Chapter VI

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David sat on the couch sending some emails. Nya had somehow convinced him to go to this party tonight. He didn’t like going to these events but he knew how important this was for her career and he wanted to support her in any way he could. Nya had gone to the venue earlier to ensure everything was set up and then came back here to quickly change. However the two women had turned quickly to over an hour. It had been two days since Nya had agreed to go to AA and things had shown slight improvement. Scarlett though was for some reason avoiding him and he couldn’t figure out why. She hadn’t shown up to any of their nightly chats and whenever he tries to ask her about it she keeps dodging him claiming she’s busy.
“We’re ready” said Nya as the two women came downstairs.   Nya was dressed in a gold, knee length, long sleeved dress with her entire back out. She opted for a matching shoes and purse. Nya smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He looked in awe as Scarlett came downstairs dressed in a white ruffled sleeveless jumpsuit with clear shoes. He saw she tried not to make eye contact with him.
“I think I’m going to be the envy of every man, walking into the party with the most beautiful women.” He joked
“You’re corny babe” replied Nya
The drive to Beverly Hills was a quiet one. Nya spent the whole drive there on her phone and Scarlett sat quietly in the back seat. They approached the gate and security came to check if they were on the guest list. It took only two minutes for them to be confirmed and the gate to open. A huge mansion caught their eyes as they drove in. They drove around the water fountain at the front of the property and valet was their waiting. The three exited the vehicle and headed inside.  As soon as they walked in Nya turned to them and said, “I’m gonna get to work. I’ll catch up with you guys soon.”
David had already spotted a few celebrities; he then turned to Scarlett and said, “I guess we’re left in the lion’s den.” She locked eyes with him for the first time in days.
“I really do hate these things” she replied. He couldn’t help but appreciate how beautiful she looked that night. She was always beautiful but the makeup definitely highlighted it tonight. The outfit also did extreme justice in accentuating her curves.  He had already noticed some men checking her out.
“Let’s see if we can find a waiter and get some champagne” He said placing his hand on her back and guiding her through the room.
“Oh my God that’s Beverly Madden!!” she exclaimed
“ Beverly madden, she’s only been in about 300 movies. David look, its Jacob Lake”
David paid no attention to Jacob Lake but at her and how cute she was at being star stricken.  David handed her a glass of champagne and whispered in her ear
“Why are you avoiding me?” 
She looked up at him and said “so you noticed that huh?”
“Well you weren’t very subtle” they laughed
“Okay truth is…. I may have seen you and Nya having sex the other morning.”
David’s face became flushed.
“I’m sorry. I thought you left and I wanted to talk to Nya...”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because every time I saw you, I just saw that”
“Does Nya know?”
“No I didn’t tell her”
“Ok well…”
“There you guys are” said Nya as she walked over to them. David quickly stepped back suddenly realising how close he was to her.
“Guys this is Jacob Lake. Jacob this is my husband David and my best friend Dr Scarlett King”
Jacob extended his arm to David and both men shook hands. He then went in for a hug from Scarlett. David found himself suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.
“Dr King. I think you might be the finest doctor I’ve ever seen. Said Jacob. He was about 5’6”, medium built, wavy dark hair and piercing blue eyes.
“Does that pick up line usually work?” Scarlett replied unimpressed.
Both Jacob and Nya laughed. “Unfortunately no”
“Scarlett just moved to LA and is in the process of opening her own practice.” Said Nya, eager to set the two up. Scarlett flashed her look while David gulped down the rest of his champagne.
“Well in that case there are a few persons you have to meet.” He extended his hand to Scarlett. She hesitated for a while but finally gave in; leaving David and Nya together.
“Let’s dance” said Nya taking David’s hand leading him to the dance floor. Nya was clearly having a little too much fun which made David wonder if she had been drinking or if Scarlett leaving with Jacob really put that much of a damper on his evening.
“Why don’t we go get some food” he said
“Sure” Nya was clearly disappointed
David went with the grilled salmon while Nya opted for the chicken cacciatore. Nya started talking about the last minute orders she had to make for the chef but David wasn’t hearing a thing she was saying. He watched Jacob and Scarlett who were seated just a few feet from them. Jacob whispered something in her ear and she laughed. He then watched as he placed his hand on her lower back. In that moment their eyes caught each other from across the room. They both held that gaze for about 30 seconds as if they were both trying to pull the other to them. Nya brought him back to reality when she said “are you listening to me? What are you looking at?” Before he could answer she said “Aww Jacob and Scarlett look so cute together”
“If you say so” he coldly replied
“You don’t like him?”
“I just think he’s a little too arrogant. He’s been showing her off like she’s a damn trophy or something”
“He’s not showing her off. He’s introducing her to potential clients. Why do you sound like a jealous boyfriend?”
“I’m not jealous”
“You sure sound like it”
“Scarlett’s been living with us for what three, four weeks. I care about her she’s like family. I just don’t want to see her get hurt.”
“Babe. I care about her too but like you said that first night, she’s smart. She’ll be fine.” Nya left to get some dessert from the kitchen and David refocused his attention on Scarlett.
The night went on and things hadn’t changed much. Scarlett spent the entire night with Jacob. After Nya had finished up everything, she was exhausted and ready to go home. Jacob walked Scarlett out to the car and bid her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. The drive home was worse than before. Nya fell asleep and neither David nor Scarlett spoke.

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