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It was Monday afternoon and Scorpius was currently walking to Albus' house. He was nervous for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn't been over to his house for nearly 3 years or the fact that they didn't know about him and Albus. It hadn't ever occurred to him why they never studied at Albus' place, but he never argued. Scorpius stayed silent for most of the walk, Albus doing most of the talking (mostly about how excited he is). They arrived at the house quicker than Scorpius thought it usually took, but how would he know? They stood in front of the cosy looking house.

"Come on Scorpius! What are you waiting for?" Albus said trying to drag a still Scorpius from his position on the driveway.

Scorpius gave up and let Albus drag him to the front door. It swung open almost immediately and Albus' older brother James was standing at the door.

"Scorpius! Long-time no see!" James said dragging the startled blonde boy into the house.

"Leave him alone James! He's my friend!" Albus pulled Scorpius from his older brother and took him upstairs to his bedroom.

The two were immediately disturbed by Albus' little sister Lilly.

"Is that Scorpius?" She said poking her head through the door.

"Yes, now go away, leave us alone." Albus hissed.

Lilly groaned before slamming the door shut, making Scorpius jump a little. Albus sat on his bed and pulled out his computer. Looking up before patting the spot on the bed next to him to tell Scorpius to come sit. Scorpius obeyed, sitting next to him. He immediately felt his cheeks heat up when he saw what Albus was looking at. Albus, on the other hand, was smiling.

"My mum dug up these old files of pictures she took of us years ago!" Albus said excitedly.

Scorpius covered his face with his hands as if Albus was showing him a scary movie. "oh my god no way." He muttered under his breath, not wanting to see the pictures.

Albus sighed, laughing a little. "Come on Scorpius they aren't that bad!" He said, reaching his free hand over to pull Scorpius' hands away from his face.

Scorpius gave in and stared at the screen. On it was a picture of a small 7-year-old Scorpius and Albus at Albus' 7th birthday party. Albus laughed at what was on the screen.

"Our faces are covered in ice-cream cake." He said looking up and Scorpius who was cringing, his nose scrunched up.

"Is something wrong?" Albus asked him.

Scorpius shook his head slowly, "I dunno, there is just something about looking at old pictures like these that makes me feel all weird."

Albus wrapped an arm around Scorpius, pulling him closer in a semi hug and pecking his cheek. "can we at least just look at a few?" he asked, pouting a little.

"Fine." Scorpius said, pecking Albus lips. "Only a few."

The two ended up looking at more than a few photos and it was beginning to get late. The door opened and neither of them noticed, too busy laughing and whispering to each other.

"Albus, can you feed your damn cat?" Ginny, Albus' mother, said, not noticing Scorpius as she was looking down at the white cat that had followed her into the room.

"Oh! Sure, come on Scorpius." Albus said, closing the computer and helping Scorpius up from where they were curled up on the bed.

Scorpius smiled at the white cat that rubbed against his legs. He let out a soft laugh.

"Oh, Scorpius! I didn't even realise you were here." Ginny said, a little surprised. "You should head home soon, it's getting rather late."

"Mum can he sleep over?" Albus asked. "Please??"

Ginny sighed. "He would have to ask his dad first to check if it's alright."

Scorpius nodded getting out his phone and texting his dad.

"Let's go feed Muffin, Scorpius!" Albus said grabbing his hand and dragging him past his mother.

The small white cat ran after them. "She's getting big." Scorpius commented as Albus fed her.

Albus nodded. "I have noticed."

Scorpius phone pinged in his pocket, he took it out and saw the reply from his father. "My dad said I could stay over." He said, smiling at Albus.

Albus smiled back before taking Scorpius hand again and taking him back up to his room. They were then lying on the bed next to each other, hand in hand and Albus moving his head to that it was on Scorpius' chest. Scorpius felt his hand move to brush through Albus' hair gently. Scorpius noticed how silent Albus was.

"Albus?" Scorpius whispered softly.

Albus looked up awkwardly at Scorpius, "Yeah?"

"What are we? What do you want us to be?"

"we haven't really discussed that have we?"

Scorpius shook his head.

"Well, I was hoping for you to be my boyfriend." Albus said.

"You missed a word." Scorpius said, smiling.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah." Scorpius nodded. "I don't just want to be your boyfriend, I want to be your amazing boyfriend."

Albus laughed softly. "Fine, I want you to be my amazing boyfriend."

Scorpius hummed in approval.

"Is that a yes?" Albus asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course it is." Scorpius said kissing Albus' forehead.

The two sat like that until they had to go downstairs for dinner. They stayed silent for most of it, their legs tangling under the table. Lilly started asking Scorpius a load of random questions for whatever reason, and James started staring at Albus suspiciously, much to his discomfort. Scorpius felt Albus grab his hand under the table and smiled a little. After dinner, Ginny set up an extra bed in Albus' room but Scorpius slept next to Albus in his bed. They both made sure the door was locked so neither of Albus' parents could walk in on them in the same bed.

Scorpius laid on the bed next to Albus. He couldn't help but feel nervous. Not only for himself, but for Albus. The shorter boy lay next to him, obviously tense. The way he stared at the door as if something would jump out of it, or more likely, as if his parents or siblings were about to walk in on them together in the same bed. Scorpius moved his hand to grab onto Albus', in which Albus rolled over slightly so that he was facing Scorpius. Albus squeezed Scorpius' hand lightly, Scorpius squeezing back. It was like an unspoken reassurance. Like they are telling each other everything will be okay.

It clicked, something in Scorpius brain clicked and he realised why Albus always wanted to be at Scorpius' place. No siblings spying on their every move. No unknowing parents who might see things badly. An easy way out to run away if things turned bad. He finally understood. Now Scorpius wondered how he could keep such secrets away from his nosy family. Lilly had practically interrogated him all dinner, asking random questions as if she had never met him before. As if he was some sort of threat. It was if they all somehow knew, but didn't even realise.

Scorpius realised he had zoned out, he looked down and found that Albus had fallen asleep, head buried into Scorpius' chest. Scorpius gently ran his fingers through Albus' hair before, he too, drifted off to sleep. He would occasionally wake at the sound of a train going past the nearby train line, but he was able to sleep. He swore he would hear the door open at some point in the night, but maybe he was hearing things.


I nearly had to rewrite the whole chapter, but I only had to rewrite a little of the last part so it wasn't too bad.

I hope you are enjoying, feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading :))

I LIKE YOU-A SCORBUS  STORYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora