"Yeah, everyone's going." Gladys explained on the other line, trying to make it sound like a great event by reiterating that plenty of people would be in attendance, because she knew FP would more than likely decline her offer.

He silently cursed on the other line. He really didn't want to go at all, finding himself in a catch 22, until an idea crossed his mind.

He quietly cleared his throat before putting pressure and strain on his vocal chords to feign a weakened voice.

"I'm just not feeling too good babe." He lied, adding an ill groan to put emphasis on his act.

"Well do you want me to come over instead? Nurse you back to health?" She seductively suggested with a smirk.

"No!" He interrupted briskly with a stammer, not wanting to blow his whole plan up. "I don't want you to catch whatever this is." He added in a sweet tone.

"Oh." Gladys responded disappointedly. "Well okay then, I hope you get better soon."

"Me too."

"Guess I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure." He added softly before kissing her through the phone. He immediately hung up afterwards and reclined back into his couch, ready to continue his day but not before a knock on the door took him by surprise.

He groaned in frustration before leaping up and staggering towards the door. He didn't bother to look through the peephole as he intended on sending whoever it was on their way, until he opened the door to find Alice on the other side.

She gave him a soft smile as she pushed her shoulders up and down once he opened up, anxiously waiting for him to speak.

"Hey, am I interrupting something?" She questioned upon seeing he was shirtless, hoping deep down that she hadn't.

"No, course not." He assured her before leaning against the doorway and folding his arms over his chest. "What's up? Are you okay? The baby?" He enquired with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah we're fine." Alice chuckled as she lightly rubbed her stomach, looking down in pride before locking eyes with him again, happy to see the concern had gone. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to head to the mall."

He arched his eyebrows as a look of confusion crossed his face. A girl asking him to go shopping with her was a rather odd request. "The mall?"

"Mmm hmmm." She nodded before pulling her soft pink lips into her mouth. "My Dad gave me about $500 to get the last few bits we need for the baby."

"Oh, the baby!" He said in relief. That made sense.

"It's cool if you don't want to, I just thought it would be good to do it together." Alice mentioned before preparing to walk off the Jones porch.

"Alice wait!" He called out, watching her turn immediately and truly catching her face for the first time today. The way her golden blonde locks fell over her shoulder, the way her pregnancy glow made her features stand out just that much, the way the sun hit her sapphire blue orbs. She just looked so effortlessly beautiful.

"I didn't say that now did I?" He grinned widely before reaching for his shirt. "Of course I'll come with."


"This is so cute!" Alice gushes as she eyes up an adorable blue onesie with the words "I love Mommy" printed on the front.

FP chuckled at the sight of it as he pulled it from the rack, picturing their little boy in the outfit.

In that moment, shopping together as normal parents do for their unborn children, it suddenly dawn on the two of them just how surreal this whole situation was. None of this was exactly conventional or traditional, being teen parents who weren't even together, making this major life changing circumstance just that little more overwhelming.

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