Red x

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"Here, let me try." I speak up, before disappearing down the hallway to Robin's room. I knock on the door only to receive a "go away" from Robin.  So I took that as an invitation to open the door. 

"Look, I know better than to try to get you to relax, but at least eat. You can't fight Slade if you hospitalize yourself. Here, I brought you dinner. Also, I think I might have found a result on Slade's so called 'secret identity'. I hacked into the city's data base and found a guy named Slade Wilson. It might give us a lead. Now get some sleep." I set the food down on his desk and turn to leave.

"Wait. Thanks." 

I turn slightly, giving him a soft smile. "What for?" 

"For not telling me to relax...and for bringing me food."

"You and I both know that telling you to relax would only agitate you more. Plus, what are friends for?"


This Red X's moves seemed familiar...really familiar. Only one person fights like this...Robin. It's smart...pretending to be a thief to get close to Slade, I mean.  But it might cause trust issues within the team. What have you done now, Robin?

Nightingale ~Robin x ocWhere stories live. Discover now