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It crept up on her quite slowly. She would have never imagined a year ago that she would be madly in love...with her best friend’s husband.
Scarlett King had been best friends with Nya woods since middle school. Their friendship had survived everything from boys, teenage drama and even the big move. Nya moved to Los Angeles to kick off her catering business while Scarlett decided to stay back in Seattle. Five years later Nya was running a highly successful catering company to the stars of Hollywood and Scarlett put her psychology degree to use and was now the guidance counsellor at their old high school. But everything changed when Scarlett’s mom passed away from cancer.
“That was a really good service S” said Nya as she consoled Scarlett after the funeral. She sat beside her on the porch swing. The house was crowded with guests and Scarlett wanted a little time to herself. Nya brushed her curls from her face. She always had long curly hair and she loved it. She had recently dyed her hair blonde which she thought complimented her caramel like skin tone.   Nya had never considered herself as beautiful or attractive as Scarlett but her slim figure was something that she loved and flaunted quite confidently; hence the tight fitting, sweetheart neckline dress she opted for. Scarlett however was confident but more conservative. Her long black hair lay perfectly against her chocolate brown skin. She opted for a simple A line dress but it didn’t matter because her curves were hard to hide. Her confidence didn’t need as much effort as Nya, she knew she was beautiful and sexy; she needed no one’s approval.
“I can’t stay here” said Scarlett as she gazed out on the neighbourhood. The same neighbourhood she learned to ride her bike, had her first kiss, left and went to college and the same place she stayed to help take care of her mother after she was diagnosed with stage 4 skin cancer.
“Maybe you just need time S, it’s still…”
“No” she said cutting Nya off. “I can’t stay here” her eyes filled with tears as she remembered her mother.
“Then what do you want to do” asked Nya as she drew closer and placed her arm around her best friend.
“I don’t know”
Nya rested her head on her friend’s shoulder as the both of them gazed out on the neighbourhood.
As Scarlett started saying goodbye to the few remaining guests, Nya went to call David. Nya and David had been married for 3 years. She and David had eloped in Los Vegas and Scarlett stayed mad at her for an entire week. Even though it’s been 3 years David and Scarlett haven’t officially met. With David’s hectic career as a criminal lawyer and Scarlett being a workaholic in Seattle it’s just been face time and phone calls.
“Hey you” said David as he answered the phone.
“Hi honey”
“How’s Scarlett doing?”
“I’m worried about her. I don’t think I can leave her alone. She doesn’t even want to stay here anymore.”
“Well look, why doesn’t she take a break from Seattle and maybe the LA sun might be good for her”
“Really? Babe that’s a great idea, you two could finally meet, I know she would love the penthouse and we could go shopping on Rodeo, she could see the city. I think it would be great for her. That’s such a good idea!!”  Nya was excited. She hoped Scarlett would agree to it.
“Ouch” said David
“I think someone’s about to burn through my platinum card.” 
“Ha ha very funny. I’ll take to you later. love you”
“Love you too”
By now all the guests were gone. Nya found Scarlett in the kitchen attempting to clean up.
“Scarlett?” said Nya as she slowly approached her. She was daydreaming again. Scarlett turned and looked at her, tears flowing down her face.
“Oh S” Said Nya as she embraced her. Scarlett stood there in the kitchen surrounded by dirty plates and sobbed in her friend’s arms.
As Nya walked into Scarlett’s room that night, she prayed her best friend would agree to come to LA with her. She had no idea how to comfort her or distract her in a house filled with memories. “Scarlett” she said as she knocked on her door.
“It’s open” yelled Scarlett. Nya opened the door and walked in. Scarlett was on her closet floor rummaging through old pictures.
“Hey you remember this?” Scarlett held up the picture for Nya to see. It was the both of them with their dates going off to prom.
“Oh my God!!” said Nya excitedly. “Look at my hair”
“Look at our dates!” said Scarlett who was feeling a little better.
“Hey at least you got the cuter one, as usual. I was stuck with Jeff Coombes”
Both women looked at each other and started laughing. Nya stopped laughing and just blurted out “David and I want you to come back to LA with me!!”
The room was filled with silence after that. Scarlett started packing up the pictures.
“S says something” Said Nya, worried that she was upset.
“I think...I think it would be good for me”
“Really? Cause you kind of had me worried there for a second”
“Sorry. I was just thinking about it for a second but yeah I think it would be good”
Nya squealed in excitement as she hugged Scarlett.
“This will be good. We can go shopping, go out for dinner and you can finally meet David!!! Oh S! I’m so excited. This will be so good for you.”

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