Chapter 12

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  Frisk and Chara set off after Frisk had healed herself with the monster food, passing by large piles of accumulated garbage most of which was just junk. They soon came across a save point that Frisk promptly used. While Frisk was saving, Chara looked around and watched a tin can float towards the nearby waterfall. Frisk finished saving and watched the can with Chara as it floated over the waterfall and fell into the bottomless depths below.

  Frisk and Chara turned away from the waterfall and rounded a corner, at the end of the short corridor they could see more piles of trash and a doorway at the far wall. As they moved towards the exit they passed by a few discarded items including a bent bicycle, an old empty computer tower, a portable cooler that had a few freeze-dried space food bars in it, which Frisk took and placed in her inventory, and an old training dummy.

  As Chara and Frisk moved towards the exit the old training dummy suddenly appeared, floating, in front of them. Chara gasped in surprise but Frisk didn't even flinch.

  The dummy looked angry as it laughed, "Hahaha! It's just like you to run away.  I am a ghost that lives inside a DUMMY. My cousin used to live inside a DUMMY, too. Until... YOU CAME ALONG! Not only did YOUR actions cause them to leave their home, but now all of their neighbors are gone, too! Despicable. Despicable! DESPICABLE!!!"

  The dummy's cloth was now red as it began shouting, "You're the worst person I've ever met! I've NEVER been more mad!!! Guoooooooohhhh!!!! My mannequin levels are OFF THE CHARTS!!!"

  Suddenly the dummy's cloth went back to normal in an instant.

  After a brief pause the dummy said, "This... This feeling... Eureka. Eureka! EUREKA!!!" It shouted as a smile appeared on it's face.

  "Human. That moment of unbridled emotion. It allowed me to finally fuse with my body! I'm fully corporeal now! My lifelong dream, realized! In return, I guess I won't stomp you. How's that sound?"

  Frisk said nothing as she raised her knife and slashed the dummy into pieces. Chara only watched as the dummy's cotton puffed out of the gashes Frisk had made. Frisk walked towards the exit with Chara floating silently behind her. They entered a cavern that had a save point which Frisk used immediately. Chara wished Undyne would find them soon, she wanted this nightmare to end.

  Chara was pulled out of her thoughts as she realized that Frisk had moved into a small hallway, pulling her along without her realizing. Frisk passed by what looked like a small shop in the rock wall, but didn't go inside. As they traveled deeper into Waterfall, they entered a mushroom forested area. Here there were large slim mushrooms that were as tall as saplings, as well small mushrooms that glowed when you touched them. Chara remembered that she and Asriel came to this part of the Underground often to play with the Temmies, strange monsters that resemble cats, with dog ears on the sides of their heads, as well as their normal cat ears, shoulder length black hair, and they all wore blue shirts.

  Frisk walked from mushroom to mushroom, touching them as she went, lighting up the path a little more with each one. Chara was surprised, as Frisk didn't even pause once they had entered the forest. It was as if Frisk had seen this before, but that was impossible. They entered a cavern at the edge of the forest. Inside was another maze-like path, all along the path were several lanterns and purple crystals.

  Chara had seen these crystals before. They were magic and would make whatever area they were in darker by absorbing the light. The only way to brighten the room again and take the light back from the crystals was to illuminate a new light source, hence the lanterns. But again, Frisk didn't falter, she didn't even take a wrong turn. It was as if she knew the maze like the back of her hand.

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