Chapter 4

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  Frisk and Chara continue forward into a room with two spider webs and a sign. After Frisk placed seven gold on the smaller web, two spiders crawled down from the ceiling and gave her a doughnut. While Frisk was getting the doughnut Chara read the sign, it said Spider Bake Sale, All proceeds go to real spiders. Chara looked up at Frisk who had just put 18 gold in the other spider web and received a jug of cider in return, before she made for the room's exit.

  Back in the room where Frisk had her FIGHT with Napstablook, Frisk turned right and took the north exit. Chara saw that this room was empty save for a sign that said, Did you miss it? Spider Bake Sale down and to the right. Come eat food made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders! Chara hoped the last part was just an exaggeration.

  As Frisk walked forward she stumbled into a group of three Moldsmals. After killing two of them the third managed to corner her with its bullets. One of them hit her soul directly and a cut appeared on her right hand. She finished off the Moldsmal and looked at her hand which was starting to bleed.

  Concerned, Chara looked at it as well and said, "It's not very deep but if I were you I'd heal it anyway."

  Frisk didn't say anything but opened her inventory and ate one of the monster candies she had taken, maxing out her HP and healing her hand. Chara still wasn't sure if she could hear her or not. As Frisk was about to exit the room she received another call from Toriel.

  "Hello?  I just realized that it has been a while since I have cleaned up." she said. "I was not expecting to have company so soon. There are probably a lot of things lying about here and there. You can pick them up, but do not carry more than you need. Someday you may find something you really like. You will want to leave room in your pockets for that."

  She hung up and Frisk walked into the next room. This room, Chara saw, had six spots where the floor was unstable. Frisk immediately walked over the southwest spot and fell down once the floor crumbled away. Chara followed her down and watched Frisk as she picked up a red faded ribbon. Frisk tied the ribbon into her hair and crawled back up through a hole in the wall with Chara close behind.

  She looks pretty cute with that ribbon... Chara thought while Frisk walked over to one of the center unstable spots.

  In the second hole there was a switch on the wall, but before Frisk could press it two Loox started to pick on her. This angered Chara, if there was one thing she hated, it was the bullying of others.

  "Seriously!? Picking on a lone girl!" she said angrily. "What a couple of jerks!"

  Frisk killed both of them with out hesitating, and flipped the switch on the wall.

  I wonder if she had been picked on, on the surface too. Chara thought as she followed Frisk back up through the wall.

  Chara was about to start floating towards the exit when she noticed Frisk wasn't with her. Turning around she saw Frisk making her way to another hole in the floor. Wondering what she was doing, Chara followed as Frisk fell down into the third hole.

  What is she up to? Chara thought. The spikes blocking the exit are gone she can continue through.

  At the bottom of the hole Frisk walked over to what Chara initially thought was a very big carrot, but soon realized it was actually a Vegetoid, a living vegetable that liked to give everyone free vegetables. Frisk entered a FIGHT with the Vegetoid and killed it before Chara even had time to say anything.

  Chara was worried about Frisk as she climbed up through the wall. Frisk was now deliberately getting into FIGHTs with monsters and killing them. This was no longer just self-defense.

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