"Thanks for these, by the way." I awkwardly gestured at the bottles as I started a third and Harry shrugged as he rubbed his jaw.

"Was Liam's idea."

"Liam's here?" I looked up at Harry whose jaw was set as he looked anywhere but me and shook his head.


I swallowed as I nodded slightly, focusing my eyes on my bed instead of Harry who seemed intent on pretending I didn't exist.

I licked my lips as I lifted myself off the bed slowly, my legs wobbling as I stood, my balance absolutely shit and I swallowed as I tried to stay upright. Harry's hand shot out to grip my wrist as I took a step forward and I gave him a grateful smile.

I took a few moments before I tried to walk again and found myself a bit more steady as I headed to my chest of drawers and pulled out some clean clothes before making sure I had my bottle and headed towards the bathroom.

"Flower?" Harry called and I paused, turning to look at him over my shoulder only to find him purposefully making his way towards me.

Harry's lips met mine and I had to hang onto his arm just to make sure I stayed up right as our lips moved against one another and I almost felt like crying again.

"Missed you too."

Harry barely moved back enough to speak before he pressed his lips onto my own again and my lips turned up into a smile around his, his hand cradling my jaw as his tongue swiped across my bottom lip.

"Brush your teeth."

Harry instructed as he pulled away and I was left red faced as he gestured for me to go to the bathroom before he left my room.

I waited for the water to heat up in silence, my head spinning with not only the fact that the longer I was awake the more aware I became of how hungry I was but also because slowly but surely I was remembering stuff.

I'd only been gone for three days, it had felt like a life time.

But even three days was bad enough, I'd missed almost a week of classes but at least Ollie wouldn't know anything was wrong. That was a godsend, and the fact that Harry was well you know, alive.

I sat on the floor of my shower for a while, just letting the water pound down onto me as I relished in the fact that I was okay.

I was okay and home and with Harry and everything was normal.

She's a Carmichael. I wasn't going to let you get away with it, was I?

My eyes shot open, the water stinging them for a minute as I scrambled to stand upright, the voice resonating in my head. The words making me shiver despite the near burning temperate I had the shower on.

I had to have been going crazy.

Maybe it was from dehydration or lack of food, or lack of sleep, anything that would have made my brain believe even the wildest of ideas.

There was simply, no way that could have been my Father.

I knew I was stupid, fuck my Father told me so enough, but I wasn't stupid enough to truly believe it had been him. There was no reason for it to have been, it was simply the stupidest thing I'd ever heard.

I rinsed my conditioner out easily before washing myself fairly quickly and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself before I started to dry my hair and my body.

I certainly wasn't going to tell Harry about my crazy idea.

I had to restrain myself from calling out for Harry as I left my room, my tongue running against my teeth as I walked, it was weird the things you never realised you took for granted.

flower. h.s ✔️Where stories live. Discover now