Chapter 1: Mission

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I was called into a council meeting, as I was walking with my Master Mace Windu, he says, "It's interesting that you have a purple lightsaber, it is odd..." he walks towards the door to the council meeting and he opens it, he gestures for me to enter first.
I walk into the room and stand in the middle, I then bow and say good morning to the council members.
I watch as Master Windu sits down in his seat, he looks at me and gives me a smile, "(Y/n) (L/n), one of our strongest Padawan, you will be joining Master Qui-Gon Jin and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi on a mission to negotiate with the Trade Federation's Nute Gunroy."

I look at my Master in disbelief.

"Issue is there?" Master Yoda says taking my attention off, my Master.

"No not at all Master Yoda." I look at Master Windu, "When will we be leaving?"

Instead of Windu answering I hear Qui-Gon exclaim, "Now, best to pack your things, well, all you need is your lightsaber and cloak." He stands up and walks towards me, "Come alone now (Y/n)!"
I quickly bow and excuse myself from the council and follow Master Qui-Gon. "My apprentice is already at the ship, we are ready to take off."

"Yes, Master." I smile as I quicken my pace to suit his.

We have boarded the ship and I have finally met Obi-Wan Kenobi, I for some reason have taken an interest towards him, although I am unsure why.

It has been a while since I met Obi-Wan but we have made a new friend who is called Jar Jar Binks, he is an outcast of the Gungan species. Master Qui0Gon saved his life so the Gungan King has let Jar Jar stay with us, Master Qui-Gon sees this as some sort of life debt that Jar Jar has to pay off.

We enter the throne room and see the Queen with her five handmaidens, four guards are taken out of the palace.

We have saved the queen and went onto the ship with Padme, Obi-Wan, Master Qui-Jon, Jar Jar, and R-2 unit that Jar Jar seem to have woken up and myself. I sit in a room outside the main piloting station, I lean back on the chair and shut my eyes. I suddenly feel a presence around me. I open my eyes and see Obi-Wan.

"Mhm? Did I wake you?"

"No, I was never asleep, to begin with." I sit up straight and watch as Obi-Wan sits in the seat in front of me, "Obi-Wan, can I ask about something?"

"Sure, you can also just call me Obi."

I flash him a quick smile.

"I jus-"

My sentence was interrupted by Master Qui-Gon storming into the room, "Hold on everyone!" The ship then crashes onto the ground, I try to stay calm but that doesn't really work, Obi then runs to me and holds me tight. All of a sudden I notice that my feat has lost contact with the ground, I feel a warmth on my chest and something heavy on my head.
I open my eyes and to my surprise I see Obi-Wan lying on the floor with me on top of him. I immediately stand up dust myself off.
"Oh blast! Obi, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" I ask lending him my hand so he can stand.

"Yes (Y/n), it is not your fault is it?" He chuckles as he dusts himself off, "I'm going to check out what's wrong with this ship."

Master Qui-Gon, Obi and I walk out to the main area of the spacecraft, Obi opens a floor panel and starts to hoist the Hyperdrive, I offer to help but he said that it's alright, apparently he wouldn't want me to injure myself.

"Yep, the Hyperdrive generator is gone. We need a new one." Obi says looking at Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon comes closer to us and says quietly, "Don't let them send ant transmissions. Be wary...I sense a disturbance in the Force."

I look up at Master Qui-Gon, "Yes, I feel it too."

Obi nods as Master Qui-Gon stands up.

Obi and I are left on the ship as the others go out and look for a new generator. It is just us and the captain.
Obi and I are sitting in the lounge as we await good news from the others.

Suddenly his voice erupts, "What did you want to ask me earlier (Y/n)?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it was just me being silly."

"Is everything okay?"

"No, I've been thinking about the Jedi Code recently and I'm not sure about the 'attachment rule'." I sigh and put my face in my hands.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well, it's every little girl's dreams to fall in love, including mine. My parents set such a good example for me. My mother would always tell me that 'true love will not stop at anything, you'll find someone one day, and you better hope they treat you right!' that was before the fighting." I look up at Obi who is conflicted.

"Yes, I too agree with you. Although, I was taught by Qui-Gon that I should push feelings away, he told me he experienced something that could have been stopped if he just didn't fall in love."
Obi looks out a window and sees a sandstorm coming in. He then gets out his ComLink and tries to reach his Master, "Master, are you there?"

"Yes Obi, we are staying with a young boy called Anakin, I feel a strong connection to the force with him, do not worry, we will be safe here. How are things going with you and (Y/n)?"

"Good, everything is fine here, the Queen is alright and so are her other Handmaidens."

"Obi, is (Y/n) with you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Go into a room, I need a moment to speak with you without anyone saying anything."

Obi then smiles at me and walks away.

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