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My team silently followed the thief. Something about him seemed so familiar. After a moment of silence, we finally caught up. Red X. But that's not what felt familiar. No, I knew how this guy moved. Red X was Jason Todd.

"Red X? But I thought Robin was Red X?"

At Beast Boy's words, Jason, or should I say Red X, narrowed his eyes. "Think again." My feet left the ground as I dodged the X's.

He went to kick Raven, form flickering as she put up her shield. With one swoop from his leg, she was on the ground. He backflips gracefully before pushing off the wall as Starfire shot her star bolts at him. He jumped from pillar to pillar, always one step ahead. Starfire and Beast boy were down in an instant. Cyborg was soon to join them.

Using my powers, I appeared in front of him. Jason managed to block every punch I threw at him. I swung my leg at his head, managing one good hit.

"So that's how you wanna play huh?" I was stuck to the wall by an X. "You know, the only crime here is that I haven't gotten a date with the red head yet."

"Sure, Jaybird." His eyes widened as I muttered the nickname. Breaking free, I tackled him, sending us both tumbling. I let out a frustrated yell as he disappeared from underneath me.

Slipping away after the battle was surprisingly easy. I found Jason in no time.

"X marks the spot? Seriously Jay?"

He chuckled and turned the face me. "I overdid it, didn't I?"

"Just slightly. What are you planning on doing? You should have known from the beginning that you'd have to fight me."

Jason sighed. "I know, Gale. It's just...I'm bored out of my mind living on the sidelines. As much as I hate to admit, I miss being the boy blunder. But I don't want to play the good guy anymore. Prior to popular belief, I actually like living."

My communicator buzzed. "Ok, that's my cue to go. Whatever you're doing Jay, you better act quickly. Dick has you all figured out."

Extending one hand , I walked through the portal. "No sign of Red X or Cyborg."

"He must of attacked him. It's my fault."

"Robin, something tells me that's not the case. You need to stop taking all the blame."

"Yes, Robin. The error you made, it's in the past. You are no longer the one inside that suit."

"And personally, I think it looks much cooler on me." Always so over dramatic. Extending my arm once more, I caught Raven and Beast boy and set them back onto the roof. And off in different directions we went. The last I remember was a flash of red.

"Do I understood it correctly, you came back for me?"

Jason turns to face me. "Well, I wasn't about to let my best friend get herself killed."

I smile softly and hug him. "Thank you. For everything, Jason."

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