Chapter 44: Birth?

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Its been about nine months since Obi and I were told to stay at the Council, we are sitting in one of the meditation rooms.

"We'll be able to go on missions soon, this war is almost over." Obi says smiling as he puts his hand on my giant baby bump. "I'm excited to meet you little one."

"I can't wait!" I exclaim looking out the window. "What time is it?"

"It's say it's about 10 at night?" Obi says, "Why?"

"I'm so tired..." I say yawning.

"You're not usually tired around this time." Obi says standing up and walking towards me, he offers me his hand and I take it.

"I know, I guess it must be the baby." I say smiling as he helps me stand up.

"Yes, it must be very excited to see the world!" Obi says as he laughs.

"I would be very excited." I say laughing as we leave the meditation room.

"Ah, (Y/n), Obi-Wan, how are you both?" Master Windu asks coming up to us. 

"I'm good!" I say smiling.

"Yes so am I!" Obi says smiling at the Master.

"My little grandchild." Master Windu says smiling, "You must be excited."

"Yes, I'm excited!" I exclaim rubbing my stomach and looking up at Obi."

"I can't wait to meet my little child." Obi says smiling.

"Yes, and then you both can go out on missions again." Master Windu says smiling, "How did Skywalker take the news?"

"He can't wait to have a little niece or nephew!" Master Windu says smiling, "Good luck."

"Thanks Master." We says bowing as he leaves.

We walk back to our quarters and we open the door. I sit on the bed and get a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't think anything of it and I just go have a shower.
I put on my night clothes and I get out of the bathroom. I see Obi at our desk looking through something.

"What's that Obi?" I ask walking up to him.

"Master Windu give me these papers to look over. Apparently there's a mistake." He says smiling me, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine." I say putting my hand on his shoulder, "Have you found it yet?"

"No, but I have a feeling I know where it is." He says smiling. "You should get some sleep, the baby will be coming soon."

"Yes, I was thinking about it that. I'm really tired." I say smiling at him, "Don't stay up too late."

"I won't, don't worry." He says rubbing my back.

I walk over to the bed and lay down. I shut my eyes and go to sleep.

I see a little girl with (your hair colour) and blue eyes, she is holding one of the training sticks, she has a mask on her face and a droid is firing at her. I see Obi was up next to her and give her a hug.

"It's getting late, come in and have dinner." He says taking the mask off her and deactivating the droid.

"Okay daddy!"

I wake up and I shake off the dream. I like next to me and see Obi sleeping next to me. That was such an odd dream, with no story or anything.
I feel something wrong with my stomach and I shake Obi awake, I have a feeling that the baby is coming.

"Obi, I think it's coming!" I exclaim.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" He says as he rubs his eyes and sits up.

"I think it's coming..."

He immediately gets up and helps me up, we race over to the medical wing and the droids come help me. It's so painful!

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