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Shawn's POV:

Slowly Alice and I made our way to the family room, when we finally got there I noticed two more people aside from Rose, Emmett, Jasper, and Edward. I read their statuses quickly starting with the Blonde haired man.

Name: Carlisle Cullen
Age: 365
Species: Cold One
All stats: 100
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160lbs
Personality: Selfless, protective, compassionate, and wise.
<End Status>

Name: Esme Anne Cullen (née Platt)
Age: 110
Species: Cold One
All stats: 100
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs
Personality: Maternal love, compassionate, and protective.
<End Status>

"Is it cold in here, Oh wait that's just me." I sarcastically remarked after checking their status. My remark caused Emmett to laugh which made some of the tension to be released. Rose smiled when she saw Emmett laugh and shook her head in mock disapproval. Everyone else looked at him in confusion.

"What? That was funny, it was a joke because he knows that we can't feel the coldness of a room." Emmett defended himself. "Ehh what's up doc?" I asked the only doctor in the room, but I got a cold reception. "Really? You guys never watched Looney Toons? Man I'm disappointed Emmett, I thought you at least would have gotten that one." I sighed in exasperation. Emmett looked down sadly before I started laughing my ass off. "God you're gullible, man I wasn't disappointed in you because news flash you've been a teenager this entire time, and not a little kid." I explained while I laughed.

"Not to be rude, but who are you?" Carlisle asked me his question brought silence to the room.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought they told you who I am; I didn't think they would've forgotten. Hi, I'm Shawn Swan but everyone in the house except for Edward can call me Luc." I apologized for the older teens and introduced myself.

"Why can't Edward call you, Luc?" Esme asked for everyone as they were confused. "He can't because he upset my little sister and the way he acted made her think that something was wrong about her and not himself." I explained as I glared at Edward. I felt someone grab my hand that was clenched unknowingly, I looked at who grabbed my hand and my glare was replaced with adoration as it was my goddess. I felt my anger and annoyance with Edward drain away as I stared into Alice's eyes.

"Ahem." I heard someone clear their throat a few times before I looked away at who was making the noise. "Damn Jasper, you should really go to the doctors office to get that checked out. It sounds like you got a frog stuck in your throat." I stated slightly annoyed because of the disturbance which caused Emmett and Rosalie to snicker while Alice giggled. I turned my attention back to her and smirked before kissing her cheek which made her playfully hit me.

"You should be careful sweetheart, considering you're stronger than me by about 14 times." I stated truthfully this caused everyone to go silent.

"How do you know that?" She asked quietly and she looked a little afraid of my answer. "To be honest, I know what you guys are...I've known the entire time." I answered her truthfully and she looked like she was about to cry even though she couldn't, so I pulled her into a hug and rubbed circles on her back.

"How did you find out?" Carlisle asked breaking the silence that had formed. "Well I grew up listening to stories of the tribe on the rez. I'd get a refresher of them whenever I came here. In fact I got one the day after I got back. So I just put two and two together; besides I've been drawing Alice for years, I knew she was special because drawing her or looking at a drawing of her helps me relax." I explained to everyone and they nodded in thought. "Well that explains how you knew what we are but what was the comment about strength?" He asked and I knew that I fucked up.

"Heh..that I guess I can try to explain it." I said while scratching the back of my neck. I took a few minutes trying to come up with a way to explain it. "Well I have a gift, I guess that's what you guys would call it anyway." I finally got out and you feel the shock and confusion in the room.

"What is your gift if you don't mind me asking?" Esme asked in a worried tone. "Is it alright if I sat down?" I asked everyone and they all nodded eager to hear about my gift. "Well to learn about my gift, you have to learn about me. The first thing that you have to know is that my soul has only been here for a few weeks." I dropped my confession on everyone and this caused everyone to have worried/shocked faces.

"What do you mean by that?" Rose asked me with a worried tone in her voice. "Well a few weeks ago, I woke up in a place called the void. I had no body, no voice, nothing but my thoughts. I called out because I was confused and alone, and after I called out and I got a response stating, 'That You are in the void and that You were a given a gift by god from your previous life.' I was then asked to pick a family to be born to and that list was: the Swan, Black, Uley, Cameron, Ateara, Clearwater, Stanley, Newton, and Lahote families. I of course picked the Swan family, but I clarified that I wanted to be Bella's older brother." I explained to everyone and let that sink in.

"So what happened next?" Alice asked in curiosity which made her look really cute. "After I made my choice, I was surrounded by a white light and then I woke up in a room disoriented and the first thing I saw was a painting of the most beautiful woman ever. Then I passed out from exhaustion, but before I passed out I saw a screen with information on it and I studied it for a little while before passing out." I told them.

"So what information was on the screen?" Carlisle asked curiously which made me chuckle before explaining, "Well it tells me my body's status, which is very helpful considering when I first got to this world. I weighed 350 lbs, but with my gift I was able to quickly get down to 200 lbs." they all gasped at my confession. "Okay besides your weight what else does your status say?" Carlisle asked me once again.

"Well for me the list goes like this: Name, age, species, occupation, strength, speed, agility, balance, intelligence, wisdom, and finally skills." I told everyone.

"So wait, does that mean you can see the status of everyone?" Jasper asked finally after being quiet for most of the time here. "To answer your question, yes I can, I've only been able to observe other's statuses for a few days now. The reason for that is because I created the skill needed to see their statuses by observing people and the more I observe people the more I'll see on their status. Right now I can see Name, age, species, stats, and personalities." I answered truthfully and everyone but Alice looked at him to see if I was telling the truth; I won't lie that kinda hurt.

"So how does your gift calculate the stats?" Emmett asked a question for the first time. "Well Emmett, according to my gift the average adult male has a stat of 1 for each category. For example my dad is an average guy and so his stats are:
Strength: 1
Speed: 1
Agility: 1
Balance: 1
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 1."

Emmett and everyone else nodded in understanding. "So since I answered your questions, can you answer some of mine?" I asked everyone.

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