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It took two days for Scarlett to get all her affairs in order before the both of them jetted off to LA. The drive to Nya’s penthouse was a quiet one. Scarlett stared through the window of their Uber admiring the city and Nya was busy on her phone. As the car pulled up Nya said, “We’re here!” Scarlett exited the car and stared in awe at the beautiful building that was before her. The building was at least 10 storeys high, modern architecture with a beautiful small garden at the entrance.
“Nya you live here?!!” Said Scarlett excitedly.
Nya laughed “Wait until you see the penthouse”
“Hi Don” said Nya as they walked inside. Don was obviously the security guard stationed in the lobby.
“Hello Mrs Woods.”
“Don this is my best friend Scarlett she’ll be staying with us for a while. Could she get a key card for the elevator please?”
“Of course Mrs Woods, I will have that ready for you by this afternoon. “Said Don who then turned to Scarlett and said “Welcome to The Dynasty, miss….”
“Woods. Scarlett Woods” said Scarlett.
The two women made their way to the elevator. Nya swiped her key card and the elevator door closed lifting them all the way to the top floor. As the elevator stopped and the doors open, the women stepped out into Nya’s penthouse. It was everything that Scarlett had imagined it would be.  Modern furniture and fixtures, a spiral glass staircase led upstairs to the bedrooms which complimented the glass everywhere that made it impossible to miss the spectacular view of the city.
“So what do you think?” Said Nya as she poured them a glass of wine. Scarlett sat at the kitchen island and shared with Nya how she loved the PH and how proud she was of her. Nya showed Scarlett to her bedroom and left her to unpack as she went to order them some food because Nya hated to cook and never really had the time for it.  Scarlett and Nya sat in the living room eating Chinese on the couch, admiring the view and catching up on life.
“Maybe you could get a job here in LA maybe open your own practice” said Nya
“Hmm I just want to take it slow for now” Scarlett replied.
“Well….” Nya was interrupted by the sound of the elevator. She jumped up in excitement and said “David’s home!!”
“Nya!” yelled David as he made his way to the kitchen.
“We’re in the living room hun” Nya shouted back. She quickly let her hair out of the bun that she had put it in and went to meet David.
“Hi” Scarlett heard her say after which was silence; she assumed they were sharing a kiss.
“Scarlett” said Nya as she walked back in the living room. “This is David”
Scarlett got up from the couch and turned to face to them. David was tall, dark and handsome. His six-pack abs was hard to miss even underneath his work shirt. His smile though, that was everything. Scarlett initiated a handshake but David came in for a hug. The three laughed.
“David is a hugger” said Nya
“It’s finally nice to meet you Scarlett I feel like you’re family so don’t mind the hug.” The two locked eyes and Scarlett smiled. Luckily for her, her blush went undetected underneath her chocolate skin. She couldn’t help but notice how deep and masculine his voice was. Not to mention how good it felt as he embraced her.
“Likewise” Scarlett replied.
“So what have you two been up to?”
Before Scarlett could reply his phone rang and he excused himself and left the room.
“So what do you think?” Nya whispered
“Well he’s cute” laughed Scarlett
“I know I hit the jackpot with him!” Both women laughed.
The three spent the rest of the night drinking wine and listening to David’s crazy stories.  Unfortunately Scarlett didn’t get much sleep; she hasn’t been sleeping well since her mother died. She got up out of bed, put her robe on. As she made her way downstairs she realised she wasn’t the only one who was awake.
“Working late?” she said
David turned around a little surprised. He smiled and said, “yeah life of a lawyer. I didn’t want to wake Nya so…..”
“This view is amazing “said Scarlett as she made her way over to the oversize window.
“Yeah it is” said David looking up from his computer. “From up here the city seems so peaceful. After living here for a while you tend to get used to it, it’s not that fascinating anymore”
Scarlett turned and faced David. “I’ll just go get some water and leave you to it. Goodnight.”

“Nya!” he said as he got home. The smell of Chinese food led him to the kitchen but Nya yelled that she was in the living room so he made his way there instead. He saw her walking towards him, he could see that she was excited to see him as she leaped into his arms and he held her there kissing her deeply. They always had a very good sex life but lately sex took a back seat but the passion between them still burned strongly. “Later” she whispered in his ear as she felt his hardness on her thigh. But David was used to hearing that.  He knew by later she would be passed out from drinking too much. She held his hand and led him to the living room.  He watched as Scarlett got up and made her way towards him. The first thing he noticed was the subtle yet seductive way her hips swung from side to side. He quickly diverted away from her mesmerizing eyes afraid to get lost in them. Too lost in her beauty he hadn’t realise she extended her arm for a handshake, but he already went in for a hug. Her soft body felt good against his. Quickly gathering his thoughts and reminding himself he had a wife he released her. The rest of the night went well but he couldn’t help but notice throughout the night how beautiful she is and how infectious her laugh is.
“So what do you think?” asked Nya as she clumsily undressed for bed
“She’s nice….smart”
“Well she is a psychologist. I saw you looking at her, its ok I know she’s pretty. David was already in bed, Nya climbed over towards him. “But luckily for me I snatched the cute guy this time not her” She leaned over and kissed him deeply. The taste and smell of wine was evident. Nya started moaning loudly, David quickly rolled over on top of her, and she giggled.
“Could we for once not have sex when you’re not drunk?!!” Said David as he left her on the bed, grabbed his laptop and left the room. As he made his way down the hall he realised Scarlett’s lights were off, “she must already be asleep” he thought.  It had been about an hour since he started working; he knew Nya had already passed out. Lately her drinking had moved from a social habit to a crutch. Their sex life was almost non-existent. He still loved her but her drinking was driving a wedge between them.
“Working late?” A little startled he turned around to find Scarlett standing their looking like a goddess. Her lavender silk robe did no justice in hiding her figure.  Her perky breasts sat perfectly, he watched as her hips swung from side to side as she made her way over to the window. She in no way had any shortage of ass as it moved rhythmically with her hips. Her hair was up in a messy bun but to him she still looked perfect. She had a certain sense of sexiness about her, one that seemed so effortless yet captivating.  The conversation was short and she soon left him to it. He reprimanded himself after she left for lusting after his wife’s best friend and vowed that he would never look at her in that way again but instead focus on his marriage.

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