They reached the end of the maze and started to move forward but, as they did so it got darker and darker, until Chara could only see herself and Frisk. They soon encountered a lone Echo Flower.

  As soon as Frisk got close it said in a voice Chara couldn't recognize, "Behind you."

  The light suddenly returned as Chara and Frisk both turned around to find Undyne, in her shining full body armor, blocking the way. Frisk stood there unfazed as Chara looked between the two.

  "Seven. Seven human souls." Undyne said menacingly. "With the power of seven human souls, our king, King Asgore Dreemurr, will become a god. With that power, Asgore can finally shatter the barrier. He will finally take the surface back from humanity, and give them back the suffering and pain we have endured. Understand, human? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your soul, or I'll tear it from your body."

  Chara held her breath, this was finally it, this is where all of the meaningless death and bloodshed finally ends. Frisk tightened her grip on her knife as Undyne summoned a spear in her hands and prepared to charge at her. Suddenly, Monster Kid jumped out of some nearby tall grass standing between Frisk and Undyne.

  "Undyne!!! I'll help you fight!!!" Monster Kid shouted excitedly before looking at Undyne, who had frozen in place, and Frisk, who strangely didn't look surprised at all.

  "YO!!! You did it!!! Undyne is RIGHT in front of you!!!" Monster Kid told Frisk with a big smile. "You've got front row seats to her fight!!!" Monster Kid looked between the two again and said, "...wait. Who's she fighting???"

  Undyne dispelled her spear and grabbed Monster Kid by the ear, dragging him away from Frisk back towards the dark crystal maze.

  "H-hey! You aren't gonna tell my parents about this, are you?" Monster Kid said as they disappeared into the maze.

  "That kid really needs to find a new hobby." Chara remarked as she shook her head.

  Frisk said nothing as she followed after them and took a north path they didn't see in the darkness earlier. This water logged path had several silent Echo Flowers and a save point at the end. The path itself ended with a right turn to the east. Frisk saved and made her way to the next area, and began crossing a wooden bridge.

  Before they could make it to the other side however, a voice said,  "Yo!"

  Surprised, Chara and Frisk turned around and saw that Monster Kid had followed them. Monster Kid walked up to them with a troubled look.

  "Yo. Undyne told me to stay away from you." Monster Kid said to Frisk. "She said you... you hurt a lot of people. But, yo, that's not true, right?!"

  Frisk didn't say anything and turned to leave, but Monster Kid said, "Yo... Why won't you answer me? A... a... and what's with that weird expression...?"

  Frisk suddenly turned around and Chara saw a smile on her face, but it was not a kind smile. That smile would have froze her heart with fear were it still beating. Frisk took several steps toward Monster Kid, forcing him to back up with a frightened look on his face.

  "Oh... Oh man..." Monster Kid said before whispering, "Man, my h-heart's pounding right out of my chest... What would Undyne do?"

  Monster Kid tired to put on a brave face and said, "Yo. Y-you'd b-better st-stop r-right where you are... Cause if you w-wanna hurt anyone else... you're... You're gonna have to get through me, first. A... and... and..."

  Chara's eyes went wide as Frisk's SOUL suddenly floated out of her chest as she entered a FIGHT with Monster Kid.

  "Frisk! What are you doing?!" Chara said her voice panicked. "He's just a kid!"

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