Chapter 16: Mr Brangwin

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I tell Obi and the Masters my plan, but Obi doesn't see, to approve.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaims grabbing my shoulders, "I am not going to do that!"

"Obi, it's the only way!" I look at him and smile, "I won't get hurt, believe me."

"It's too risky!"

"Right, Lady (Y/n), is." Master Yoda says breaking off our argument, "Do this, you must." The ComLink then shuts off leaving Obi and I in silence.

"I don't want you to do this, I would rather you be safe." Obi says rubbing my cheek with his thumb, "Please, don't do this, there has to be another way."

"You heard Master Yoda." I sigh, "We have too."

"Fine. But you know I don't like this."

"I know, the sooner we leave the sooner things get done."

"Apparently this Brangwin is here on Naboo." Obi says walking towards the door, "I will track him while you get yourself ready."

He walks out the door and I take my clothes to the bathroom. I get changed and I walk back outside, I then put on my shoulder and arm plates, my left shoulder stamped with the Republican logo.
I then walk out to the 'living room' area where the Senator and Anakin are sitting with Obi.

"What?!" Padme and Anakin shout.

"She's just going to walk in like that pretending you captured her?" Anakin shouts at Obi, "She's crazy!"

"Look, it might be crazy but we have permission from Master Yoda." I say sitting down in front of Obi, "Have you found out exactly where he is?"

"Yes, in an underground tavern close to the bar we were at before." Obi says bringing up and hologram and pointing to an alleyway next to the bar, "There are stairs going down and that is where he is hiding."

"Anakin." I stay standing up, "You will stay here with the Senator and make sure no harm comes to her."

"Alright, as you say Milady." He says nodding his head.

"Come on Obi, let you turn me in now."

We walk out of the door and start heading towards the alleyway.

"Are you sure everything will do to plan?" Obi asks.

"Yes, I have a good feeling about this." I put my left arm on my hip, "Hold my arm, make it look like you're really taking me prisoner."

"I don't like this." Obi says holding my arm with his right hand and pulling me along.

"Remember to act like you're serious, I will seem as though I've been betrayed."

"Of course! I'm not that old that my brain isn't working!" He exclaims laughing.

"State your business." A droid says looking at Obi and I.

"I have Lady (Y/n)." Obi says looking at me.

"You may enter."

The doors open and we walk inside.

"Well, well, we'll, what do we have here." A man sitting on a chair behind a desk says, I assume he is Brangwin, "Two Jedi? One of the whom I am paying 40,000 for?"

"Yes, Mr Brangwin, I have decided to turn my fellow Jedi in." Obi says and I tug my arm, I feel him tighten his grip.

"I didn't think that you would turn me in Master Kenobi!" I exclaim.

"Yes, how romantic." The bounty hunter says, "Everyone on Naboo knows of your 'illegal' relationship, finally submitting to the Jedi order? Master Kenobi?"

"I felt as though it was the right thing to do."

"Finally, your senses Jedi." The man laughs at the Jedi, "Droids, take both of them away, let them say their final goodbyes before she gets hmm, executed."

The droids take us away outside to what looks to be where I will be 'executed'.

"When they start coming towards me you will fight them off, I will be hiding my lightsaber in my boots." I say.

"Okay, I understand."

And then, Brangwin comes into the room, with a blaster, "Master Kenobi, would you like to execute her yourself?"

Obi looks at me and smiles, "Yes, I would love too."

He then ignites his lightsaber and walks towards me, I am sitting their on my knees looking up at him. He stops right in front of me and raises his lightsaber to me neck. He looks back at the bounty hunter. He then looks back at me and smiles. I watch as if in slow motion as he whips around and runs up to the bounty hunter.

"Thought it was that easy, huh?" Obi says raising his lightsaber.

I stand up and take my lightsaber out of my boot and I ignite walking towards the man, "Now, you will come with us and you will talk."

"Okay, okay, I will talk." He says putting his hands up.

Just in time a group of troopers come in and I finally ask them to arrest the man. I watch as they take him away onto one of our ships. I get communication with Anakin and Padme, "Anakin, Senator, do you copy?"

"Loud and clear Lady (Y/n)." Anakin replies.

"Good, we are all to leave for Coruscant immediately, General Kenobi and I have arrested the bounty hunter."

"Why must Padme and I return to Coruscant?"

"It is not safe yet until we know who hired this bounty hunter, it was easy to arrest him."

"We will leave right away!" Padme exclaims turning off the ComLink.

Obi and I start running to the ship where the bounty hunter was put. As soon as we get on the ship Obi and I sit in an empty room where I sit meditating.
I open my eyes and I look at Obi who is sitting on the bed thinking.

"Did you find anything out?" Obi asks looking down at me, sitting on the floor.

"No, nothing. This is frustrating!"

Just as I express my frustrations a knock occurs at the door, "Come in!" I exclaims watching the door open as the commander of the ship walks into the room.

"Generals, the ship as landed."

"We will be there in a minute, thank you Commander." Obi says to the commander, I watch as the leaves the room bowing.

"I don't know, but I don't think the questioning will go well." I say putting my head in my hands, "I'm just confused!"

I hear him stand up and walk over to me, I feel a warmth on my shoulder. I look up and see him kneeling in front of me with his left hand on my shoulder, "It will be fine, we'll get the information we need!"

"Obi, I can always trust you to make me feel better." I give him and kiss on his cheek as I stand up. I walk to the door and I wait for Obi who is still kneeling. "Obi?"

"You always stun me (Y/n)." He stands up and walks over to me, putting his hand on his hip, of course I can't say no and I take it.

We walk over to the room where Mr Brangwin is being held.

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