Chapter 9

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  Chara stared at Frisk, speechless at the cruelty she had just shown. As the snowstorm began to clear up, Frisk started to walk forward. Chara was too stunned to do or say anything as she was pulled along behind Frisk like an invisible talking balloon.

  After walking for half a minute the snow on the ground soon gave way to dirt, as the sounds of falling water were soon heard, getting louder with each step. They soon arrived in a small area that had an empty sentry station, a glowing blue flower, a save point, and the small yellow monster kid from Snowdin.

  Monster kid noticed Frisk and said in an excited voice, "Yo! Are you sneaking out to see her, too? Awesome, she's the coolest, right?! I wanna be just like her when I grow up. Hey, don't tell my parents I'm here. Ha Ha."

  After Frisk saved and moved into the next area, Chara finally found her voice again and asked her, "Why Frisk? Why did you kill him? He wasn't a threat to you, he was trying to help you, and you just killed him in cold blood." Tears began to well up in Chara's eyes as Frisk stopped and turned to look at her.

  After a brief pause Frisk simply said in a flat voice, "He was in the way." before she turned back around and began walking again.

  Chara knew now that Frisk was beyond saving, and that there was nothing she could do but watch as anyone who got in her way was turned to dust. Tears began to run down Chara's face as she wished she was still in the black empty void she had been in before Frisk had fallen into the Underground.

  Frisk proceeded behind a large waterfall and into a small crevice where she found and equipped an old dusty tutu. Chara couldn't help but stare at her. This murderer, wearing an old pink tutu whilst holding a knife. It was certainly something to behold. Frisk ignored her as she made her way out of the waterfall cave and into the next area.

  The area had a large patch of very tall grass covering the path. Frisk moved through it easily enough but stopped halfway through and looked up. Chara followed her gaze and saw, standing on a ledge above them, someone in armor with their back turned to them. After a few seconds Frisk took a step forward, rustling the grass, and froze as the armored person immediately took notice and peered over the edge. They summoned a blue glowing spear as they scanned the grass for whoever had moved, but unable to find anything, they dispelled their spear and retreated into the shadows.

  After a few seconds, Frisk moved out of the grass and came to a halt as a voice behind her said, "Yo, did you see the way she was staring at you?"

  Chara and Frisk turned around to see that Monster kid had apparently been hiding in the grass with them.

  "That... was AWESOME!" Monster kid said excitedly. "I'm SOOOO jealous! She was just standing there waiting FOREVER, and then you just...!!! C'mon! Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!"

  Monster kid started running towards the next area, but not before tripping and falling face first into the ground. Undeterred, Monster kid quickly got back up and ran further into Waterfall. Chara, after some thinking, now realized that the armored warrior must've been Undyne. Chara remembered Undyne when they were both kids and always looked up to her for her toughness, strength, and never-quit attitude. Frisk saved at a nearby save point and followed Monster kid.

  The area they arrived in had the crest of a waterfall blocking the path, but as they got closer Chara could see four large lily pad looking flowers forming a bridge across. Chara remembered King Asgore teaching her and Asriel about them. They were called Bridge Seeds, and when four of them lined up in a single file on water, they would bloom into large flowers that could be walked on.

  Frisk, without pausing, quickly made her way across and moved towards the area's exit. Soon she fought and killed an Aaron, a monster that looked like a cross between a horse and an eel that was always working out and flexing at anybody nearby. Chara looked away while they fought, not wanting to see any more monsters die. But, she could still hear the Aaron's final cry of pain as he was reduced to dust.

  After the FIGHT Chara looked around and saw that the area they were in was much larger, and also had a stream preventing progress. This too had a line of Bridge Seeds already in place for Frisk to use as she entered a small cave to the left of the stream, but not before killing several more helpless monsters. The room had several blue glowing flowers, and a telescope pointed at the ceiling. Chara recognized the flowers as Echo Flowers. Asgore had said that whatever these special flowers heard they would repeat it over and over forever or at least until they heard something new. She soon realized that this was the Wishing Room that her, Asriel, and all the other children would visit to whisper to the Echo Flowers the wishes they had made to the glowing crystals in the ceiling.

  Asriel once asked her, "Hey Chara, what do stars look like?"

  Chara had smiled before looking up towards the many crystals and said, "They look just like this Asriel, but many many more than this, so many it'd be impossible to count them all and they're so far away that nobody can touch them."

  Looking back at Asriel she could see that he had stars of his own sparkling in his eyes as he looked at her in amazement.

  Chara giggled as she ruffled the fur on top of his head and told him, "Maybe one day you'll be able to see the real thing when everyone is freed from the Underground."

  "Will you watch them with me Chara?" he asked with a big grin on his face.

  "Of course, it's a promise." she said smiling back.

  As she brought herself back to the present Chara noticed that none of the Echo Flowers were saying anything. They were all silent as her and Frisk made their way towards the back of the room where the Wishing Room's exit was. The next area always had water covering the floor and thus had a large boardwalk for crossing. On the back wall were several plaques that had blue glowing letters on them. Chara remembered that they described the Human Monster War and how the monsters had lost to the humans and were all sealed into the Underground with a magic barrier cast by seven of the human's greatest spellcasters. They also described that if a monster got hold of a human's SOUL that monster would gain incredible power, hence the human's subsequent fear of monsters and declaration of war.

  Frisk walked past the plaques without even reading them. As she reached the end of the boardwalk she stepped on a tiny raft the carried her across the water to the area's exit. As she walked forward onto another boardwalk, she and Chara immediately froze as a glowing blue spear plunged into the ground in front of them.

  Startled Chara looked up and saw that Undyne was standing on a ledge above them. Frisk took off running as Undyne summoned three spears into the air and sent them flying towards Frisk. Frisk dodged them and continued running as Undyne continued to summon more magic spears and send them hurtling towards her. The path soon started taking sharp turns, making it difficult for Frisk to dodge Undyne's spears. Frisk began to take damage as a spear grazed her left arm, another slashed her right calf, and another plunged itself into her shoulder. All of the spears disappeared after they hit their mark. She kept running doing her best to dodge the volley of spears as she saw another patch of tall grass a few feet away. She was hit by one final spear directly in her back as she made her way into the grass and came to a halt.

  Chara heard Undyne's metal boots hitting the ground as she got closer. Frisk held her breath as Undyne came to a stop and raised her arm to make a grab for Frisk. Undyne swiftly brought her arm down and gabbed hold of something. Raising it above the grass it was revealed to be Monster kid who had a euphoric smile on his face. Undyne gently put Monster kid back down and retreated back the way she came. Frisk sighed in relief as she limped out of the grass, and came to a stop next to the area's exit. Blood was staining her sweater and tights red as she opened her menu. Chara's jaw dropped as she saw that Frisk's HP had been reduced to a mere 8.

  Maybe Undyne will be able to stop her Chara thought.

  Before she could think any further, Monster kid soon ran out of the grass and excitedly said to Frisk, "Yo, did you see that?! Undyne just... TOUCHED ME! I'm never washing my face ever again! Man, are you unlucky. If you were standing just a LITTLE bit to the left! Yo, don't worry! I'm sure we'll see her again!"

  Monster kid once again took off running, and once again landed face first into the ground before standing back up and running through the area's exit. Frisk and Chara stared after him as Frisk clutched her bleeding shoulder.

  On that we can both agree. Chara thought as she looked at Frisk who was trying, unsuccessfully, to stop the blood from completely ruining her sweater.

  *12 Left*

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