After shock part 2

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The city was so quiet without the people. The only sound for miles was the sound of metallic feet marching along the abandoned roads. The fog created a perfect cover for us to move in. While the others took out Terra, I was in charge of whipping out the backup. In one fell swoop, hundreds of broken robots hit the ground and rolled themselves into a pile. Can't have anyone helping her destroy the world, can we?

I flew back just in time to see her flee like the traitorous coward that she is. "You know Slade isn't going to let her do that, right?"

Robin scowled at Slade's name. "I know."

Cyborg called delivering the first blow. I think he did a very nice job doing so.

Starfire destroyed her stupid rock whilst I roundhouse kick her into a building, leaving a huge dent. She tries to take flight again but is stopped by Robin. Starfire fires at her and Terra barely blocks it in time. Blows between my team and Terra seem to become quicker. Every time she shook one of us, someone else was there to stop her.

We almost had her. The only reason she got away is because of the fusion of my three least favorite villains.

The battle wasn't going well. More robots showed up to aid the fusion. We were surrounded. "Gale, Raven, now!" We set up the shields, and boom! The robots were dealt with. Now the freak show.

I took a deep breath before attempting something. I could feel my four eyes glowing a dangerous red. I let out a scream as I tore them apart, leaving three weaker forms. All three were unconscious.

We showed up just in time to save Beast Boy's life. But not fast enough to save Terra's.

Nightingale ~Robin x ocOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant