Cinder block

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Song: Words fail (by the way, this is a cover)

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Song: Words fail (by the way, this is a cover). Be prepared to be hit with the feels.

"You know, Cindy, normally the bad guys break out of jail." Beast Boy comments as we arrive at the scene.

"And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in." Raven stood on the right side of the triangle whilst I floated above them all. "It all adds up to you going down!" Robin finishes as I summon my black magic sword and shield.

Robin kicks him across the face and at the same time, I attack Cinder Block with my sword from the side, successfully denting him. Next, Starfire and Cyborg attack. While Beast Boy attacks Cinder Block's left side, I pivot and attack his right.Raven unheavels the pavement and swiftly moves out of the way as he barrels through it. It wasn't long before Cinder Block hit Cyborg and Robin and I can't help but wince. Seconds later, he grabs Star. I swing my sword, Hitting the back of his leg as Star escapes.

Then Beast Boy, being well, Beast Boy, turned into a dinosaur and almost KILLED Raven and I. Ooo, sonic boom time. I barely have time to pull up my shield as Robin's 'boom' flies towards me and Raven.

I pull up another shield, blocking the prisoners' escape path, leaving the rest of the team on the other side of the force field. All I have to do now is wait.

"Jailbreak? I don't see any jailbreak." Garfield announces as I rejoin my team. (a/n: For those of you who don't know, Beast boy's civilian name was Garfield Logan. Iconic, right?)

"None of us would have seen one if Cyborg hadn't messed up!" Robin practically snarls. Woah, slow your roll Sonic.

"Me? I messed up nothing! You got in my way!" Cyborg retorts.

"You were to far forwards and Cinder Block got away because of it!" Oh, great. I wasn't aware I had two other siblings.

"Oh, you're saying this is my fault?!"Ok, enough's enough.

"Ok, ladies, your both pretty. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was a simple mistake that could happen to anyone." I declare, stepping in between them.

"And you! If you hadn't wasted time with that stupid shield-"

"Said useless shield made it so the prisoners could move only one way. If I hadn't set up the 'stupid shield', they would have had a wider escape path." I calmly intervin.

"Yes, stop with the mean talking!" Star exclaims and they turn before insulting each other.

"What did you say?!" Oh, here we go again. And around the merry go round we go.

"You have a problem, tin man?"

"Yeah, it's four ft tall and smells like cheap hair gel!" Unfortunately for Robin, I don't know any spells to freeze people.

"Well, you're an oversized klutz and your feet smell like motor oil." Pfft, that was weak.

"Ok, that's enough! Both of you calm down. You two are fighting while Cinder Block gets away." Once again, I'm ignored.

Nightingale ~Robin x ocWhere stories live. Discover now