Chapter IV

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Nya was on her fourth glass of champagne. Scarlett made another feast to celebrate Nya getting Jacob Lake as a new client. Jacob Lake was one of Hollywood's hottest actors. He hired Nya to cater his 32nd birthday party in Beverly Hills. David was running late so the two women started dinner without him. It had been two weeks since Scarlett was in LA. She had decided to stay and open her own practice. However the hunt for an apartment and office space had been a slow one. Things at David and Nya's had been awkward to say the least. Scarlett had witnessed Nya's alcohol abuse first hand and her refusal to get help had sparked some fiery arguments between her and David. One good thing that came from Nya's drinking was the growth of Scarlett and David's friendship. The two would usually meet downstairs in the living room after Nya was passed out and they would spend hours talking. David would talk about the pressures of his job, his marital woes and Scarlett would talk about struggles of finding an apartment, her life and worry for Nya. They had developed quite a friendship.
"Sorry I'm late" said David as he walked in the kitchen. He barely put down his briefcase when Nya pounced on him and kissed him deeply.
"I got Jacob Lake!!" She said excitedly.
David's forced smile said it all. He looked around the kitchen for a minute before sitting at the kitchen island.
"Hi David" said Scarlett. She gave him a look that said "I tried"
"Hi Scarlett" he replied
David took Nya's champagne glass and ushered the food towards her.
"You've had enough to drink. Why don't you try eating something honey." Nya gave him a cold stare. The two stared at each other for about a minute after which Nya picked up the champagne bottle and resumed drinking.
"This is a celebration" She said a little too loudly. "I just landed one of the biggest stars in Hollywood!!" She stroked David's face.
"Nya you have to stop this! I can't keep coming home after a stressful day at the office just to deal with your drunken ass."
Nya lowered the bottle; she looked over at Scarlett and back at David. No one spoke.
"Well I'm sorry I'm not living up to your standards Mr Woods." She placed the bottle on the counter and walked out.
"Maybe I should...."
"No Scarlett. You know there's no use talking to her when she's like this." Said David massaging his forehead. "I'm just so tired of all this, I literally miss my wife."
Scarlett walked around and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You can't give up now. She's in their somewhere. We just need to get the help she needs."
"I'm gonna go check on her"
"Hey Scarlett. Thanks for dinner....again. Usual time?"
Scarlett smiled, "usual time".

"Hey" said Scarlett as she came downstairs that night to meet David.
"Don't worry I already put the kettle on"
Scarlett smiled. She sat on the couch beside him. He closed is laptop and turned to face her.
"So any luck today?" He asked
"I'm actually meeting with the realtor tomorrow to look at some new locations. I'm just picky." She giggled.
"Don't I know it" he smiled
"Hey stop that. If I can't find anywhere I might just end up being your neighbour."
"I think Nya would love that"
"What about you?" The two stared at each other." I'm gonna go get the teas"
David watched as she walked away. Her hips swayed in her pink silk robe. He knew he was attracted to her, what man wouldn't be. She came back and placed the tray on the table.
"You know i think you're addicted." He said jokingly
Scarlett laughed, "A tea addiction. I'll look into that."
"So what are we gonna do about Nya doc?"
"Well my professional opinion. She needs to want to get help and then that way she can sit and talk to someone whether me or someone else. That way we can get to the root cause and figure out her triggers and move on from there."
David took a while to respond and then said "Do you think I'm too hard on her?"
Scarlett smiled, "No I just think you're genuinely concerned and you just miss your wife."
"I'm glad you decided to stay" he said
"Me too"
The two spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. It was 2:10 am when they said goodnight.

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