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Walking home, Scorpius couldn't help but worry about Albus. He thought about his green eyes, that stared into Scorpius' own grey ones, with worry. With distress. Scorpius only wished he could do something, though, he feared he would only make things worse. Scorpius has never been a good liar. He would always do something that would give something away. He remembered his mother telling him one day to embrace his flaws, after he had come home from school crying. So, Scorpius decided to think of his ability not to lie as a good thing. He didn't like lying anyway. Did he? He had tried to lie to people multiple times in the past, only to let the guilt eat him up inside so much that he breaks. He had once spoiled Albus' surprise party when he was 5 because he felt bad, knowing Albus didn't like surprises.

When ever he looks in Albus' eyes, all he can see is the pain that is eating away at him. The stress of trying to keep their relationship a secret. Scorpius knew how he felt. It was awful. He didn't know what to do. He is not only a terrible liar, but he is also terrible at trying to make people feel better, despite what Albus says, he knows he isn't that good. On multiple occasions has he had to try and cheer Albus up. All he could say were a few awkward words, and though someone else might say it was pointless for him to even try, it never failed to make Albus smile, even if it was only a little.

Scorpius reached his front gate and stopped at it. He looked up at his window for a moment, before opening the gate and walking through the garden. He picked a few flowers before going inside. His father wasn't at the table so Scorpius suspected that he must be in his office. Scorpius ran upstairs, not wanting to disturb his father, and placed the flowers in a cup of water that he had on his desk. He sat down at his desk and once again took out his sketch book and a few pencils. Scorpius had always wondered where he had learnt to draw. He could always just do it. It was as if he was born with the ability. Scorpius decided to draw the flowers. He traced their design onto the paper without even looking.

He continued this till he had forgotten the time and by the time he had finished it was raining outside. It was nearly 8pm and he had forgotten all about his father. Scorpius walked to his father's office and knocked on the door. No answer.

"Dad?" Scorpius called out. "I'm sorry I didn't come find you when I got home."

Yet there was still no answer. Scorpius turned the door handle slowly before pushing the door open. Scorpius' eyes darted around the room. The room was empty. Untouched. He went back out into the hallway, trying to stay calm.

"Dad? Are you home?" Scorpius yelled. "Dad?"

There was no answer. No noise. Scorpius ran back downstairs, running in and out of every room before stumbling into his mother's old office. He hadn't been in here since she passed away. Scorpius walked over to her desk and ran his fingers over the wooden desktop, picking up pieces of dust. He picked up a picture frame that was on her desk. The picture was a family picture. Scorpius was 7 in the picture, his mother and father stood on either side of him. They were all smiling. They were all happy. Scorpius sat down, leaning against the wall and pulling his knees up. The picture frame set on the ground next to him, he hugged his knees, burring his head in his knees as well.

He sat like that, listening to the rain, before he found himself crying. He hadn't even heard the door open and close. Draco rushed in, soaking wet.

"Scorpius?" he called out before he heard sobs coming from Astoria's old office. The door half open.

Draco walked over and opened the door, finding Scorpius curled up. He spotted the picture frame and sighed.

"Scorpius, I'm sorry, my phone died just as I went to call you to tell you I would be late." He said, crouching down next to his son, who looked up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I thought I had lost you, dad." Scorpius sobbed. "I couldn't find you."

"You won't lose me, Scorpius."

"I don't want to lose you, dad." Scorpius buried his head back in his knees again. "I know you don't like anyone coming in here. I didn't mean to. I-I'm sorry dad."

"It's alright Scorpius." Draco said. "Now, I have some leftovers from last night if you want something to eat."

Scorpius shook his head. "I'm not hungry. I think I will just go to bed."

"Alright." Draco nodded, standing up. "I will leave you be."

Draco left and Scorpius made his way up to his bedroom. He got changed before curling up in bed. He got out his phone and messaged Albus.

Scorpius: Everything going ok?

Albus: Yeah, mum didn't ask me anything and Lilly didn't say anything to dad.

Scorpius: Good.

Albus: You alright?

Scorpius: I'm fine.

I'm not.

Albus: ok. See you tomorrow.

Scorpius closed his phone and turned off his light. He knew he wasn't fine. He hated it. He hated the whole feeling. I'm a horrible liar. Scorpius could barely get to sleep that night. Tossing and turning. Tossing and turning. His mind keeping him awake.

He woke the next morning after the small amount of sleep he had got. He got up and went downstairs.

"Good morning, Scorpius." Draco said, pushing a plate of pancakes towards Scorpius.

"Morning, dad." Scorpius said sitting down and almost devouring the pancakes. He was famished, his stomach threatening to throw up the food he had never eaten. Scorpius went and got ready for school.

He walked alone. Telling himself that he was ok. His father wasn't gone. Albus wasn't gone. As Scorpius walked, he felt more and more scared of what was going to happen at school. Were the rumours of him and Albus growing? Would he be able to lie to Albus any longer? Scorpius didn't know, and it scared him. No. It absolutely terrified him. It hurt him. Every second of it hurt. Scorpius knew he didn't want Albus to know. He needed Albus to stay happy. To love him. He needs Albus. All Scorpius could think about were the constant nightmares about losing him. He couldn't lose him. The worst part of all this is that Scorpius loves Albus.

Scorpius loves Albus.


I don't know how many more chapters I will write but I will continue till I run out of ideas.

Thanks again for reading and voting :)

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