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Scorpius and Albus both sat in class watching the clock. It was the last day of school before the holidays and they were both extremely excited. Albus had his stuff all packed in his bag already and Scorpius was halfway through doing so.

"Hurry, Scorpius!" Albus whispered. "There's only a minute left!"

"I'm trying!" Scorpius whispered back, stuffing his books in his bag.

The bell rang and Albus took Scorpius' hand, running and dodging past other students who were just as eager to get out of school.

"Albus!" Scorpius said, trying to make Albus stop. "Albus!"

Albus didn't seem to hear Scorpius and continued to run. "Albus!" Albus stopped and turned around, Scorpius was out of breath.

"Oh, sorry." Albus mumbled.

"It's fine." Scorpius smiled, laughing while trying to catch his breath.

"I want to go somewhere." Albus said with determination. "Where should we go?"

"How bout the movies?" Scorpius suggested.

"No! I know!" Albus' eyes lit up as he seemed to think of something. "There's this festival thing with music and food trucks and games! We should go!"

Scorpius groaned. He hated crowds; it makes him nervous.

"Oh, come on! It's the first night of the holidays! We should celebrate!" Albus said. "I bet it won't be that crowded anyway, it's been on for 4 days already and it's supposed to rain."

Albus wrapped his arms around Scorpius' waist and hugged him, looking up at Scorpius with hopeful eyes.

"Fine." Scorpius sighed.

They walked to the large grassy oval that was surrounded by food trucks, rides and a stage. Albus was right, it was pretty empty, and the clouds were grey and stormy.

"Isn't it nice?" Albus giggled, "I told you it wouldn't be that bad!"

"I know! I know. I'm starving let's get something to eat." Scorpius said, this time he was the one to drag Albus around.

They spent the next few hours eating, watching live music and playing carnival games. Scorpius kept losing so Albus won him a small stuffed bear with a wonky face. It made Scorpius laugh.

It had started raining so the two sat under a shelter, talking.

"I'm so excited for the holidays now!" Scorpius said excitedly, blabbering on. "We can spend all the time we want together, and we don't even need to do schoolwork! I mean, if your dad doesn't ruin it, but that's not your fault."

Albus started to look worried. "Yeah." He mumbled, looking down at the table with sad eyes.

"Oh! Albus, did I say something wrong? Are you ok?" Scorpius suddenly got all nervous too, not wanting to have upset him.

"No, well, I-" Albus fumbled, as if he couldn't find the words to say something.

"What's wrong, Albus?" Scorpius said, leaning a little bit across the table.

"I'm moving." Albus finally said.


"I'm moving to a new house."


"I only got told recently. My dad got this new job offer and we have to move."

"How long until you go?" Scorpius felt like reaching out to Albus, to make him stay, but he stopped himself.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Albus replied softly, his voice was sad and hurt.

Scorpius looked down, his heart sank. "Oh." He repeated.

"I don't know how long though. We might be back in a year or so. Maybe longer."

Scorpius stood up, out of the seat.

"I'm so sorry Scorpius." Albus said, standing up and walking round the table to stand with Scorpius. "I tried to convince them not to move but everything had already been done."

Scorpius had tears in his eyes. "W-we can still b-be together. C-can't we?" Scorpius felt his words shake, he didn't trust the words coming out of his mouth.

"I-I don't know." Albus said softly, taking Scorpius hand in his gently.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think we can be, you know, together, when I'm hours away. I don't think I can do the whole long-distance relationship thing."

"Albus. Albus are you-" Scorpius struggled to make words come out of his mouth

Albus finished for him. "Breaking up with you? Yes."

"B-but, Albus, can't we still be together? I don't care how far away you are, I love you!" Scorpius protested.

"But I care, Scorpius! I can barely be away from you for one day and not worry about you!" Albus said sadly, it was clear he was trying not to cry himself. "I'm really sorry."

"Albus. Please."

"I can't change my parent's minds, Scorpius. If it were up to me, I would stay, just to be with you." Albus shook his head. "It just doesn't feel right to me. I think that maybe it would be a nice break anyway. We can still talk! And message and maybe even see each other occasionally. But I just don't feel right to continue our relationship together when all we can do is text and call and video chat. I want to be with you, the real you, Scorpius. And I love you so so so much, I don't want you to ever forget that."

Scorpius nodded softly, tears in his eyes. Albus reached his empty hand up to Scorpius' face, wiping a tear off his cheek.

"I love you too Albus." Scorpius said softly, leaning into Albus' hand that rested on his cheek.

He smiled weakly and so did Albus', who pulled Scorpius into a tight hug. A hug that Scorpius wished would last forever.



That's it. I know it's a pretty stupid ending but I needed to do it so I can write Book two!

That's right! I am working on a second one that will come out on Monday (the first chapter anyway)

I wouldn't have ended this fanfiction this way or even done a second book, but this whole time I kept thinking about later and stuff, so I just had to do one.

Thank you so so so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to showing you all book two!


(new note: book two has a few parts out but i have maybe temporarily discontinued it so wont be writing anymore. (sorry!) I do, however, have two other scorbus fics that I would really appreciate you to check out too! I dont like that this is my most popular one despite being the only completed one lmao. My newer fics have longer chapters and actual plots so if you want something better to read after this then go check them out! Thanks!)

I LIKE YOU-A SCORBUS  STORYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant