:A Proscriptive Relationship: 57-1

Start from the beginning

            “See you sometime too,” Mr. Heywood responded with a low chuckle.

            After one more, quick kiss I exited the car, hurrying towards the café. Just before I entered I glanced over my back at Mr. Heywood’s car. He was watching me, and he raised one hand in a wave. I waved back, smiling slightly before going into the small building. Warmth and smell of freshly brewed coffee washed over me as soon as I stepped inside.

            “Welcome!” one of the waitresses chirped at me as I walked by.

            I smiled at her in return for a moment before looking around for Lance. After a minute I finally spotted him in the far corner of the café, reading the newspaper. He looked up when I took a seat at the table, a grin spreading across his face.

            “Hey Holly.”

            “Morning,” I greeted, pulling his cup of coffee over. “Are you ready for this court thing?”

            Lance shrugged. “Not really. My lawyer is though.”

            It felt weird hearing that Lance had a lawyer. It was like hearing that a three year old owned a cell phone. A waitress came over to take our orders and I ordered a coffee and croissant while Lance ordered a refill and a muffin. As she was leaving my phone buzzed in my pocket.

            Is Lance with you?

            I made a face. It slipped my mind I was supposed to text Mr. Heywood and let him know whether or not Lance was actually here. I quickly typed out an affirmative answer and apology for not texting him sooner. A few seconds later he responded saying it was okay and that he was leaving.

            “Texting your boyfriend?”


            Lance scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Not really. I’m not particularly interested in men that are four years older than me.”

            “So you’re interested in other men?”

            He gave me a flat look. “No, Holly. I’m not gay.”

            I shrugged, holding up my hands defensively. “I never said that.”

            “Holly, do you have the feeling that something bad is going to happen?”


            Lance’s suddenly serious expression threw me off guard. My heart dropped, and I lowered my gaze to the table. “You too, huh?”

            Suddenly there was the wailing of a siren outside of the café. Both Lance and I whipped our heads towards the window as a police car whizzed by. A shock ran through me and I turned to Lance with wide eyes.

            “That was creepy,” he commented, slowly coming out of his tense state.

            A small, dry laugh left my lips. “Very weird.”

“Nothing’s going to happen,” he stated, as if trying to assure both of us. “It’s just pre-court jitters, right?”

I bit my lower lip and chewed it slowly. “Probably… But, I don’t know, all of this seems too easy. Shawn went down with barely any fight.”

Lance raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t Heywood get slammed with a shovel?”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” I admitted. “He hurt Mr. Heywood, but not that seriously. He wanted to get me, but failed. He tried to kill Jeremy, but Jeremy survived. He took Casey, but didn’t harm her. I feel like I’m missing something.”

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