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Scorpius spent the next few days sick in bed. Albus came and visited him every afternoon, sitting next to him and holding his hand. They would talk to each other and Albus would study whenever Scorpius was asleep. It was now Sunday and Scorpius was finally feeling better. Albus was over helping him catch up on the two days of school he missed. Time was moving quickly and the two stopped for a break. They sat at the end of Scorpius' bed and curled up next to each other, Scorpius turning on the small TV.

"I don't know what to watch." Scorpius said looking down at Albus who was leaning on his shoulder.

Albus shrugged. "We don't have to watch anything. We could just sit here and stare into the emptiness that is a black TV screen."

"I do that too often when I can't sleep, the only thing that's different is that its not dark and I can't see people from my dreams." Scorpius half joked.

"You can see me now though. Right?" Albus said trying not to laugh.

Scorpius shoved Albus playfully.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny." Scorpius said only a little sarcastically and a little nervously, laughing a little.

Albus rested his head back on Scorpius' shoulder and sighed.

"What do you mean when you say you see people from your dreams?" Albus asked out of curiosity.

"oh, well sometimes I wake up at night and can't get back to sleep so I sit up and stare into the tv screen. Sometimes I think can see people in the TV." Scorpius explained.

"Like who?"

"um, My mum and dad." Scorpius paused before saying something so quietly Albus couldn't quite hear.

"Sorry, what was that last part? I couldn't hear."

"I-err said, 'and you.'" Scorpius said in a quiet mumble, loud enough for Albus to hear.

Albus looked up at Scorpius but he was looking elsewhere, clearly avoiding making eye contact. Scorpius could feel Albus' eyes burn into the side of his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment. Albus didn't know why he was so embarrassed. It was the truth. Scorpius did have dreams where Albus were in them. They weren't all good dreams though. He had constant nightmares about losing the only two people he had left that loved him. That he loved. Scorpius would dream of something bad happening to Albus or his father. Dreams about losing them like he lost his mother. His mother. She would often appear in his dreams as if to shine light on dark and grim situations. Scorpius missed her. Everyday.

"come on, let's go get ice-cream." Albus offered, getting up. He held out his hand for Scorpius to take.

Scorpius finally looked up at Albus and took his hand, Albus pulled him up and dragged him out the door and downstairs. Scorpius stopped him when they reached the front door.

"At least let me get money to pay for my ice-cream before you drag me out the door like an excited child!" Scorpius laughed. Albus was quick to speak.

"Don't worry, I'll pay." He said quickly grabbing Scorpius' hand again and opening the door.

Albus dragged Scorpius behind him for a while before he slowed down and allowed Scorpius to stand next to him. It didn't phase either of them that were holding hands out in public where anyone could see. Scorpius looked down at their joined hands halfway on their journey to get ice-cream and looked up at Albus. Albus turned to look at Scorpius and just smiled. Scorpius liked this. Walking together, holding hands. As soon as Albus spotted the ice-cream shop, he began to drag Scorpius along again. Scorpius laughed as he was being dragged along. The shop looked empty, so Scorpius didn't bother freeing himself from Albus' grip. Once inside, Albus slowed to let Scorpius catch up. They were still holding hands. Albus didn't take notice of the server behind the counter but Scorpius sure did. Crap. He looked down at his hand that was wrapped around Albus' just as Albus let go to look at the flavours. Scorpius stood just inside the doorway staring at Albus and then looking at the girl behind the counter. Polly Chapman. Of course it had to be the one who basically walked in on Albus and Scorpius making out. Scorpius hoped she hadn't seen them holding hands, but she clearly had. She was staring straight back at Scorpius.

"Hi Scorpius, Albus, what can I get for you two today?" She said trying to be cheery, still staring at Scorpius.

Scorpius decided to walk over to Albus. Standing next to him, Scorpius looked down at all the flavours. Albus looked up at Polly and his eyes widened. Polly was still staring at Scorpius and it made Albus uncomfortable.

"I would just like a scoop of cookie dough please." Scorpius said without looking up.

Albus looked at Scorpius, who was now looking at him.

"So," Polly spoke. "Since when were you two a thing?"

Albus and Scorpius both went red almost immediately. Scorpius' hand immediately went to fiddle with the bracelet.

"We-we aren't a-" Scorpius tried to speak but was cut off by Polly.

"I'm not that oblivious." She said handing Scorpius his ice-cream.

She looked at Albus waiting for him to order.

"I'll just get the same as Scorpius." Albus said awkwardly.

Polly nodded and started scooping the ice-cream into a cone.

"You haven't told anyone, have you?" Scorpius asked, getting extremely nervous.

Polly handed Albus his ice-cream before answering.

"No, I haven't, why would I? You haven't done anything to me beside help with my homework." She shrugged. "I wouldn't just ruin someone's life for no reason."

"Please don't tell anyone." Albus spoke up.

"I won't." She said. "That will be 6 dollars by the way."

Albus handed over the money and Polly smiled.

"Thanks." She said taking the money. "You two make a cute couple."

"Um Thanks?" Albus said awkwardly, not knowing how to reply.

"No problem, see you at school tomorrow." She smiled before disappearing out the back of the store.

Albus and Scorpius walked together with their ice-creams, there was an awkward silence all the way back to Scorpius' house. They had just finished their ice-creams. They both went up to Scorpius' room to keep studying. 


I am really happy with the story so far and I'm currently halfway through writing chapter 8.

I hope you are enjoying reading


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