~Chapter 23: Hope~

Start from the beginning

With that, Zeref was once again enveloped in a golden light; this time his body started to become transparent.
Natsu was surprised.
"Natsu, I'm sorry I never gave you much as your brother. This time, I want to make things right. Please forgive me for the wrong things I've done. The next time we meet I hope we can spend time together." Zeref said.
"Zeref.. " Natsu was touched beyond words. All he could do was to nod.
Zeref smiled and before Natsu knew it, Zeref already disappeared.

Natsu then carried Lucy's body in a bridal style towards the guild. He cradled her body closer to his for her to get warmth from him. He kissed her forehead.

On the way to his guild, he saw the fallen form of Acnologia. He saw the dragons in human forms with the reinforcements that Makarov sent and they were Erza, Gray, Wendy, Laxus and Romeo. They were cheering for their win.
However, the cheers died down when they saw their princess / comrade /friend in the arms of Natsu.
"Lucy! / Lucy-san! / Princess! " they shouted.
They ran to him to know the situation.
When they saw the state of Natsu was in, they decided to question him later and went back to the guild with a gloomy atmosphere.

In walking back, they saw that the damaged structures shines in gold and after the gold died down, the structures returned to normal. The group was in amazed amd wondered what happened except for one person, Natsu. Natsu thinks that it was Lucy's doing.

When they were face to face with the barrier around the guid, it disappeared upon knowing the faces and sensing no malicious intention.  Layla then felt it and was happy to know that they were safe.

Upon arriving at the guild, the people stopped what they're doing to know who is it. When they saw them, they erupted in cheers and celebrated with joy knowing that the battle was finally over.
"Yes, they did it! " someone shouted.

The cheers died down immediately when they felt the gloomy atmosphere.
"Why the sad faces? " Makarov asked stepping forward.
"Where is Lucy and Natsu? " asked Layla.

The group parted to the sides to gave way for Natsu to move forward with Lucy's body in his arms.

"Lucy! " shouted Layla with a fear in her face. Layla knew it that Lucy used the key.
Natsu kneeled down the floor still with Lucy in his arms.
"Please help Luce" whimpered the  dragon slayer.

"Natsu, bring her to the infirmary and lay her down in one of the beds. After that, come back" said Makarov.
Natsu just went to do as told.

Makarov told the group to sit down and take a rest. He told the residents of the town to go home for the battle is finally over. The crowd started to dispersed and went to their own homes.

A few minutes later, Natsu came back to where the group and Makarov is.
He asked "Where are the children? "
"They are sleeping in one of the rooms" answered the master.
Natsu was relieved.

"Natsu, what happened? "asked Erza.
Natsu decided to tell what happened from his running to where Lucy and Zeref was, Lucy holding a shining key and then losing consciousness, his and Zeref's conversation, and then Zeref's body shining gold and eventually disappearing.
The group was speechless.

"Wait, shining gold?! " asked Gray not believing what his ears heard. Natsu just nodded.
"What's the matter, Gray? " asked Makarov.
"In the middle of our fight with Acnologia, our bodies suddenly shimmered with gold and then we feel like strength was given to us and pain died down. We were able to defeat Acnologia after that." answered Gray.

"What's more is that when we were on our way here, the damages that were done on the surroundings shined gold and after it shined gold, it returned to normal " added Wendy.
"What in the world is happening?" asked Erza trying to think of an answer.

"It's because of Lucy" a voice answered the question of Erza.
"Layla" said Makarov. He gestured for Layla to sit down and continue.
Layla proceeded to tell them about the key that she gave to Lucy.
(sorry, I'm lazy... 😅)
The group didn't know what to say.

"Zeref's body shining gold, the bodies of the people who fought Acnologia shining gold and the damages shining gold.... These 3 things are the 3 wishes that Lucy made" continued Layla.
"In turn, the compensation is a long sleep?" asked the master.
Layla nodded.

"Natsu, I'm sorry. It's my fau-"
"No, don't apologize. It's no one's fault. It was Lucy's choice" Natsu interrupted Layla.

"So, what do we do now? " asked Makarov to Layla.
"All we have to do is to believe and have hope that she'll wake up"
Layla said.

Hey guys! Just wanted to say that the next chapter will be the Epilogue. We're almost there. Let's keep going strong guys.
I love you very much guys.

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