The H.i.v.e.

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(A/n: I don't own the images I used above)
I glanced at the newly finished t shaped tower. I just simply couldn't wait to get my own room. Don't get me wrong , sharing a room with Raven is great, but I want a little bit of alone time every once in a while.

Finally I finished setting up my room. My bedsheets / bed frame was modeled after Doctor Who. The wall directly across from my bed had a painting of Castiel. To the left of my bed, I had used magic to turn the entire wall into a bookshelf. On that book shelf I had almost everything, from Sherlock Holmes and Percy Jackson to spell books. Opposite of this wall, I have a desk and a Sherlock poster. It'll do for now.

"Hey Alex...woah. How'd you do so much with your room in such a short time?"I turn to see Beast boy gawking at my room from the door.

"Magic. You were saying?"

"Oh yeah. We're going to get a pizza. Wanna come?" Beasty questions .

Raising an eyebrow I reply, " Will we even be able to buy a pizza? Starfire trashed it, remember."

"They just reopened it last week." He announces, heat slowly making its way to my face.


Mini time skip:

Of coarse, wherever superheroes go villains follow. All I wanted was that to much to ask?

"I simply love the emo look you're going for. To bad I'll have to ruin it." I say to the pink haired girl. I throw her across the street with dark magic, making an emo sized dent in the wall.

I flew over to her and started throwing punches. Right. Left. Hook. Upper cut. Pink magic.
I went flying back wards, literally.

"Thanks. Maybe I'll give you fashion tips sometime."

"Seriously, we're fighting a team of super villains you're flirting?" B.B. calls out.

Using dark magic, I summoned my sword and shield. Slash. Block.

"Isn't that what fighting is? Really aggressive flirting?"

"Well, I'd love to take you out." I fly to the left, avoiding her spell.

"Unfortunately for you, it's your unlucky day. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" My sword disappears momentarily while I throw a car at her.

A wave of pink sends the cat back my direction. I let out a silent gasp as I expand my shield. I end up with my back touching the wall and a car in front of me. "You were saying?" Jinx asks from on-top of the car. Pink was the last thing I saw before it went black.

"...Exa. Alexa wake up."

"W..what? Wait...where's Robin?" I question. Raven and Beast boy's eyes avoid mine. "Show me what happened." Raven nodded before taking a meditation pose.

"Azerath metrian zinthos."
Suddenly I'm seeing what happened through Raven's eyes. Robin was falling into the sewer at an impossibly slow rate before hitting the water. Then everything sped up to normal and I was back in my own mind.

"It won't do us any good moping. Let's head back to titan tower to regroup. While we wait for Star and Cyborg, I'll see what our data base has on H.i.v.e." I order and Raven nods.

"Wa...what was that glowey eye thingy? And who died and made you boss?"

Time skip:

What is wrong with me today? First I flirt with a villain, next I lose Robin, and now my 'leadership skills' get us kicked out of our home? Well ... the rest of the team anyways.

~Flashback ~
"I don't know how long it'll take for Star and Cy to return. It's only a matter of time before the HIVE attack again. Next time it might even be at our base. We must be vigilant. If and when they do indeed attack I'll use a spell to make me temporarily invisible. Last time they saw me I was unconscious in a wall. For all they know, I could be in a coma. If they ask, that is my cover story. I can infiltrate quite easily. Raven, I want you to act mad. But not to the point where you're fighting blind. Understood?" Alexa explains as they fly back to the tower.

"You can turn invisible? That's so cool!" B.B. exclaims, causing Raven to roll her eyes.

"I can with the right spell, but it makes me very tired so I don't do it often."

~End Flashback ~
I raise my arm to wipe a drop of sweat from my forehead. I can't stay invisible forever, let alone conscious. All I wanted was pizza...where did I go wrong? It was me being part demon, wasn't it?

I am currently using my laptop to hack into the titan computer. Robin, Cyborg, and I created the defense system. I can defeat it. Ok I'm through.

Time to activate the lasers, aka the only good idea Beast boy has ever come up with.

Watching through the security cameras and the camera in the computer, I fire the attack. I destroy baby spider's (a/n: Gizmo) robot legs first, then move on to Mammoth. I see Raven's magic abduct Jinx, my hands still firing demands . Mammoth's out. I can finally get rid of my invisibility spell.

"Hey Spidy!" I say , catching his attention before sending a swift punch to his baby face, knocking him out. Oh shit...was that child abuse I think to myself as I tie him and Mammoth up, placing hand cuffs onto their hands.

By the time I've sent them to jail and dragged myself up the stairs because I was too tired to teleport, they had already defeated Jinx. Thank god. Time to learn how to hibernate I guess.

Right when I was about to fall asleep, a light knocking at my door. I let out a muffled groan before I get up to open the door.

"May I come in?" Robin asks and I nod , opening the door more.

"Raven and Beast boy told me how you jumped in charge after I was out of commission. You really took one for the team today."

"Your welcome. Though don't expect me to wake up anytime over the next three days. You'd be surprised how much energy being invisible will take."

"Duly noted. Well, in that case I should let you rest. Goodnight."

"Good night."

Nightingale ~Robin x ocWhere stories live. Discover now