3. Behind the walls of Treebecca

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Behind the walls of treebecca "field of trees" , The two tribes living around, the Moabin tribe and the Mangolia tribe, they believe that the mother tree named Petrica tree, it has run the first roots that has made all the other trees, treebeccas. They use its roots as medicine and for ritual practice. Both tribes have a secret about the terrain, the is something more serious and hidden.

The Moabins lead by Chief Mobina, years back during civil war broke and they were forced to move out of mount Lezuki, some of them refused and most of their legends were killed, and part of the tribe move far to the eastern side across the river Aladina and reside behind the treebecca walls. Since then, they grow bigger in numbers and became more dangerous.
The other tribe ruled by chief Mangolin of Mangolia tribe lived in the outer part of the walls and reside far from Aladina river and Madimbo, they went deeper in the Bush and reside there.

During pollination the tribes were killed by the poisonous dust or pollen released by the mother tree Petrica of the ancient, it is found to be deeper in the walls, not easy to find. You can get lost and die inside the walls.

Life in the bushes.
Closer to the routes of Petrica tree.
Chief Mangolin had a daughter named Rebecca, she is a beautiful young lady with good attitudes, she helped a lot in a village, they build shelters for the sick people and she helps the old ladies to treat those who had been affected by the disease and wounded people caused by Moabins during their fights.

The other tribe

The chief Mobina he is a very cruel leader.

In his village, He also made huts to live in."When he came out from one of his huts", everyone including children fall down , hide their faces and his soldiers too, Because of his evil ways.
Mobina kraal

Take them to Patrica,he commanded the soldiers and went back to his royal hut.
His soldiers grap the four man they had bring along with, it looks like they betray them. Woman and children start to cry and soldiers yelled like hyaenas and walk through the gate inside the walls with them, his soldiers looks too black in skin colour,cause they put the black muthi on their bodies and it shine like a black oil, it help them to hide in the walls and prevent them from detecting the disease and their visibility.
When they arrive, they tied them on the tree and washed them with water and leave them to dry, they left them there, in few minutes they start to scream their bodies change and raises and a green fluid brakes out of their bodies and they die instantly.

Soldiers moving in to the walls

We are moving in, and you all stay away from the trees we don't know how we get infected, come on get moving, said commander Kruger.

They lineup and move closer to the walls and put on their musks, as they move you could see the tree curtains made their way difficult but they could see Clear because it was becoming light of the morning sunrise.
They moved a distance now, closer to the walls.
I don't see any path here that can get us through this giant trees, keep searching, said commander.
As they move, they discover that the is a path a small distance in front .
Commander sent three man in front and tell them to scout the path from the sites.
With hand signal they show that they are in position. As they look through the passage, two went in leave one on the gate and in few seconds they gave a report back Clear and they all moved inside.
The was two ways that going down to the left and the other one to the right.
They now had to choose one route.
Rfn Mandoria picked up some foot print, it moved to the left side and he show commander Kruger. He instructed them to follow the prints. On its way they just disappeared from no where.
As they looking around tried to pic something out of nothing, a green drop fall down from the top part of the trees and on top of lieutenant Beaver s helmet and flow to the side and on to his chick.

He stand and slowly remove that fluid. He realized that it is sticky and green in colour, he started to panic, look at this! fu... What's this? He start to scratch and scream falling down and roll, they start to panic, what what lieutenant? He scream, help me!
Commander quickly came forward, grab him, come hold him here, they grab him," two other troops", as they do so , he examined him. He is infected.
Come tied him, no commander he is dying, hurry up do something, do what? Do it, said warrant Dreco. They looked each other in the eyes and Commander Kruger looked at his gun and look back to warrant, He gave him a head sign to confirm the action.
Scar took out his hand gun and take a short. qua! "sound of a gun shot"
While they where still shocked, come come let's get going, said commander.
We leave him here? Ask one of the soldiers.

No one answered him they just move on.

In a short distance, while they were moving after a shock, they have just lost one of them, it became very quite and tense now.
Wind start to blow as they move through the branches or curtains of the trees and the branches were moving side by side.

Shshshshhhhh................the sound of...
The free flow of the Moabins from the top dropping down to the ground all over the soldiers with Spears killing them, yeah...hhhh...
It began!
War broke!
It was shooting and blood shed, screaming, a hell of a sounds of killing, butchered of men.
A number of soldiers died there, and Moabins were shot dead too, they fight in a passage without enough space. commander fled on the scene and Mandoria bleed to death and fall down closer to the two corps and pass out. The two soldiers remain holding the grounds, firing but badly injured.
The Moabins retreat and went back to their hidden place.

As it goes lieutenant Shreader with his men, on the search of their men,
After they have heard the sound of rifles and a noises coming out from a distance. they suddenly meet their commander on the run, escaped the attack.
Look its commander Kruger, shouted loud one troop of Lieut Shreader. He is injured, He run to meet him. Commander, commander what happened to you! the others moved around to looked out what's coming behind him. They move forward and make a last search before they return to the base with him.
On their way back they carried him and he told them his men are dead.

Behind the walls
The Mongolians are on their outlooks when they found dead bodies of the soldiers and they found three soldiers unconscious and badly injured.
They took them to their kraal and start to dress their wounds at their place of safety, where they treat their own sick people.

Two weeks on the early days of August since the troops lost their Battle in the walls of treebecca.

Military base

The general was informed about the attack and he had to come to Letlhawa camp.
On his arrival with the other superiors, they intend to charge commander Kruger, but unfortunate he was already admitted to the military hospital, battling for his life, while the others are still missing and the task team force is on the out look, searching for the missing and to confirm the deaths.

The Path to Petrica

Behind The Walls Of TreebeccaWhere stories live. Discover now