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Scorpius woke up late in the afternoon, he turned to the side and saw a sleeping Albus, curled up next to him. Somehow, during their sleep, they had intertwined their fingers. Scorpius smiled, not moving from his position next to Albus. He leaned over and kissed Albus' forehead softly. This seemed to make Albus wake up. Albus stretched and buried his head into Scorpius' neck.

"Afternoon." Scorpius said, laughing softly.

"mph" Albus groaned, making Scorpius laugh even more.

Albus opened his eyes more and noticed he was holding Scorpius' hand, quickly letting go, feeling embarrassed. He looked up at Scorpius who was smiling at him. Albus blushed.

"Forgotten I was, here did you?" Scorpius teased Albus, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

Albus shrugged, sitting up next to Scorpius and leaning against his shoulder. Scorpius enjoyed Albus' company and they sat there for a few minutes, sitting next to each other silently, before Scorpius spoke up.

"Does your family know about you? Us?" Scorpius asked out of curiosity.

"No, not yet." Albus said shaking his head. "I'm not ready to tell them anything."

Scorpius nodded, understanding.


"I kind of told my dad that you kissed me and that I liked it." Scorpius said hesitantly.

Albus looked up at Scorpius for a brief moment.

"You really liked it?" he asked as if they had only just kissed for the first time.

"Yes Albus, I thought that was pretty obvious by now." Scorpius replied poking Albus' side gently, laughing.

Albus laughed with Scorpius, giggling like crazy. They ended up in a tangled mess of hugs, kissing each other every now and then. They were interrupted by a short knock on the door, causing them both to spring up into a sitting position. Scorpius' face was flushed and Albus was staring at his hands, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Both were acting extremely awkward.

"Yeah dad?" Scorpius said after a few seconds and the door opened, Draco stepping in.

"I was wondering if Albus would like to stay for dinner?" Draco asked, addressing Albus, who looked up.

"I-I should get going, my parents told me to be home before dinner." Albus said shyly before standing up and grabbing his bag.

Draco nodded, leaving the two alone again. Scorpius grabbed Albus' wrist before he left and handed him the diary. Albus' cheeks suddenly turned pink and he looked up at Scorpius.

"I didn't read anything." Scorpius lied quickly. He heard Albus sigh in relief.

"Thank you." Albus said before embracing Scorpius in a hug. Scorpius hugged back, kissing Albus' forehead.

Albus turned to leave, Scorpius followed. He watched Albus awkwardly stumble through the front garden and out of the gate. He turned back to see if Scorpius was still watching and when he saw he was, he smiled.

Scorpius seemed particularly happy during dinner. Draco picked it up almost instantly.

"Fixed things with Albus I see." He commented, Scorpius only nodded.

Draco stood up and left the table, explaining he had work to do. Scorpius finished soon after, going to his bedroom to read. He woke the next morning a little late, he didn't want to go to school again. The only thing he wanted to do was spend time with Albus, his father had told Scorpius he had to go to school today though.

Afternoon rolled around and Albus walked back to Scorpius' place the two sat together, talking for a while before Albus went to use the bathroom. Scorpius took this time to get changed out of the clothes he had been wearing. He was frantically trying to find a t-shirt when he heard the door open. Albus blushed at the sight of seeing Scorpius shirtless. Scorpius stared at Albus, embarrassment plastered on his face. Albus was pulling Scorpius closer, kissing him desperately. Scorpius smirked as he could still feel Albus' embarrassment. He rolled off the wall, and went over to his bed, falling backwards so that Albus was on top of him. Albus balanced himself up with one hand, the other trailed down Scorpius' chest.

A knock on the door caused Albus to spring off Scorpius and tumble onto the floor. Scorpius sat up, breathing heavily.

"Yeah?" Scorpius called out, trying to sound as steady as he could.

The door opened and Polly Chapman poked her head around the doorway. She stared at the two unsure of what was going on. Albus sitting on the ground awkwardly and Scorpius, shirtless, sitting on the bed, breathing heavily as if he had just been on a run.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." Polly was the first to break the awkward silence in the air.

"Polly, I totally forgot." Scorpius tried to act calm, inside he was freaking out.

"It's not what it looks like." Albus blurted out suddenly. Both pairs of eyes were now on him, Albus tried to ignore them, standing up.

Polly was about to leave again but Scorpius told her to stay, mentally slapping himself for not letting her leave.

"It's fine, really." She assured him.

"No, ah, we can all study together!" He said desperately trying to find an excuse. "That's what we were doing anyway, right Albus?"

Albus took a while to respond but eventually nodded. Polly didn't believe them for one second but went along with it not wanting to embarrass them. Scorpius reached for the shirt he had on previously and fixed his hair, which was all over the place. The three sat down, Albus reading in awkward silence while Scorpius tried to help Polly with her homework. Albus hated her whiney voice and couldn't stand her being there. Scorpius glanced at Albus, who was staring at them. Albus quickly looked away and went back to reading. Scorpius sighed, this wouldn't have happened if he had just remembered the first time, or even just said no. He tried to be nice, but it was bugging him that Albus looked as if he was growing more and more frustrated. Scorpius couldn't work out if he needed help or if he was annoyed at the fact that Polly Chapman walked in on them. 


Hi peoples! This is the last full chapter I have written but I am working on chapter 6 which shouldn't take long to finish!

Hope you are enjoying reading!

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