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"Be there in a second, dad!" Scorpius yelled back.

He looked back at Albus who seemed to be deep in thought. Albus shifted closer to Scorpius, hesitating before kissing Scorpius. Scorpius rolled over and Albus ended up on top of him. They kissed for a few minutes before Scorpius broke away, Albus rolled next to him.

"You know we have to go downstairs, don't you?" Scorpius said, trying to keep his breath steady.

"I don't want to though." Albus mumbled. "Can't we just stay here?"

Scorpius got off the bed, grabbing Albus' hand, trying to pull him off the bed. "Come on Albus!"

"Nooo!" Albus groaned as he tried to pull back.

He finally gave in and let Scorpius drag him downstairs. They stopped in the living room where both Harry and Draco were sitting on seats across from each other. Scorpius felt Albus pull his hand out of his and noticed the way he tensed up at the sight of his father.

"Hi dad." Albus mumbled.

Scorpius looked over at Harry, who was glared at his son before standing up.

"I think it's time we go home, Albus." He said abruptly.

Albus didn't say anything, he just stared his father dead in the eye and shook his head. Scorpius watched silently.

"Albus." Harry said, trying not to raise his voice.

Albus didn't move, he grabbed onto Scorpius' hand and squeezed it tightly. Scorpius Squeezed Albus' hand gently, shuffling closer to him so that they were nearly touching. Scorpius had never really met Albus' father, he was always away on some important work thing or some super-secret investigation task. From what Albus had told him about Harry, it seems as though they don't get along very well.

"Albus, please." Harry said again stepping closer to the two boys, making Scorpius shuffle closer to Albus.

"Harry, I said he could stay over." Draco interrupted. "It's no problem."

"But I don't want him to stay over." Harry replied harshly.

"Dad. Can I just stay over? Just for one night?" Albus asked quietly.

"Uhm, err, Mr. Potter?" Scorpius said quietly, his voice shaky, catching Harry's attention. "Why can't Albus stay here for just one night?"

Harry ignored Scorpius and resulted in trying to grab Albus. Scorpius immediately stood in front of Harry. To be honest, Scorpius had no idea what he was doing, he just did whatever felt right. Albus let go of Scorpius hand and moved him out of the way.

"Albus." Scorpius whined quietly, not wanting Albus to leave.

Harry grabbed Albus wrist and pulled him away from Scorpius. "Thank you Albus. We will be leaving now." Harry said, making his way to the door.

Scorpius stood in the living room for a second before rushing after Albus.

"Albus! Wait!" He called out, Harry had let go of Albus, they walked hastily, both halfway to the front gate.

Albus had stopped and turned around, Scorpius ran towards Albus. His heart beating quickly. All of a sudden he felt his hands move to Albus' face, pulling him closer and quickly kissing him. Scorpius could feel the judging glares of Harry and the surprised stares of his father, burn into his head as he pulled away from Albus.

"Bye, Scorpius." Albus said softly, smiling a little.

Scorpius stood in the middle of the garden as he watched Albus get into Harry' car and drive off. He turned to Draco who had already gone inside. He walked back inside himself and sat down next to his father on the couch.

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