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He looked down from the roof he was standing on. Contemplating what just happened mere moments ago. It was getting dark; his mom would get mad if he came home late.

Actually, she'd get angry either way but he didn't have it in him to care anymore.

Today could be described as the best and worst day of his life.

He got to meet his idol, the man he looked up to his whole life. The only person he thought would look at him and see more than a fragile quirkless boy.

Life wasn't fair, he had come to terms with that a long time ago. In a world where 80% of the population have special powers called quirks, Izuku was one of that 20 % that didn't. That 20 % were considered to be at the bottom of society, treated worse than villains for being born different than the majority.

Yeah... Izuku found out that life was unfair, a long time ago.

All might had saved him from the sludge villain, only to later crush his dreams in a way that caused Izuku to wish he wasn't saved in the first place. Maybe he should follow Kacchan's advice. His old childhood friend had cornered him at school that day. As usual, Izuku could only ride it out and hope he wouldn't add more bruises to the ones he knew he would have to tend to when he got home. But this time was different. It didn't end with the beating, Kacchan had gone as far as to give him some friendly advice as to "take a swan dive off the roof and hope you'll get a quirk in your next life" today couldn't get any better right?

Having his idol stand in front of him, Izuku couldn't help but ask the question he was yearning to ask ever since he was diagnosed as quirk less. However, the answer he got stung more then he wanted to admit.

"You can't be a hero "The number one hero had said. After that, any other words exchanged had gone on deaf ears. This sentence playing in a constant loop in his head. Of course, he couldn't be a hero. He was just that little quirkless, worthless, Izuku after all.

In fact, he couldn't believe he had hoped to hear otherwise, even for a second. All his life he was never more than a burden to others, looked down upon and bullied by everyone, even by his own best friend. Could he still call him that? No, that title was taken away a long time ago, 10 years ago to be precise. The moment he turned four and everyone got their quirks. Humanity evolved and he was left behind.

From that moment, his life took a turn for the worst. His dad left home claiming to have nothing to do with the abomination that his wife has given birth to. "I can't have a quirk less son, Inko. It's a disgrace to my family name and society..." While delicate wisps of smoke curled from his lips. "...and so, is the woman who birthed something, so useless." He snarled, his eyes never leaving Izuku, as if, each word dripping with disgust was meant for him and him only.

With that sentence hanging in space, Izuku woke up the next day. One person less in his house and one more broken heart. None the less, life didn't stop there! Did it? Because of course, it won't, life was funny in a peculiar way.

Inko Midoriya loved her son. She really did. Her son was declared quirk less and therefore, took away both, her respectful reputation and her husband.

Hisashi left the house and left Inko to deal with the aberration that she had given birth too.

She tried at first, she really did try to act like nothing was wrong, as if this status wouldn't change the way she looked at her son. Meanwhile, every time she saw him she was reminded of what she had lost. She'd see her son smiling and she'd want to wipe that expression of his features. Because, what right did he have to smile when she was suffering? She would see him laughing and she would want to just snuff it out. How dare he laugh when she feels so miserable.

A light in the void (my hero academia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora