So I take it you’ve seen the video.”
“Yes” Melissa replied shyly
“Any words from the clients?”
“Quite a few cancellations  however Mr Henderson is going forward with her event tomorrow but is asking you not be there.”
“So she still wants me to cater just not show my face.”
“Great. I’ll be in my office”
As she walked down the short hallway to her office she allowed the tears to flow. She locked herself in her office and sobbed quietly at her desk. The last thing she wanted to do was to show any sign of weakness to her employees. Her phone ringing interrupted her thoughts.
“Hi Is this Nya Woods?”
“Yes. Who is this?’
“Hi, I’m Jeffery Burrs from Buzz Online. Would you like to comment on the video of you circulating online?”
Nya quickly hung up. The entire situation felt surreal. She buried her face in her hands and started crying again. Shortly after her phone started ringing again, thinking it was the reporter calling back, she answered the phone and yelled, “Leave me alone!!!” however before she could hang up, she heard Scarlett’s voice on the other end.
“Nya” she said again.
“What” said Nya feebly
“I just wanted to check up on you. I saw the video.”
“I don’t need your fake sympathy. I know you’re happy about this. This just pushes David further away from me and closer to you.”
“Nya that’s not true. David and I are done. I just called because I can only imagine what you’re going through right now.”
“I’ll be fine” Nya hung up the phone after that but unfortunately her bad day was just warming up. She heard a commotion out front and she could hear Melissa’s voice trying to overpower the other loud voices. She rushed out her office and down the hallway only to see Melissa and Donald trying to get rid of the swarm of paparazzi that have gathered at her office trying to get a comment on her current sex tape. As soon as they spotted her their cameras started flickering, all hurling questions at the same time. Nya had made a name for herself as being one of the go to event planner and caterer to the stars. Her recent dive downwards has caused the spotlight to focus more on her now not her clients. Unfortunately for her this wasn’t the kind of publicity she wanted. Donald managed to get the few inside outside and they locked the door and closed the blinds. Nya sighed out of frustration.
“I’m sorry guys. Just take the rest of the day off and we’ll come back tomorrow for the Henderson’s party.”
“Ok we’ll just go through the back.” said Donald signalling to Melissa to come with him. “How are you going to pass those hyenas to get to your car?”
“I’ll just wait until they leave.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry Don I’ll be fine”
“Ok” He and Melissa turned and started walking away when Melissa stopped, turned to Nya and said,” I’m really sorry Mrs Woods”
Nya smiled and said, “Its fine. It’s my fault not yours.”
Donald and Melissa left followed by the few wait staff that was already there. Nya locked the door behind them as they left and locked herself inside. She returned to her office and searched for the video online. She then sat there reading all the comments.
Scarlett wasn’t satisfied with Nya’s response to her today. She had finished up at her office and decided she was going to stop by the penthouse to see her. Nya didn’t say it but Scarlett could tell from the sound in her voice that she wasn’t dealing with all this very well. She hadn’t been back to the penthouse since that day when Nya confronted her and David with the truth and despite her hesitance to go there she knew she needed to check up on her. She got to the apartment and the new security guard on duty let her up.
“Nya” she said as she got there. She looked around but the place looked empty. She took out her phone to call her but she then saw David coming downstairs. He stopped in his tracks when he saw her.
“Scarlett.” He said, slowly continuing down the stairs carrying a small travel bag. “What are you doing here?”
“Um...” Scarlett found herself speechless. “I came to check on Nya”
“So you saw it too huh?” David walked over and placed his bag on the couch.
“Yeah. You going somewhere?”
“I’m going to stay at a hotel, I can’t stay here anymore.”
“yeah well I can understand that”  Neither of them spoke for a while after that. It was as if they both had so much to say but just couldn’t put in words. Eventually Scarlett said, “Do you know what time she’ll get here?”
David looked at is watch and started packing the remainder of his files in his briefcase, “Should be any time now.” He finished packing his stuff and they both waited in silence for Nya to get home. Scarlett after a while started getting antsy. “Maybe you should call her see where she is” David couldn’t help but chuckle, “Is being around me really that bad?”
“What? This is about Nya not you.”
“Well you keep looking at your watch; you haven’t looked me in the eyes since you got here and you look very nervous.”
She turned and looked at him, fighting back every emotion that was suddenly rising inside her, “I….I’m just worried about Nya that’s all.” He looked at her and for a moment they became lost in each other’s eyes. Finally she laughed and said, “You just always do this!!”  And for the first time in days they both genuinely smiled. At that time they heard the ding of the elevator and knew Nya was home. Scarlett immediately to greet her, David followed slowly after. Nya who had the worst day of her life, sighed heavily when she saw her. She walked over and threw her bag on the couch completely oblivious to David’s bags. “What are you doing here?” she asked frustratingly
“I was worried about you” said Scarlett sincerely. Nya ignored her and looked at David who was surprisingly very quiet. It was then she noticed his bags. With tears in her eyes she said, “You’re leaving?”
David took a deep breath and said, “Yeah I’m going to stay at the Hilton for a while.” Nya quickly wiped away her tears, cleared her throat and said, “I’m sorry”. She then looked at Scarlett and said, “You can go, I don’t need your sympathy.”
“Nya i…” Scarlett didn’t have a chance to finish when Nya interrupted her and screamed, “Get out! Get out of my house, out of my life. I hate you!!”
“Nya” said David firmly as if reprimanding a child for saying something rude. Scarlett didn’t say anything instead she looked at David whose eyes quickly caught hers. Suddenly as if finding the strength that she had buried so long ago she took up her bag and walked over to Nya and said, “I’ll go but I’m done. I’m done with you treating me like dirt. I apologised, I’m trying to be here for you as you go through this horrible thing but obviously you need space and I’ll give you that.” Scarlett didn’t wait for a reply instead she just walked out. David used Scarlett’s dramatic exit as his cue to leave.
“Please don’t go” said Nya, folding her arms watching him get ready to leave. “I really need you right now”
“I know you’re getting slammed right now and I truly feel for you but I just can’t.”
“Please” she begged her voice breaking.
“I had to watch a video of another man fucking my wife. Everyone at work has seen that video. I can’t Nya, I really can’t” He picked up his bags, walked over to her, kissed her gently on the forehead and walked away.
Nya quickly grabbed his hand, begging him to stay. She could see the tears in his eyes. “You said it. I messed up; you messed up, so stay and let’s figure it out.” She said, tears streaming down her face.  David pulled his hand out of her grip and said, “I don’t have to be here for us to work things out. I just can’t stay here. I can’t look at you because that woman in the video, that wasn’t my wife. Well not the wife I knew” He took out a card from his shirt pocket and handed it to her, “Call him, he’ll help you get the video down.”  With emotions running high he left.

Scarlett's ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora